Social Question

rebbel's avatar

"I just love the asphalt in this city; the color, the sound it makes when you drive on it, even the smell!" Who could have said this? [Details inside].

Asked by rebbel (35553points) March 8th, 2012

Okay, well done, you are correct!
What other statements Mitt Romney could have made (will still (possibly) make?), that were as dense and meaningless as his right height trees one?
Obviously it is impossible to know what he is going to say exactly, but this is merely for fun.
So, go on, put some trivial and insignificant words in Mitt’s mouth!

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8 Answers

filmfann's avatar

“Wow! Fluther is a great internet web site! If you want to know what a dream meant, or how to make someone like you, or anything to do with fixing a computer, this is the place to ask! And Augustlan seems very hip! No wonder they say she’s mod!”

ragingloli's avatar

I was going to say Mitt Romney.

janbb's avatar

Dogs just love being in airtight containers with the wind rushing past their ears.

Dutchess_III's avatar

All I want to say about that is this that that isn’t the language i would have used. (Lower case ‘i’ to indicate that he wasn’t talking about himself.)

Coloma's avatar

He must be talking about the roads in Utah. Paved with red sandstone colored asphalt.
He’s cruisn’ the red road to Beaver. lol

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Coloma “Beaver” is not the language I would have used to refer to…the place that men like me go for on sluts who think birth control is necessary.

ETpro's avatar

Not so odd. Obviously, Bain Capital owns a paving contractor.

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