Social Question

wundayatta's avatar

What is the best contribution to humanity you have?

Asked by wundayatta (58730points) March 10th, 2012

This isn’t the same as what you think your best talent is. Rather, this is what you think your best talent is that the rest of humanity could benefit from, in their opinion. If you were really going to help the rest of us out, what would you be doing?

Is this the same as what you do now? Do you enjoy doing this? What do you wish people would see as your best contribution, if it is different from what you think they want? How do you explain the difference between what you think is your best thing and what other people think is your best thing?

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29 Answers

SpeedskaterMan's avatar

I would be great at teaching speedskating to those who want to learn.

CaptainHarley's avatar

I can effectively mediate between clashing factions.

ragingloli's avatar

This deadly, incurable, and highly infectious virus that only targets humans.

Sunny2's avatar

Staying calm when people around me are angry, upset, or panicking.

Berserker's avatar

Nothing. Or not enough of anything that would actually change anything, realistically speaking. unless zombies happen

ETpro's avatar

My kids.

SpeedskaterMan's avatar

@ETpro how old are your kids?

harple's avatar

My ability to teach a not-so-common instrument, in a way that leaves others enthused and empowered. Yes, I do do this now, and having spent a few years where I didn’t do this then returning to it, I wouldn’t do anything differently with my life now.

chewhorse's avatar

That I’ll no longer be contributing to over-population.

downtide's avatar

I don’t have anything that I can contribute.

chewhorse's avatar

@downtide That’s really difficult to believe.. At the very least your contributing as a witness to the beauty of existence.. There are many ways that you contribute, you just have to dig deeper.

Blackberry's avatar

I’m not a bad person?

ETpro's avatar

@SpeedskaterMan I have 2 generations going. My elder son is 46 and the younger is 26. My first child, a daughter, died shortly after bringing my first grandchild into the world. I now have 11 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Helping people see the excitement or specialness in every day, mundane things.

wundayatta's avatar

I’m with you, @downtide. I would like to form a club of useless people. Such a club would give useless people a purpose, thus destroying the need for the club. Sigh. Nothing ever works out right.

I think I’ll go eat some worms.

Or make worm soup.

Anyone know any good worm recipes? That could be a contribution?

CaptainHarley's avatar


Sorry, but the Democrats already beat you to it! : D

wundayatta's avatar

I am de democrats, @CaptainHarley!

Dutchess_III's avatar

I am too, now. I wasn’t de democrat until the republicans started making such fools of themselves. I wanted to distance myself from them as far as possible. When I voted for Obama I did so as an independent.

wundayatta's avatar

I watched the HBO movie about Sarah Palin last night. Wow! Things were scarier even than I thought! What was really odd was that the movie predicted Rush Limbaugh shooting himself in the foot. Had they released it a week earlier, they would have looked so prescient!

HungryGuy's avatar

I know that many people here regard my genre of fiction and online games as “lowbrow.” But I have a sizable fan-base, if I do say so myself, thank you very much. My creativity gives many people pleasure, so I think I contribute my fair share to humanity, even if I’m not researching a cure for cancer or developing green energy solutions.

Berserker's avatar

@HungryGuy I don’t find your interests and field of fiction lowborw at all, although you probably already know that by now. I’m not an expert in any of that stuff, but I find a lot of it fascinating and fun. I myself wish there was a lot more vore stuff out there for me to explore, for example.

HungryGuy's avatar

Thanks @Symbeline :-D
I have a few friends on Fluther :)

You know I have a vore area in my Edge Play deli, right?

ETpro's avatar

@HungryGuy Yes, I will affirm that.

Berserker's avatar

@ETpro You might like his Edge Play game then. ^^

ETpro's avatar

@Symbeline & @HungryGuy For the sake of my marriage, I jolly well better pass on that opportunity. I should have been more specific. I second being a friend on Fluther to @HungryGuy. :-)

Shippy's avatar

Thank you for this question. Wow for me it is powerful in a way could turn my whole world around. I see myself as a teacher, more like a developmental teacher or humanitarian. I live in South Africa where skill sets are lacking, lost generations, I would love to bridge that gap.

I am also known as a healer, (yes I am currently healing myself!). How can I implement this new found realization? I believe in opportunity through education, (sorry my mind is all over with this) as well as a huge underprivileged traumatized police force. I could see myself debriefing them and offering counseling. I did see this as possible once before, but never knew where to start, who to contact, who would listen.

As government systems are designed I feel not to get your ideas through. I would love to offer these services. I just don’t know who to approach and I do have some back ground in Psychology sociology. This is what I can contribute to my country, its people and make a difference. If I wasn’t so defeated before I begin. By changing lives and enabling in positive ways makes for change and a positive life. Maybe I would submit a tender? but how…

HungryGuy's avatar

@ETpro – Cool! I need all the friends I can get :-p

chewhorse's avatar

I guess my best contribution would be just staying out of the way.. I would like to create a micro universal translator though.. One language from many voices and what would be the perfect language but the one you now use so that what others say to you comes through the translator in your language.

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