Social Question

jehnstewart's avatar

Past relationship status on facebook?

Asked by jehnstewart (358points) March 17th, 2012

What if facebook has relationship status that says:
Has a past relationship with____;
“would you mind putting your ex’s name?”

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22 Answers

mangeons's avatar

Why would you just want to remind yourself and others of a relationship that didn’t work out?

blueiiznh's avatar

I Would not. I simply don’t understand the mentality of airing this kind of stuff to the world.

But if I were to:
Had a past relationship with an ex

Had a past relationship with my right hand and now my left hand is jealous

It’s just silly to do this.

john65pennington's avatar

Another point: unwanted people, that might be looking for you or your ex and did not know each of yours last name, could associate you and your ex, with this information.

From a safety standpoint, I would leave it alone.

keobooks's avatar

I wouldn’t I think of most of my exes that I’m friends with on FB as FRIENDS. If they are just exes, they are not my friends and I don’t associate with them on FB.

I don’t elaborate on my friendship status with people who are not related to me. I don’t say “Former BFF from middle school” and I think ex boyfriend is just TMI for facebook friends.

Friends are friends no matter what the status. I do put them in categories so I can send messages to groups. (Like nobody but my summer camp friends would care that they moved our summer camp from the old place to a new camp across the State..)

wundayatta's avatar

Well, I don’t put much of anything on Facebook. I prefer to control information personally, not in any rule-based way. Facebook takes too much work. I’d never add this kind of information. And if I did, it would just be for me since I wouldn’t share it with anyone.

Now if I had facebook since I was in college—maybe I’d be able to remember all the relationships I’d had.

TexasDude's avatar

Would there be a point to that?

cazzie's avatar

I don’t even have my current relationship status filled in on facebook. Not something I can commit to. (My own silly ironic joke.)

How about everyone list their past sexual partners and the VD’s they have been treated for as a result. That seems like it would be at least of some practical use.

zensky's avatar

No. But welcome to fluther.

filmfann's avatar

Why not a list of people under the heading “Women I have fucked.”?

CaptainHarley's avatar

LMAO!!! @filmfann

“Past relationship with my ex-wife, that materialistic, nagging, money-grabbing, b***ch!”


Ela's avatar

My facebook is private. I only add very close friends and family so everyone on my Facebook knows who my ex is.
Beside it’s no ones business, imo.

wundayatta's avatar

Wait a minute! Doesn’t Google take care of all this already? Isn’t that how they target their ads?

janbb's avatar

I don’t even put my current relationship status on FB.

AshLeigh's avatar

Oh jeeez. No.
I try to forget about those guys.

CaptainHarley's avatar


The list is long, but distinguished, eh? LOL!

AshLeigh's avatar

@CaptainHarley Haha.
It’s a short list, filled with all of my favorite mistakes.

linguaphile's avatar

Ick! I don’t even have a picture of my ex husband on my FB!!

CaptainHarley's avatar


LOL! Yeah, yeah, yeah! : P

PurpleClouds's avatar

I would not put my spouse’s name on there. It’s Facebook, not reality.

CaptainHarley's avatar


[ Thinks really hard and fast ] Uhhhh…. yeah! : D

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