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rebbel's avatar

(#1) 1001 Things To Do With ......: Match sticks. Care to come up with other uses for matches?

Asked by rebbel (35553points) March 24th, 2012

I thought it a nice idea to take a common object and see what, besides their original use, we can do with it.
So, apart from the original use of a match stick (namely strike it and use the flame to light something), what other use of matches can you think of?
Did you build a doll’s house with them? Repaired your car using some match sticks? Alternative tooth pick?
Other things?

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12 Answers

janbb's avatar

Clean the wax out of my ears.

Sunny2's avatar

Design mazes for someone to follow with a toothpick.

ragingloli's avatar

Building a house. Stabbing my little sister in the eye.

LuckyGuy's avatar

We used to make match rockets with them. Great fun.
Stick a pin in the head, Wrap it with Aluminum foil. Remove the pin and set it on a wire frame made with a bent paper clip. Then hold a lit match underneath the head and…, Zoom! Watch it fly! Don’t set the house on fire.

—On second thought…. I never did this! Don’t do it. Just kidding. Your mileage may vary.—-

rebbel's avatar

In elementary school we made these things with matches (and chestnuts).

ragingloli's avatar

When I was small, those trees had not even evolved yet.

chyna's avatar

I can’t remember what I saw this on, but it was recently, that to keep yourself from crying while cutting up an onion, hold a matchstick in your teeth.

dappled_leaves's avatar

Use them as score keepers in Munchkin.

ucme's avatar

Splints for Tom Cruise in the unfortunate event of him ever breaking a leg….he does his own stunts, so he keeps on telling everyone.

Coloma's avatar

Become a little match boy/girl. Sell them to sad matchless people.

Light them and throw them at people you do not like, preferably at their hair. Pfffft!

Build hurdles for jumping spiders and have jumping spider hurdles races

Coloma's avatar

I can share 1–1001 uses for Astroglide. lol
I once used Astroglide to lube a huge alligator lizard that got stuck in drainage a hole in a stack of flower pots under my deck.
Worked like a charm. haha

ratboy's avatar

Break off their little heads, discard the stupid sticks and light up your life.

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