Social Question

wundayatta's avatar

How do you get into a position where you have to "dump" someone?

Asked by wundayatta (58727points) April 11th, 2012

I was asking myself if I had ever dumped anyone in my life, and while I have been the one to initiate the end of a relationship, I can’t think of a time I have dumped anyone. This, however, could easily be because of my bad memory. I tend to forget bad things pretty easily, and these days, I have a hard time remembering what questions I answered on fluther an hour ago.

Still, it seems to me you have to arrive at a position where your expectations from each other are quite different if someone is going to have to do some dumping. That means that, on some level someone’s expectations have been raised past where they should have been.

How does that happen? How do you get to the point where you have to dump someone?

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11 Answers

janbb's avatar

I think being the one who “initiates the end of a relationship” is being the one who dumps someone. It is just a common slang term for breaking up with and while not a pleasant term, doesn’t, in my mind, imply more than that. Are you using it in a more specialized, pejorative way?

wundayatta's avatar

I guess it sounds more vindictive to me. Like breaking up is something you do sadly, but dumping is something you do vindictively and with some kind of joyful malice.

janbb's avatar

I see what you are getting at. I suspect more people would say, “He (or she) dumped me” in a tone of aggrievement rather than “I dumped her (or him)” unless they were being intentionally crass.

Shippy's avatar

I agree with @janbb because people just grow seperate ways or move on, I’m not sure that dumped is a great word to use for that. Except to feel dumped.

Trillian's avatar

Guess I kinda did that many years ago. He kept calling and saying “I can’t believe you dumped me.”
I didn’t think of it as dumping him at the time, I just took all his crap out of my house and took it back to his place. His friend was there at the time but he wasn’t.
I wasn’t that vested in the relationship and he was a cheapskate. If he bought me a drink he called it “treating me”. “If I treat you to a drink, you should treat me to one.”
Not worth the effort, and my daughter hated him. She called him “dirtbag” to his face. She had priority in any case.
So yeah, I dumped his ass.

Charles's avatar

When someone better comes along?

judochop's avatar

The position I take is much like a lineman in football. I hunch down and when I hear ‘hike’ I slam in to her as hard as I can.

Bellatrix's avatar

Being dumped or dumping someone really just means a relationship has ended.

If you are on the receiving end of being told a relationship is over and you don’t feel ready to end it, you will probably feel you have been dumped. It doesn’t feel nice, regardless of how kindly the person gives you the message.

If you are the dumper, you may not view it as dumping the other person. You are letting them go though and sometimes, especially when the dumpee doesn’t want to go, that can lead to frustration and having to be fairly direct to get them to ‘get the message’. So, even if you want to be kind and caring on occasions you end up having to be blunt.

augustlan's avatar

“I dumped him” is equivalent to “I broke up with him”, just a little crass.

Sunny2's avatar

You get into the position of dumping someone by not speaking up sooner and letting your partner know when you begin to feel less than comfortable with the way things are going. It’s the suddenness of the action that makes it dumping, not the action itself. Breaking up is hard to do nicely, but it is possible.

Ponderer983's avatar

I dumped my ex because he was a coward and wouldn’t bring up the fact that the relationship had run its course in his mind. He put me in the position where I was fed up with his shit and dumped him. There was malice behind it because I was mad at him for not being a man and just talking to me about it like adults. Instead, he did childish antics and pushed me to the point where I had no choice but to end it. Yeah I’m a bitch – and what?!?!? LOL

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