Social Question

creative1's avatar

Are you this Jelly? The Jelly below me_Part 39?

Asked by creative1 (12071points) May 6th, 2012

The game rules are:

Respond to the question/statement from the poster above.
Ex: I might make the statement:
The Jelly below me drinks 10 cups of coffee daily

The response might be:
False! I hate coffee or,

Then they might state:
The Jelly below me has blond hair.

There are no right or wrong answers, so be as creative as your heart desires.

Happily, this is becoming the Never Ending TJBM Game. Hopefully most all Jellies will join in.

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583 Answers

creative1's avatar

TJBM is going to have a picnic today

cookieman's avatar

Close. I am going to have a barbecue today. We got the most amazing broccoli rabe sausages from the butcher…

TJBM frequents a local butcher for their meats.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

True for lamb, beef steak, and sausage

TJBM hasn’t even yet thought about Sunday dinner.

@cprevite Do you mean the rapini is mixed into the sausage when you buy it?

reijinni's avatar

just chicken
TJBM is sleeping in today.

downtide's avatar

True. I got up at 10am instea dof my usual 7.30.

TJBM does not need to get up early tomorrow either.

rebbel's avatar

True. I wouldn’t call 8:15 early.
TJBM is doing the laundry today.

Fly's avatar

How did you know?

TJBM is wishes they had some chocolate milk right now.

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM likes Kiwi fruit

geeky_mama's avatar

Not as much as I like Kiwis (folks from New Zealand).

TJBM has coconut ‘milk’ instead of soy or dairy on their cereal.

linguaphile's avatar


TJBM is upside-down, inside-out, and turned all around.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Right-side up.

TJBM can curl their tongue.

digitalimpression's avatar

True, I’m doing it right now like an idiot in front of my monitor.
TJBM came home late last night smelling of cheap wine and cigarettes.

Coloma's avatar

Haha…no, but I did have a party and smelled of Belgian beer and french onion dip and cheese. lolol

TJBM is into the Enneagram personality profiling

reijinni's avatar

TJBM has tried camel’s milk.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

No camel’s milk, yet ;p

TJBM thinks they smell bbq hot dogs.

Fly's avatar

Nope! And thank goodness for that, since I don’t eat hot dogs.

TJBM is dreading Monday morning.

Coloma's avatar

False, but, I am dreading the hotter weather and all my yard chores and watering.
TJBM is going for a nature hike today

ratboy's avatar

Outdoors!? Give me a friggin’ break.
TJBM wears indoor galoshes and has its hiking cap lined with aluminum foil.

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM has heard of The Wanted

cookieman's avatar

@MollyMcGuire: Yes! They’re delicious. All hand made.

False. Tell me about it.

TJBM Has seen the Avengers Movie.

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM prefers reading books to watching movies

geeky_mama's avatar

True…but we’re going to see the Avengers this afternoon as a family.

TJBM likes pretty much anything Joss Whedon is involved in (re: movies, TV, web shows).

stardust's avatar

False. I watched Buffy back in the day and have had my fill
TJBM loves the feel of dewy grass on their bare feet in the morning

Dutchess_III's avatar

:) True!

TJBM loves the crunchy feel of a warm dirt road under their bare feet.

DaphneT's avatar

Just so long as there are no pebbles, rocks or other sharp prickly things!

TJBM has read Neal Stephenson’s latest book.

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM likes to read Ian Rankin

Dutchess_III's avatar

:( Haven’t heard of him.

TJBM likes to read John Grisham I’m gettin’ lazy!

Plucky's avatar

Not really. I used to, years ago.

TJBM has a stuffed animal/toy on their bed.

MilkyWay's avatar

True, Mr Bunny’s been on my bed for the last 13 years, ever since I got him on that trip to town with my mum when I was a toddler.
TJBM has a very good memory

Fly's avatar

True! I have a few select memories from when I was still a baby.

TJBM is really hating this allergy season.
I know I am…

Dutchess_III's avatar

No. Don’t have allergies.

TJBM needs a tetanus shot.

Ela's avatar

True. Been awhile since I got slugged in the arm with a bat…

tjbm needs a tentacle shot

Dutchess_III's avatar


TJBM has visions burned upon her brain she will never forget. take that!

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM wants a hug

linguaphile's avatar

Definitely true!!

TJBM wants to go on a long vacation, now!!

bewailknot's avatar

That would be wonderful, but unlikely.
TJBM is in a carpool.

cookieman's avatar

Nope. The very idea of a carpool makes me twitch. I adore my alone time while commuting. It’s where I listen to podcasts. I barely tolerate you at work, why the hell would I want to be jammed in a vehicle during rush hour with you?!

TJBM rides the train often.

AshLeigh's avatar

I’m afraid of trains, because of Anastasia…
TJBM has never been on a train.

bewailknot's avatar

no, but it has been 50 years since I was on a train
TJBM loves riding roller coasters

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I did when I was younger. It’s been a long time since I rode one.

TJBM owns a bicycle.

Bellatrix's avatar

I do. It doesn’t get used enough.

TJBM saw the super moon.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I looked outside but it just looked like a full moon to me. It was last night (Saturday night, right?) It looks the same tonight actually.

TJBM wears perfume.

AshLeigh's avatar

TJBM wears cologne.

Plucky's avatar

No. No perfume either.
TJBM loves riding roller-coasters.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I just answered this up a few posts.

TJBM is sleepy

AshLeigh's avatar

Not really. I should be, but I’m not.
TJBM doesn’t sleep enough.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

False. I sleep on my own schedule but I sleep plenty.

TJBM has blood sugar problems.

ratboy's avatar

You must be a mind reader! How did you know that I was a vampire with a sweet tooth?
TJBM owes $88,645,785,384.17 in back taxes.

Bellatrix's avatar

Oh dear. @ratboy is the tax man… I promise to pay it back a little each week.

TJBM had a fabulous day today and had coffee with some lovely people.

Plucky's avatar

It wasn’t quite fabulous and I don’t drink coffee.

TJBM has a TV in their bedroom.

Sorry about the repeat of roller-coasters, I looked but missed it I guess.

reijinni's avatar

nope, just a radio which I leave on all night.
TJBM doesn’t know which diet to do.

Coloma's avatar

False. I do the eat less move more diet. Never fails.
TJBM is expecting a close to 90 degree day today

geeky_mama's avatar

Wow!’ll be nice here (mid-70s) where I’m starting out..but I’m flying to a rainy weather place. :(

TJBM is having their piano tuned today.

blueiiznh's avatar

Nope, did that last year

TJBM has multiple piano’s

Coloma's avatar

False, but I have multiple drums I don’t wanna work I just want to bang on the drums all day lol

TJBM loves drums

cookieman's avatar

True – but sadly I don’t own any. I do have a piano ironically enough.

TJBM has seen the documentary “Being Elmo”.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM wants to be the next ruler of Syria.

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM laughs at @reijinni ‘s statements and thinks that he’s a weirdly funny chap.

Coloma's avatar

True. @reijinni is hard to read, sometimes extremely dry and others surprisingly witty

TJBM knows that @Coloma is not a serious type girls just wanna have fun

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Yupper dude-all How did the mowjob go??

TJBM had a mowjob lately.

Coloma's avatar

False, my mowjob & blowjob were Thursday. :-P

TJBM is having a hard time getting their poop together on Monday

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Coloma any day of the week, i have a hard time.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

No, I got is together.

TJBM is going to swear off Tequila – - – - – -Someday !

reijinni's avatar

never touched the stuff.
TJBM wants to try dotsies.

DaphneT's avatar

Not really sure about that. The screen size isn’t big enough for my old eyes.

TJBM has a favorite font.

MilkyWay's avatar

True, Comic Sans.
TJBM has a crush on someone

AshLeigh's avatar

I have a crush on my boyfriend.
TJBM has a crush on someone famous.

MilkyWay's avatar

True :/
TJBM is….

Coloma's avatar

Coloma…. :-P

TJBM has a giant bird poo on their cars windshield

bewailknot's avatar

Almost – it is on the hood – about 4 inches across.
TJBM has ridden in a car on a flatbed tow truck. (wave to the people)

creative1's avatar

No but a car of mine has been on a flatbed before

TJBM is lost without their car

blueiiznh's avatar

nope, nor am i lost in my car

tjbm skips breakfast often

Bellatrix's avatar

No. I always try to eat something. Even if it is just a protein shake as I run out the door.

TJBM has lost a good friend recently.

blueiiznh's avatar

:( yes, I lost my Dad in January

TJBM has a favorite comic book character and will tell us

bewailknot's avatar

yes – Bizarro World Superman
TJBM still watches cartoons on Saturday mornings

MilkyWay's avatar

Lol! False. But I remember doing that.
TJBM loves childhood memories

AshLeigh's avatar

Oh jeez. I see this right when I’m thinking about that time my mother, my brother, and I got kidnapped. LMAO.
TJBM has been kidnapped. :(

Bellatrix's avatar

Nooo… I don’t recall ever being kidnapped. Thank goodness. (Have you been kidnapped?).

TJBM has solar power.

AshLeigh's avatar

@Bellatrix I have been kidnapped. Haha. When I was eight.
Uh, no.
TJBM tastes the rainbow.

Bellatrix's avatar

Oh wow! That’s awful @AshLeigh! I am glad you are okay… :-( I have never tasted a rainbow? How does one do that? How do you get to the end of the rainbow to taste it?

TJBM has seen a rainbow in the last month (I have. It was very pretty!)

AshLeigh's avatar

I actually think it’s kind of funny now. Haha.
Skittles. That’s how you taste the rainbow. :)
And I saw one last week! :D
TJBM loves rainbows!

Bellatrix's avatar

Ohhhhhh Skittles. I never eat them.

I do love rainbows. They are beautiful and I saw one two weeks ago. In fact, I saw two!

TJBM has a dog that howls.

OpryLeigh's avatar

No, she doesn’t howl but she does talk a lot (it sounds like she is growling but I call it chatting seeing as it isn’t directed to anything that she is unhappy about!)

TJBM thinks they may be coming down with a cold.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM loves Gordon Ramsey.

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM knows he will have 3 shows on-air this summer.

geeky_mama's avatar

No, I didn’t know that! The only show I’m looking forward to this summer is True Blood. It’s my guilty pleasure each summer.

TJBM has read everything by Charlaine Harris.

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM will be watching FRINGE this Friday.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM is going noodlin’

DaphneT's avatar

No idea. What is it?

TJBM making something scrumptious for supper.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Well, I had white cheddar on a whole wheat roll and then some ice cream, so yeah that was scrumptious to me.

TJBM loves this game.

bewailknot's avatar

True, I do love it.
TJBM played hookey this week

MollyMcGuire's avatar

False. I don’t have to play hookey (smile)

TJBM is curious about TJAM’s user name.

bewailknot's avatar

TJAM is not really a shamrock but a green kitty (curious, tsk, tsk)
TJBM lives with more than 2 other people

reijinni's avatar

nope. @DaphneT, this is Noodlin’.
TJBM wants same-sex marriage to be the law of the land.

AshLeigh's avatar

I think it should be allowed. I would like to attend my sisters wedding, when the time comes. And I don’t want to travel to Canada to do so…
TJBM has been to Canada.

Bellatrix's avatar

No. It’s on my list of ‘must see’ places though. Can’t wait to see your beautiful country.

TJBM drinks hot toddies when they have a cold.

AshLeigh's avatar

What is that? XD
TJBM knows what that is.

geeky_mama's avatar

Yep, I used to date a hot Toddy back in the day. I don’t drink them though lots of cultures do something similar to treat a cold. (In Japan when I had a cold everyone pushed Tamagozake on me.)

TJBM is reading a good book and will share the title of it with us all.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, I am reading ” Spontaneous Evolution” our positive future and how to get there.
Excellent and thought provoking.

TJBM has been sooo busy they are wiped out

blueiiznh's avatar

very very busy. not wiped or whipped

tjbm wishes on stars

Bellatrix's avatar

No. I don’t wish on much really. Perhaps I should try it.

TJBM hates when Word eats documents before they are saved.

blueiiznh's avatar

omfg, YES!

tjbm hates when their dog eats their food before they do

Coloma's avatar

Haha…word sucks sometimes and my cats are too finicky to eat my foood. lol

TJBM dislkes perfectionists

Bellatrix's avatar

True. Although I do have moments when I fall into that category myself.

TJBM can never find sticky tape when they need some. Despite buying rolls and rolls of the stuff.

DaphneT's avatar

Hmm, sometimes I can’t find other things when I need them.

TJBM has someone in their life who is hypercritical and needs to chill.

thanks reijinni

AshLeigh's avatar

Of course.
TJBM is hysterical.

Bellatrix's avatar

No. That takes way too much effort.

TJBM has some non-stale Thornton’s choccies to share.

bewailknot's avatar

No, but I wish I did – they look tasty.
TJBM is a closet Vanilla Ice fan.

Bellatrix's avatar

Ice, ice baby… dee dee dee diddle de de… I hate Vanilla Ice. (The stale Thornton’s choccies were ewww).

TJBM takes the mickey out of other people’s accents.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I don’t know what that means.

TJBM knows what it means.

reijinni's avatar

making fun of other people’s speech.
TJBM has done a G+ hangout.

AshLeigh's avatar

… I don’t know what that means.
TJBM is wearing a necklace.

creative1's avatar

nope but a pearl necklace would be a nice one to have on about now

TJBM likes oysters

AshLeigh's avatar

I don’t.
TJBM doesn’t like seafood.

Bellatrix's avatar

I do, but not oysters. I love most other seafood though.

TJBM thinks the new sculpture for the UK Olympics looks like someone went a bit mad with the mechano set.

bewailknot's avatar

True, but it is somehow beautiful
TJBM desperately needs a pedicure

Bellatrix's avatar

I have never had a pedicure. They keep showing exposés on the news over here about salons not sterilising their equipment so it makes me very nervous about fungus infections and the like.

TJBM likes to get a nice box of chocolates as a present every now and then.

Coloma's avatar

Yes and no. Yes, because I love chocolate. No, because I will eat the whole box within 48 hours. haha

TJBM squeezes the chocolates to see what’s inside. Only if it is their very own box. haha

AshLeigh's avatar

No, I just bite it in half. Hah.
TJBM loves chocolate. :D

Coloma's avatar

True. Now I must go to bed and dream of chocolate. :-)

TJBM needs to call it a night too

AshLeigh's avatar

I should. But I’m reading, and it’s just getting good! :D
TJBM reads a lot.

Bellatrix's avatar

I do. For work and pleasure. The work stuff gets a bit tedious at times. I love reading for pleasure though. I just bought a Kindle recently (inspired by another jelly). It broke though and I am now trying to register the replacement.

TJBM will tell us what she is reading.

AshLeigh's avatar

The second Hunger Games book, Catching Fire, I Am Not A Serial Killer, and the first of The Garden Trilogy, Wither. All good books. :) At the moment, it’s Catching fire.
TJBM will tell us what they’re reading. :D

Bellatrix's avatar

I haven’t read the Hunger Games books yet. I am still reading Bleak House by Charles Dickens and Regeneration by Pat Barker. I had to stop reading when my Kindle broke but I have a new one and it is now registered.

TJBM has a Kindle or ebook reader?

AshLeigh's avatar

@Bellatrix, I didn’t think I’d like them, but they’re actually really good. The movie sucked in comparison though. XD
I don’t like electronic reading. I like actual books.
TJBM agrees that the book is always better than the movie.

Bellatrix's avatar

I do. I can’t think of a movie I have liked better than the book.

TJBM will know I have gone off to have my dinner now. Nite nite.

AshLeigh's avatar

Night night.
TJBM is up past their bed time!

MilkyWay's avatar

False, it 2 pm here.
TJBM is off to town for a spot of shopping.

Coloma's avatar

False. 10:07 am Sat. here. I slept in til 9:30 and am just easing into being awake now. lol

TJBM is dying to take off for a few days somewhere

reijinni's avatar

not really
TJBM misses music on AM radio.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Not really.

TJBM is constipated.

AshLeigh's avatar

Haha. I don’t believe so. XD
TJBM just had lunch.

reijinni's avatar

yep and onwards to dinner.
TJBM has trouble defining ‘normal’.

AshLeigh's avatar

TJBM likes slang words. :D

MilkyWay's avatar

True, they’re fun. But I feel really weird using them in a conversation.
TJBM has a grammar teacher as a parent

Dutchess_III's avatar

No, that would be my kids have a grammar teacher as a parent! (I got Gail Called, though. :)

TJBM Wants a McD’s cheesburger and fries.

Coloma's avatar, but I am craving pizza…sooo not on my diet. lol

TJBM is having a relaxing Saturday

reijinni's avatar

better than Thursday
TJBM has declared a fatwa on McDonald’s.

Bellatrix's avatar

Not a fatwa… we don’t go there though. I think I could count on one hand how often I have been to Maccas in 10 years.

TJBM has a special surprise for their Mum today.

DaphneT's avatar

No, she’s got a surplus of surprises and things and ephemera and other unnecessaries, my goal is peace and quiet.

TJBM is repeatedly astounded by the actions of the Republican Party members…

Coloma's avatar

False. I don’t identify with politics at all. I’m only astounded by the overall stupidity of everyone, regardless of political leanings. lol

TJBM went for a great hike today Oh man, my river trails are just magical right now

AshLeigh's avatar

I didn’t. I’m about to go for a run though.
TJBM is in shape. :D

bewailknot's avatar

True – round is a shape
TJBM hates Saturday Night Live

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I have never seen it.

TJBM is having their first cup of coffee this AM.

reijinni's avatar

don’t drink coffee, prefer tea and coco.
TJBM is getting wet today.

blueiiznh's avatar

Not today.

tjbm is doing something special fo Mom today

geeky_mama's avatar

Sent cards to my mom, step-mom and grandma. Took my MIL out for brunch. I’m a mom, too – and so not cooking brunch was a treat for me, too.

TJBM has to get up at 4am tomorrow for work. :(

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM is stressing over an exam they have tomorrow!

reijinni's avatar

exams are so long ago for me.
TJBM is having a physical this week.

AshLeigh's avatar

I am not. XD
TJBM wished their momma a happy mothers day!

Dutchess_III's avatar

..I have in the past.

TJBM is really thankful to have a happy, familiar thread like this to come back to now and again!

bewailknot's avatar

True, I am finding this interesting and revealing
TJBM visits Fluther every day

AshLeigh's avatar

I do.
TJBM laughed at this picture.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I KNEW you were gonna do that again!! False. I CRIED from bad memories! Get me outta here!!

TJBM is kinda glad she’s not into the bar scene anymore.

AshLeigh's avatar

Never was. :)
TJBM is not @Dutchess_III, and thinks this is funny. Hahahaha.

reijinni's avatar

get out of here
TJBM agrees with this picture.

AshLeigh's avatar

I will not get out of here. It’s rude of you to tell me to. :(
And I chuckled.
TJBM’s middle name starts with a D.

MollyMcGuire's avatar


TJBM has tried and failed at a plumbing repair.

blueiiznh's avatar

true. Tried and failed. Researched more, then succeeded.

TJBM does not give up easily.

Coloma's avatar

True! I am a resilient and tenacious personality. :-)

TJBM is dealing with a major road detour in their area all week.

MilkyWay's avatar

True, actually.
TJBM is a pedestrian but is also affected by roadworks.

AshLeigh's avatar

I am not affected by roadworks. I am often a pedestrian.
TJBM had a lovely day.

Coloma's avatar

I did!

TJBM likes baby carrots with lite ranch dressing

MilkyWay's avatar

What’s ranch dressing? I love baby carrots.
TJBM just had a Twix

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM is feeling fuzzy.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM has a hard time starting some tasks.

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM is proud of their country

Paul's avatar

TJBM is appalled by the ignorant people in their country.

AshLeigh's avatar

TJBM is appalled that @MilkyWay doesn’t know what ranch dressing is! D:

Paul's avatar

TJBM would like to fill us Brits in.

creative1's avatar

Ranch dressing is a creamy dressing found here in the us, one of the most popular brands is this

TJBM prefers Blue Cheese dressing over ranch, I know I do especially on buffalo wings

MilkyWay's avatar

Buffalo wings? You mean Buffalos in the U.S have wings!!?? Good Lord, what do you yanks feed them to make them grow wings?
TJBM doesn’t eat any dressing apart from salad dressings.

reijinni's avatar

I hate salad dressings, therefore I HATE ranch.
TJBM will never eat another salad in their lifetime.

AshLeigh's avatar

False. haha.
TJBM likes ranch. :P

blueiiznh's avatar

yes, true.

tjbm likes raunch

creative1's avatar

hmmm false

TJBM is having a drink to relax

AshLeigh's avatar

Mountain Dew…. XD

Coloma's avatar

False. Caps addicts are toopid. lol

TJBM likes that old movie ” Fried Green Tomatoes.”

AshLeigh's avatar

I love that movie! :D
TJBM doesn’t like it when their food touches! D:

Bellatrix's avatar

No. I am quite happy for my food to touch. How do you go on if you have a casserole?

TJBM is feeling quite cold at the moment.

AshLeigh's avatar

I don’t eat casserole:)
A little. But i have my snuggie, so it’s okay.
TJBM is going to take a shower soon.

Bellatrix's avatar

No. It is only mid afternoon. A snuggie… one of those back-to-front, dressing gown like garbs? :-)

TJBM often buys things from the home shopping network.

AshLeigh's avatar

Not really. Hah.
TJBM blow dries their hair.

Bellatrix's avatar

I do. (It looks like it’s just you and me @AshLeigh. I’ve always thought snuggies would be useful if you ever felt the urge to join a monastery or a cult! Supply your own outfit.)

TJBM has many hair products.

Coloma's avatar

Mmmm…hairspray, gel, bedhead after party, shine serum, hair mask, yes, I guess I do. haha

TJBM is going to the dentist tomorrow

AshLeigh's avatar

I will be going to school tomorrow.
TJBM likes to talk a lot.

Paul's avatar

False. Just enough to make stuff interesting.
TJBM likes to lead a conversation.

geeky_mama's avatar

No, I prefer to follow.

TJBM is known for sharing “TMI” sometimes in conversation.

Coloma's avatar

Not necessarily, but, I am very open, no subject is taboo. Sometimes I can be a little too out there for some more conservative types. Recently I asked a rather conservative friend if she was going to put her 17 yr. old daughter on birth control now that she had a boyfriend. She got pretty tense about that inquiry. Oookay…moving on….lol

TJBM is going to see the Avengers movie today

reijinni's avatar

TJBM had eaten a late breakfast.

MilkyWay's avatar

False, I had an early one.
TJBM had pizza for breakfast

reijinni's avatar

TJBM is accident prone.

MilkyWay's avatar

False, I don;t have accidents quite regularly.
TJBM has been shot at before.

bewailknot's avatar

False unless you count slingshots
TJBM needs an eye exam

AshLeigh's avatar

Very much.
TJBM wears glasses.

creative1's avatar

Only when its raining out and I am driving, darn glare on the roads

TJBM has had a really hectic week

DaphneT's avatar

No, just today for some reason.

TJBM has a true love

AshLeigh's avatar

I sure hope so. This one’s a keeper. :)
TJBM likes no-bake cookies. :D

Bellatrix's avatar

I have never tried them.

TJBM sometimes has to ban themselves from Fluther to get work done.

AshLeigh's avatar

Yes. Yes, I do.
TJBM is chewing gum.

Paul's avatar

TJBM is blowing bubbles.

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM is hungry every five minutes

geeky_mama's avatar

No. Only at meal times usually.

TJBM is so happy to see everything in bloom. (Yay!! my garden is going crazy!)

Bellatrix's avatar

It is the end of Autumn here. Things are in the opposite stage of life. Not that we have distinct seasons here. I do love Spring and watching nature come back to life.

TJBM has a favourite Wiggle.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM dropped a load in the shower.

Coloma's avatar

Are you serious? Bah…dude!

TJBM does not like toilet humor

Bellatrix's avatar

Quite correct. I don’t.

TJBM is very glad it is Friday (or soon will be).

AshLeigh's avatar

Not really. School ends on Tuesday, and though I’m excited about sleeping in, the days are going by too quickly. I don’t know what I’m going to do all day. And I need to finish math.
TJBM just had a big argument.

Bellatrix's avatar

No. It is very peaceful and serene here right now.

TJBM can sometimes sense when it is going to rain even if it looks fine.

creative1's avatar

usually I can smell the rain coming even if its sunny out

TJBM likes the smell of rain

Ela's avatar

Triue and false. It smells like worms and even tho I don’t like worms much, I love the rain.

tjbm likes the smell of worms

Coloma's avatar

I don’t think I have ever smelled a worm, but I like the smell of horse poo. lol

TJBM has horses

Ela's avatar

False yet ‘oft I get told to hold mine… what’s up with that?!

tjbm wears bacon scented perfume and bathes in gravy

Tropical_Willie's avatar

No, but I often smell like Hickory smoke and have chicken drippings on my hands.

TJBM like anything cooked on the BBQ.

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM needs a new grill.

reijinni's avatar

most things
TJBM has no churches on their way to work.

Coloma's avatar

True. I work in a tourist hub, only river rafting outfitters and restaurants and campgrounds.

TJBM lives in a tourist town

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM lives in a box.

Coloma's avatar

Well..technically our houses are just big boxes. lol

TJBM likes vegen corndogs

erichw1504's avatar

Never tried one.

TJBM likes vegan vegetables.

Ela's avatar

I have to figure out what a vegan veggie is. i’ll brb : )

reijinni's avatar

I hate vegan stuff.
TJBM has been confused for Bigfoot.

Coloma's avatar

Nope, unless Bigfoot is 5’4 with blonde hair probably not an issue I need to worry about

TJBM had cheese enchiladas for lunch

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Black Forest ham and cheese wrap with marinated mushrooms on the side.

TJBM loves making wraps/enchiladas.

Paul's avatar

Very true.
TJBM is a chicken lover.

Bellatrix's avatar

I think they can be quite sweet birds… not sure I would say I love them. I do like chicken meat though.

TJBM has a great recipe for a paleo vegetable slice.

Coloma's avatar

False, but it sounds good!

TJBM got a pedicure today and has happy feet! :-)

@Paul I’m a chicken lover, my awesome Black Mediterranian rooster “Zorro” is sadly missed

Bellatrix's avatar

No. I am a bit nervous about pedicures because I keep seeing stories about poor hygiene in nail salons. It puts me off.

TJBM is very in touch with their inner child.

Coloma's avatar

True, very! Where’s the bubbles and play doh?

TJBM had a decadent mocha drink today with sprinkles and whipped cream

geeky_mama's avatar

Oooh. I wish..that sounds wonderful.

TJBM is off to soak in a decadent bath filled with Japanese bath salts.

DaphneT's avatar

I wish!

TJBM has presents to wrap and laundry to do and a back that can’t do much more today.

Coloma's avatar

Present wrapped for my friends daughters graduation next week, and tomorrow is major housework…gah, but my back is fine. Just cat hair detail, OMG, my monster man gets his summer buzz next Thursday, no more wads of cat hair and weeds all over the house from his 8 inch wide plumey tail. lol

TJBM has a huge fluffy cat

Tropical_Willie's avatar

No we lost him three years ago, 19 pounds and 12 years old.

TJBM has a BIG weekend planned. Places to go, people to see.

Coloma's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Awwww….my guy is 16 lbs. and 5 years old.

False, only housework and maybe a little R&R at one of the local hubs over here, I;m wiped out, need some rest.

TJBM is wiped out from a couple of busy weeks and lots of late nights

Bellatrix's avatar

No. Technological failures are giving me stress though.

TJBM has people who step in and help when required.

AshLeigh's avatar

Rob. My math teacher. Haha.
TJBM likes Math.

MollyMcGuire's avatar


TJBM filed their fingernails today.

Paul's avatar

TJBM dislikes having any dirt under their nails.

Coloma's avatar

True, and last night I got snake poo on my hand rescuing a snake from my cat…gag! Poor little snake had the crap scared out of him. lol

TJBM woke up in a cheerful mood and is plotting their day

Dutchess_III's avatar

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! >< >< >< >< >< >< KMA @Coloma!

TJBM doesn’t drink coffee.

Coloma's avatar

Awww…whattsa matter Dutchie?

False. Drinking it now..gotta have my coffee.

TJBM is still waking up right now

Dutchess_III's avatar

Ture. Shut up now. You don’t have to yell. ><

TJBM should go back to bed.

Coloma's avatar

False, I am trying to get motivated to clean my house so I can have some guilt free fun this afternoon.

TJBM HATES housework but likes their house to be clean. Oh what a conundrum

MilkyWay's avatar

So true!
TJBM dislikes anyone else touching their stuff, or cleaning up for them, which justs adds to the conundrum.

Coloma's avatar

Mmm..depends. I do hate it when people that have to jump up and do all the dishes right away when they have company. jeez..relax..just rinse ‘em and stack ‘em and get back to the party. lol

TJBM just made a delicious pasta salad Okay, not cleaning yet, but made a big salad and cut up a watermelon for later, that’s productivity right?

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM is off to make a cup of coffee… Brb

reijinni's avatar

no coffee here
TJBM has a website.

MilkyWay's avatar

False ish
TJBM has had to make a website for I.C.T

AshLeigh's avatar

I have not.
TJBM feels guilty about something. :/

Coloma's avatar

Nope, not a thing!

TJBM has a lizard in their house

creative1's avatar


TJBM is enjoying the nice sunny weather

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM has a scary exam tomorrow morning

Dutchess_III's avatar

Nope. Just a scary alarm clock, set for 6:30. Luck on your exam, MilkyWay!

TJBM almost always has four particular questions sitting in his or her “activity for you” box that she gets to whenever. And she or he is going to tell us what they are!

AshLeigh's avatar

I do. But I forget what they are.
TJBM laughs a lot.

PurpleClouds's avatar

So true!

TJBM is way late getting to bed.

AshLeigh's avatar

It’s almost one…. XD
TJBM usually stays up too late.

Coloma's avatar

I have been, but now I have been a good girl the last 3 nights and feel good!

TJBM likes bread and butter pickles

Tropical_Willie's avatar

With extra mustard seeds, Yes.

TJBM makes their own preserves and canned goods.

geeky_mama's avatar

Freezer jam and refrigerator pickles yes, canning…not since I was a lot younger. (My mom canned.)

TJBM is expecting a bumper crop of berries this year.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, these hills and river trails are loaded with wild blackberry vines, the trick is to get them before the deer and raccoons and Skunks and Opossums and birds do. I take a bucket and walk the river edge in the water to get the overhang that the animals miss. :-D

TJBM is a’fearin’ balancing their checkbook today OMG! The receipts are a mile high, gah!

blueiiznh's avatar

Never any fear in the balancing act. I use the receipts to line the bird cages

TJBM is in training for something

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM is feeling it

AshLeigh's avatar

Feelin’ something…
TJBM has a hot body. ;)

creative1's avatar

a little chilly today

TJBM is expecting rain soon

AshLeigh's avatar

I’m not.
TJBM enjoys clam chowder.

Coloma's avatar

Not much. I like it, but I hate the inevitable grains of sand that you always bite down on. Bleh!

TJBM had a GREAT day

AshLeigh's avatar

Partially. The first half was wonderful, but the second half has been kind of uneventful.
TJBM likes mountain dew. :D

bewailknot's avatar

True and False – loved it until I saw some in a glass and realized what color it was – ewww
TJBM never ever drinks carbonated beverages

AshLeigh's avatar

True. Except mountain dew. ;)
TJBM is a nonsmoker.

geeky_mama's avatar

Yes, and thanks to asthma I can’t even hang out in smoky bars, either.

TJBM knows who Smoky the Bear is and his famous catch-phrase.

Coloma's avatar

True. I live in forest fire land over here and only YOU can prevent forest fires! lol

TJBM knows that Smokey the bear was a real bear cub rescued from a New Mexico forest fire way back when

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Way back when….

TJBM has been a Volunteer Firefighter.

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM had a weird dream last night.

Coloma's avatar

Not that I recall, had a few weird ones last week though, I was at a strange resort with weird fish swimming around. Big black fish with bulging eyes..WTF does that mean? lol

TJBM has dreamed of weird fish recently

AshLeigh's avatar

False. O.o
TJBM is going to be a cowboy when they grow up.

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM is feeling baaaad.

AshLeigh's avatar

Hahaha. You know it, playa.
TJBM is also baaaad.

erichw1504's avatar

True, I’m a baaad playa.

TJBM is a playa.

reijinni's avatar

can’t say.
TJBM loves being lazy.

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM is one lazy mutha-effa!

Paul's avatar

TJBM has to revise for exams :(

reijinni's avatar

nope, but I do have a slow time revising my stories.
TJBM has accepted Kim Il-Sung as their personal Lord and Saviour.

Coloma's avatar

Hahaha…um no. But funny, very funny!

TJBM is tried today

AshLeigh's avatar

Last day of school… Sleep. :D
TJBM is glad it’s summer.

blueiiznh's avatar

Can’t wait for summer

tjbm is a bit twisted

Bellatrix's avatar

More than a bit. Is that a bad thing?

TJBM likes twisty black licorice (I don’t).

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Not the look, taste, or smell!

TJBM thinks espresso chips in ice cream is just lovely.

reijinni's avatar

never heard of them
TJBM will speak Spanish for free pizza.

Bellatrix's avatar

Hola! Buenos Noches. That’s me out. Do I get the pizza now?

TJBM knows what State of Origin is.

Coloma's avatar

Well, I live next door to the state of Oregon, but otherwise, not sure. lol

TJBM loves Tigers

OpryLeigh's avatar

Yes I do.

TJBM lives in an area that is experiencing very hot weather at the moment.

Coloma's avatar

Not yet, still pleasantly in the 70’s but it was 90 over the weekend. Cooling this week and maybe some T-storms the next few afternoons.

TJBM has only been awake for 47 minutes

OpryLeigh's avatar

@Coloma Here in the UK, if the heat reaches into the 70’s that is considered very warm indeed! It’s 82 where I am at the moment and we’re melting in our office!!!

erichw1504's avatar

F a l s e .

T J B M s p a c e s e a c h l e t t e r.

MilkyWay's avatar

T r u e
T J B M h a t e s d o i n g e x a m s e v e r y o t h e r d a y

erichw1504's avatar



AshLeigh's avatar


erichw1504's avatar



AshLeigh's avatar


erichw1504's avatar


uʍop ǝpısdn sı ɯqظʇ

AshLeigh's avatar

I am not.
TJBM is not upside down.

Coloma's avatar

No, if I were my skirt would be over my head. 0-o

TJBM is taking their pet to the groomer, now. Oooh boy, the long car ride looms

creative1's avatar

He has already been to the groomer recently

TJBM has a pet other than a dog or a cat and will tell us what it is

MilkyWay's avatar

True, he’s an ogglapoobiggledee.
TJBM once had an imaginary friend

Ela's avatar

What do you mean by once had?!

tjbm has 16 best friends

bewailknot's avatar

False, only 3 BFFs
TJBM has been married 3 or more times

Bellatrix's avatar

Goodness no!

TJBM has a busy weekend planned seeing friends and family.

AshLeigh's avatar

Not really. :O
TJBM keeps a journal.

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM doesn’t know how to tennis.

Coloma's avatar

True, I am not a ball hitter. lol

TJBM has wicked allergies this morning gah!

erichw1504's avatar

False, luckily. Sorry @Coloma :/

TJBM is a wee bit wobbly today.

Coloma's avatar

True, but the coffee is helping.

TJBM needs to clean their house

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM is a wee bit jelly today.

geeky_mama's avatar


TJBM is a wee bit damp today. (Hellllpppp….the rain hasn’t stopped in days…)

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM would like to fast forward to July 20th, 2012.

AshLeigh's avatar

I would not. Perhaps June 22nd. :)
TJBM is doing something fun soon.

erichw1504's avatar

True, getting out of work.

TJBM is doing something fun this weekend.

MilkyWay's avatar

Nope, just a hell of a lot of revision. Including maths.
TJBM had a pretty good time whilst doing an English lit exam today :D

creative1's avatar

False, power washed the deck instead

TJBM is getting ready to paint or stain

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM is headed off for a cool shower soon

reijinni's avatar

TJBM has a book available on the Nook.

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM forgets to capitalise their first letters in an opening word.

Bellatrix's avatar

Not usually. I do sometimes forget to type words when I am flying along and often go back and read a post and notice I have done this. Oh well!

TJBM fancies something different for breakfast.

Coloma's avatar

I had split pea soup for breakfast today! lol

TJBM eats whatever, whenever

AshLeigh's avatar

I do.
TJBM is wearing a necklace.

Bellatrix's avatar

I am. My favourite. I love this necklace.

TJBM has high ceilings in their house.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Yes, it’s an old Victorian town house.

TJBM will be able to enjoy some sunshine this afternoon.

Coloma's avatar

False. T-storms here this afternoon, yay, no watering the grass!

TJBM has a housekeeper coming in today double YAY!

creative1's avatar

I am the only housekeeper in my home

TJBM is doing laundry today

geeky_mama's avatar

Yes, most likely.

TJBM likes to sew.

creative1's avatar

I do, I can even do pattern drafting and draping to make clothes

TJBM knows how to knit

Coloma's avatar

False. I am terrible with anything sewing related except the quickie button repair.

TJBM thinks Beavers are really cute The mammal lol

geeky_mama's avatar

Meh..beavers remind me of what I looked like before orthodontics. I think Prairie Dogs are cuter.

TJBM loves having all the windows open to hear birdsong all day.

blueiiznh's avatar

Love the windows open, love the birdsong, but if left open at night i will hear the nocturnal sounds of owl and wood frogs all night.

TJBM is going camping soon

reijinni's avatar

TJBM wants to swim in the Love Canal.

AshLeigh's avatar

Or not.
TJBM needs to clean their room. D:

reijinni's avatar

TJBM has located their marbles.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Lost them long a ago.

TJBM can remember playing marbles and Jacks.


geeky_mama's avatar

Yes, I can, too.

TJBM grew up in a time before mobile phones existed.

Coloma's avatar

True, we even had a party line when I was really young with a babbling woman that never got off the phone. lol

TJBM had chinese takeout for dinner

bewailknot's avatar

True – how did you know?
TJBM loves lychee fruit

AshLeigh's avatar

TJBM will tell me what that is.

Bellatrix's avatar

It’s a fruit. Tastes delicious with ice cream.

TJBM likes dragon fruit.

bewailknot's avatar

Unknown, never tried it.
TJBM is an adventurous eater, always willing to try something new

reijinni's avatar

TJBM LOVES being lazy.

Coloma's avatar

Trye. Last night was bliss, watching a DVD in my giant beanbag loveseat with all cozy with a blanket and my cat upside down on my lap. Aaaah, now that’s relaxing!

TJBM has a grad party to attend today

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM is procrastinating

bewailknot's avatar

Always. My to do list is getting so long I will have to live to 200 to get it all done.
TJBM is never, ever late

Keep_on_running's avatar

True. I will always try to make a good impression; being on time shows that I care.

TJBM wishes they were exceptionally talented in something.

Paul's avatar

TJBM is exceptionally talented in something.

Coloma's avatar

True. My quick improv sense of humor

TJBM is slowly getting ready to go to a party

reijinni's avatar

TJBM is watching Eurovision.

MilkyWay's avatar

Wouldn’t be seen dead watchin that shit.
TJBM despises singing programmes.

Bellatrix's avatar

Most but Eurovision is so bad it’s good. I didn’t watch the semi-finals last night and wonder who @reijinni thinks will take the title out.

TJBM lives in a country that can participate in the Eurovision song contest.

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM is off to bed.

Bellatrix's avatar

I am in bed. I will be getting up soon though.

TJBM loves easy Sunday mornings.

reijinni's avatar

yep. Sweden won
TJBM wants to play/watch a pointless game.

bewailknot's avatar

True, I love a pointless game.
TJBM watches more game shows than anything else

AshLeigh's avatar

Not really. XD
TJBM likes Math.

Coloma's avatar

False. I like calculators. lol

TJBM saw a rainbow today

AshLeigh's avatar

I didn’t.
TJBM is an alcoholic. O.o

creative1's avatar

False, only drink once in a while

TJBM is addicted to potato chips

Coloma's avatar

False, I am a tortilla chip person, gimme salsa.

TJBM is enjoying a nice clean house

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM is enjoying a nice hazelnut chocolate bar.

Coloma's avatar

False, but sounds yummy. I am enjoying a nice cup of coffee, my last of the morning.
TJBM is wearing their PJ’s still

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM is wearing jeans.

Coloma's avatar

False. PJ’s. lol

TJBM got a dud watermelon blech

bewailknot's avatar

Aww False – never eat watermelon – I like my fruit sweet & tart
TJBM has an apricot tree (and will invite me over to help pick)

Coloma's avatar

False, but I love Apricots, used to have a tree, miss it.

TJBM is going to have a Happy Brownie afternoon

reijinni's avatar

of sorts.
TJBM would love to see their S/O in a Speedo.

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM thinks birds look scary

Coloma's avatar

False. I love birds!

TJBM is enjoying a relaxing Sunday morning

reijinni's avatar

TJBM is ready to take the cinnamon challenge.

Coloma's avatar

Gag…no. I like my cinnamon with sugar on toast.

TJBM has eaten a bug

bewailknot's avatar

True, but not intentionally
TJBM loves romantic movies

AshLeigh's avatar

They’re nice.
TJBM likes this beautiful art. :D

Coloma's avatar

LOL…yes, funny, poor stick girl. :-(

TJBM is going to eat something really good very soon

AshLeigh's avatar

I am eating chocolate at this very moment! :D
TJBM isn’t doing anything productive today. :)

Coloma's avatar

True/false. Yardwork and in and out relaxing.

TJBM likes cookies and cream ice cream

MilkyWay's avatar

Yes to cookies, no to the cream.
TJBM loves mint choc chip flavoured ice cream

Coloma's avatar

True! Damn it, now I wish I had Mint Choc. chip instead of cookies & cream. haha

TJBM is having a cheat day on their diet…can’‘t you tell I am? lol

Dutchess_III's avatar

False. I’m not on a diet. I don’t do diets. I do “tweaking my eating habits.” :)

TJBM is sick and tired of going into debt.

Ela's avatar

True dat! Oral surgeons and dentists are expensive with no insurance! : ( I’m not that far in tho, thank God!

tjbm sets off their smoke alarm when they cook

Coloma's avatar

Haha….that’s why they’re all disconnected, oh well.

TJBM lives on the edge of no fire protection lol

creative1's avatar

False, I have my fire detectors in place

TJBM has burnt toast recently

Ela's avatar

False. Last thing I burnt was boiled eggs. I never knew they popped!!!

tjbm has popped eggs before ; )

bewailknot's avatar

True, forgot all about them, had to throw the pot away
TJBM has never made fried eggs

AshLeigh's avatar

False. Haha.
TJBM will tell us something green that they see. :D

Bellatrix's avatar

I see a green office photocopier paper box.

TJBM can see trees from their window.

AshLeigh's avatar

I can. :D
TJBM can see a mountain from their window.

Bellatrix's avatar

I can see a lot of tall buildings and I do have trees outside my window (for now – until they build another building) but no mountain! That would be nice.

TJBM likes using Gmail or finds it a pain in the arse.

AshLeigh's avatar

Never used it.
I have mountains:) Benefit of living in a valley. :D
TJBM has green eyes.

bewailknot's avatar

True, how did you know?
TJBM is the only person in their family with a particular color of eyes

MollyMcGuire's avatar


TJBM has had their apple today.

blueiiznh's avatar

Nope but do banana pancakes count?

Tjbm is out of their mind over something.

Coloma's avatar

False. I am in a great mood today, house is clean, yard is immaculate and it’s day 3 of parties and bbqs. Having the kids over tonight. :-D

TJBM is in a good mood

geeky_mama's avatar

I’ll let you know when I’m fully awake..but I think it looks like it’s going to be a beautiful day.

TJBM needs about 10 hours of sleep each night. (But doesn’t get that except on rare occasions..)

Coloma's avatar

True. 9 is my optimum but I’ll settle for 8

TJBM loves Key Lime Pie

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM loves Pie Lime Keys.

MilkyWay's avatar

No idea.
TJBM is eating chocolate

Coloma's avatar

False. I have’nt eaten yet today and it is 1:27 pm…starving now!

TJBM is tired today after the long weekend

blueiiznh's avatar

Nope, tired after a long day after a relaxing long weekend.

TJBM sleeps with a body pillow

bewailknot's avatar

True – helps my bad hip
TJBM moves so much in their sleep he/she/it gets tangled in the covers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Tangled in sheet and thrown off the blankets.

TJBM has satin sheets. lol not me.

PurpleClouds's avatar

No, nothing but 100% cotton sheets for me.

TJBM has owned real property.

AshLeigh's avatar

TJBM is 36.

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM is a happy camper.

Coloma's avatar

True. I’m happy and I have a camp ground on my property. lol

TJBM has beautiful weather in their zone today

MilkyWay's avatar

Hmm, depends. It was cloudy with some rain today, which I think of as very beautiful.
TJBM is glad it rained today after weeks of baking hot sun.

Coloma's avatar

True, we had a nice little thunderstorm on Saturday with a double rainbow too, but not too hot, yet, mid-80’s to low 90’s right now for the next few days then cooler again.

TJBM likes sloppy joe burgers

AshLeigh's avatar

I don’t.
TJBM is excited about something.

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM likes to hug their blanket/duvet when sleeping

AshLeigh's avatar

No. I like to kick it onto the floor, because it’s too damn hot.
TJBM is frustrated.

MilkyWay's avatar

Not anymore, since the weather has cooled down.
TJBM gets all hot and bothered and frustrated during hot weather and dislikes summer more than winter.

Coloma's avatar

True. I have a hot tub I keep cold so that helps, but I don’t like temps over 90..
TJBM is having a Cerveza at 4:00 pm sharp

MollyMcGuire's avatar


TJBM is feeling pretty confident right now.

AshLeigh's avatar

I feel like I was hit by a bus filled with overweight passengers.
TJBM is also sick. :(

Coloma's avatar

False, but I’ve felt crappy with allergies all week.
TJBM is taking their car in for a brake job today

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM is eating crackers.

AshLeigh's avatar

I’m eating Pringles.(:
TJBM will tell us what color their house is.

Coloma's avatar

I will. It is a sort of sagey green wiith white trim and a white deck with natural rails.

TJBM is sorry they ate junk food today OMG! What was I thinkin’....gah!

AshLeigh's avatar

I’m never sorry about that. :)
TJBM loves junk food. :D

PurpleClouds's avatar

False. I do like potato chips but try not to eat often. I love ice cream and eat it most days, but I don’t consider it junk.

TJBM is wearing a plaid shirt.

AshLeigh's avatar

False. It’s in the dryer. XD
TJBM will tell us something in the room that smells good. My shirt smells awesome.

bewailknot's avatar

True – the garlic bread that is about to come out of the broiler – mmmmmm
TJBM never cooks

Coloma's avatar

False, but not as much as I used to.

TJBM loves Watermelon

AshLeigh's avatar

It’s a love hate relationship. It drips all over my face when I try to eat it, but it’s so good!
TJBM doesn’t like getting their face all sticky. D: Just realized how that sounds…

Coloma's avatar

True. I don’t like sticky fingers either. I’m a 2 napkin eater. lol

TJBM is hungry right now!

AshLeigh's avatar

Extremely. D:
TJBM will feed me. :D

blueiiznh's avatar

oh sure. I will make some cookies at 12:30 am for ya

TJBM is so ready for the weekend!!!

AshLeigh's avatar

That’s so sweet of you! :D
It’s summer. Every day is the weekend! :D But yes, I am looking forward to tomorrow. Seeing a movie with the boyfriend.[=
TJBM likes to smile! :)

MollyMcGuire's avatar

But of course.

TJBM always makes lists when going shopping or out to do errands.

Coloma's avatar

True, or I;ll forget something important. I have 2 lists on my kitchen counter for tomorrow right now. lol

TJBM is going nite nite….11:33 pm here, time for zzzzzzzzzz’s

Bellatrix's avatar

No, it isn’t even 5pm yet. It is a lovely rainy day here. The beautiful sound of rain on the roof.

TJBM is going out to dinner on Friday night.

AshLeigh's avatar

I am! With that stud in my avatar picture. ;D
TJBM has their hair in a braid.

blueiiznh's avatar

Not yet.

Tjbm I eating candy

MilkyWay's avatar

That’s good to know… what kinda candy?
TJBM I hungry

Coloma's avatar

False. Only been awake for about 30 minutes and still having my morning coffee

TJBM is excited to set up their patio furniture for summer

erichw1504's avatar

Would be if I had some.

TJBM’s birthday is soon.

creative1's avatar

False it’st already gone by

TJBM has a favorite book and will tell us all what it is

geeky_mama's avatar

At the moment it is: Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott
I love too many books to list..but this is my favorite of the ones I’m reading at the moment.

TJBM has a favorite flower and will tell us what it is. (Mine is stock – I love how it smells and have a bouquet of it sitting on my desk right now.)

Coloma's avatar

True. Mine is Morning Glories. I have scads of them coming up now from my thousands of seeds I harvested last year. Infact the first bloom of the summer appeared this morning, as pearly white with pale purple dots. :-D

TJBM would like to respectfully request that @creative1 start a new AYTJBM thread

MilkyWay's avatar

um… what’s that?
Did your goose sit on the keyboard @Coloma?
TJBM would like to request a new TJBM thread.

reijinni's avatar

doesn’t matter to me
TJBM thinks that Walmart’s headquarters is in China.

geeky_mama's avatar

Nope. I’m quite sure it’s in Bentonville, Arkansas.
China has it’s own version – it’s called Wu-Mart (and no, I’m not kidding).

TJBM plays an instrument (or two or three) and will share with us what they play.
(I play piano and flute. I’d like to learn cello next.)

AshLeigh's avatar

I can sing… Does that count?
TJBM will tell me if that counts.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, it counts, singing is music. I play drums.

TJBM is hot as in they feel hot because it is a hot day

DaphneT's avatar

No, today is cool to chilly.

TJBM could win Wheel of Fortune because they know so many trivial things

creative1's avatar


TJBM is going to follow me to Part 40 (as @Coloma requested)

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM is going to be in two places threads at once.

DaphneT's avatar

No, haven’t found it yet
TBJM has.

bewailknot's avatar

True, just look harder
TJBM will join us all in 40

PurpleClouds's avatar

True, but I hope 39 keeps going as well. :)

TJBM has already been to 40.

creative1's avatar


TJBM is up really early in the morning

bewailknot's avatar

True – 1:48 a.m.
TJBM is hard to wake up

MilkyWay's avatar

False, I’m a very light sleeper.
TJBM loves the sound of bird song

Bellatrix's avatar

I do. It is one of the joys of life to wake up and hear the birds tweeting and singing happily in the morning. The cockatoos screetching is not so beautiful but at least they are happy.

TJBM has very few trees around their home.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

False. There is a moderate number of trees in this neighborhood; nothing like back in my hometown though. I miss the lush thick green of the SE. I’m sure there are plenty of areas in this city with a lot more trees that the particular one I’m in right now.

TJBM has chocolate milk every day.

MilkyWay's avatar

False, but I have plain milk every day.
TJBM has a very nice view out of their bedroom window.

creative1's avatar


TJBM Like chocolate coconut cake mmmmm

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM likes dark chocolate

bewailknot's avatar

True, but I like milk chocolate, too
TJBM is a See’s Candy fan

PurpleClouds's avatar

I just recently had my first taste of See’s Dark Bordeaux chocolates. Wow, I want more!

TJBM had chocolate today twice.

Bellatrix's avatar

No. I did have some carrot cake though.

TJBM has never had See’s chocolate.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I am indeed

TJBM has dated a fellow jelly.

Bellatrix's avatar

Strange answer to my question but no, I haven’t date a fellow jelly.

TJBM has lots of rewards points with an airline.

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM has brown eyes

blueiiznh's avatar


Tjbm had red eyes for some reason

creative1's avatar

Only when a had a corneal abrasion a few months ago

TJBM is doing their spring cleaning

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM has purple eyes

MilkyWay's avatar

Nope xD
TJBM is wearing a green dress

creative1's avatar

I have worn a green dress as in my pic

TJBM will tell us their favorite color

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM will tell us who their fav actress is.

creative1's avatar

False I don’t have one

TJBM knows that Black is not really a color but actually the absence of light

blueiiznh's avatar


Tjbm know the speed of dark.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Of course.

TJBM will see Prometheus.

Ela's avatar

True. At least I want to. It may be too spooky for me to solo, tho… wanna catch it with me @MollyMcGuire? : )

tjbm wants to catch the flick (Prometheus) with me and molly!

bewailknot's avatar

That would be fun. I’ll get the popcorn.
TJBM would rather watch a flick than do (almost) anything else.

PurpleClouds's avatar

False. I do like movies but don’t go to movie theaters—they are too nasty for me and there’s not enough air to breathe. (Sorry, @Ela )

TJBM was surprised by Wisconsin’s recall vote today.

DaphneT's avatar

No, just saddened, annoyed, disappointed, disturbed, angered, frightened…

TJBM has a different definition of good citizenship.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Different than what?

TJBM takes an aspirin each day.

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM finds history very interesting

blueiiznh's avatar


Tjbm makes interesting history.

MilkyWay's avatar

Haha, true.
TJBM is a historian

Bellatrix's avatar

I wouldn’t formally classify myself as one but yes, the study of history is part of my work.

TJBM has a favourite era of history and will tell us what it is and why it fascinates them.

PurpleClouds's avatar

No she won’t

TJBM thinks atomic clocks are groovy.

blueiiznh's avatar

Yes, I just had mine tuned up.

Tjbm is bionic

geeky_mama's avatar

Only parts of me. Oh wait-yes, by definition I must be bionic.

TJBM isn’t afraid of replacing worn out parts.

creative1's avatar

Whatever it takes to keep going in this life

TJBM eats liver and onions

DaphneT's avatar

False. Eeww to those.

TJBM eats asparagus.

Bellatrix's avatar

Sometimes yes (and I like liver and onions too).

TJBM likes artichoke.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I have two in the frig that we’re going to have this week.

TJBM knows what the D in D-Day stands for. (I’m watching the movie Ike right now)

bewailknot's avatar

Maybe true. Originally from WW I, D-day was just the day something was planned to happen.
TJBM loves military subject movies

Dutchess_III's avatar

Sometimes. If they have a theme of electronic espionage, and not so much blood and guts.

TJBM has their own Youtube account.

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM needs a bit of time out

blueiiznh's avatar

True, as well as a good spanking.

Tjbm needs a good spanking.

PurpleClouds's avatar


TJBM has been to Seattle.

MollyMcGuire's avatar


TJBM’s family has experienced the death of a child.

DaphneT's avatar

True. Sadness forever, like an oscillating wave.

TJBM has an estate to wander and watch the stars at night.

PurpleClouds's avatar

Not exactly an estate.

TJBM was wakened by the phone today.

blueiiznh's avatar

Yes, everyday my iPhone wakes me.

tjbm has had the bird of paradise fly up their nose

Dutchess_III's avatar

No. But I’ve had a mosquitoes fly up my nose. SO annoying @bluenizbah!

OK. TJBM is on TJBM 29 and TJBM 39 and doesn’t know there is a TJBM 40!! (apparently I didn’t either since 29 and 39 are showing up in my new stuff. I think we’re building new countries and shit!)

blueiiznh's avatar

Yes and No @ductless ili

tjbm love to answer tjbm questions

Dutchess_III's avatar

Snorting!!!! Can’t answer!!

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Okey Dokey

TJBM has a problem with responsibility.

blueiiznh's avatar

Lol. Hell no!

Tjbm has a problem with opening jars.

Dutchess_III's avatar

False. I just beat the living crap out of them when they get stubborn!


PurpleClouds's avatar

No, I just had a bagel.

TJBM just had a bagel.

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM is reminded of an American overweight “cop” everytime they see a frosted ring doughnut.

DaphneT's avatar

No, I’m just reminded that I like unfrosted doughnuts better.

TJBM has a project that’s started, but inconveniently stopped.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

False. No project right now.

TJBM needs to buy a battery.

MilkyWay's avatar

I need to buy a few :/
TJBM loves discovering new melodies on the keyboard.

PurpleClouds's avatar

Well, sure

TJBM has a piano.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Electric keyboard that is my wife’s.

TJBM took instrument lessons in elementary school.

PurpleClouds's avatar


TJBM might be TJAM; am I right?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Are you left-handed?

Yes, that would be me.

TJBM is going out to dinner.

creative1's avatar

nope eating in

TJBM Already ate dinner

bewailknot's avatar

True – cheese and crackers
TJBM is fasting

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM is currently eating double chocolate chip cookies.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

No, just having morning coffee.

Maybe TJBM is having those double chocolate chip cookies MilkyWay was talking about.

bewailknot's avatar

I wish, but no
TJBM is still in bed

DaphneT's avatar

No, been up for hours, but want to get back in bed…

TJBM has someone to get into bed with

PurpleClouds's avatar

He’s away right now, but, come Monday, man-o-man!

TJBM keeps a paper time management system.

blueiiznh's avatar


Tjbm knows their priorities

bewailknot's avatar

Always, in my head
TJBM is well oriented to time and space

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Sort of. I don’t have an inherent sense of N,E,S, and W like some people do.

TJBM prefers having coffee in a cup/saucer rather than a mug.

creative1's avatar

Nope love my big mug of coffee

TJBM loves to eat out rather than cooking at home

geeky_mama's avatar

Yep, most of the time.

TJBM is reading more than one book at the moment.

bewailknot's avatar

True, I usually go back and forth between 3 or 4, depending on my mood that day.
TJBM has read a favorite book several times and will tell us the title.

Bellatrix's avatar

I don’t tend to read books repeatedly. I have read Henri Charrière’s Papillon a few times. Plus other classics like Great Expectations and To Kill a Mockingbird.

TJBM has been to Toastmasters.

creative1's avatar

No but I have the speaking books for Toastmasters

TJBM likes to talk in front of large groups

geeky_mama's avatar

Not so much. I did Toastmasters (and am a CTM) but I still don’t especially enjoy public speaking even if I can do it adequately.

TJBM is a mind-reader.

Bellatrix's avatar

No, but sometimes I wish I was and at other times I am certain I would not want to know what people are thinking.

TJBM has a hobby that takes up a lot of their time and will tell us what it is.

PurpleClouds's avatar

Not really. I like doing this and baking.

TJBM has been to the state of Mississippi.

geeky_mama's avatar

Yes, relatively recently for work.

TJBM has a super power.

blueiiznh's avatar


Tjbm is an avenger

MollyMcGuire's avatar


TJBM is tired of hearing about Obamacare.

Dutchess_III's avatar

True and I’m glad it’s over and we won.

TJBM will benefit greatly from the Affordable Care Act.

PurpleClouds's avatar

No. My insurance premiums are going up. I’ve yet to figure out who is going to benefit; it will not be working middle class people, however whatever insurance they have now will become more expensive. It will not be the people who can’t afford insurance and want it because the states do not have to open the Medicaid roles.

TJBM has seen a waterfall this week.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

False, but it would have been nice.

TJBM had peanut butter today.

creative1's avatar

No but it sound like a good idea to have

TJBM has cooked with peanut butter before

bewailknot's avatar

True, many times. Love peanut butter cookies and bananas sauteed with peanut butter.
TJBM knows someone terribly allergic to peanuts.

creative1's avatar


TJBM knows someone allergic to shellfish

geeky_mama's avatar

Yes, my dad. Suddenly in his 50s he became deathly allergic to shellfish!

TJBM knows someone with a July 4th birthday.

Bellatrix's avatar

I do. It is a very lovely jelly.

TJBM has hard to find veins when they have to have blood tests.

bewailknot's avatar

False – I am a very easy draw, and have let phlebotomy students practice on me.
TJBM hates needles

creative1's avatar

True and now I am a trained phlebotomist where I am the one drawing the blood

TJBM is having a glass of wine

PurpleClouds's avatar


TJBM never drinks wine.

bewailknot's avatar

True, but I do cook with it sometimes
TJBM likes the hard stuff.

Bellatrix's avatar

Not much. I don’t drink much at all and usually only a glass of wine when I do. I do have quite a bit of the ‘hard stuff’ in the house though, just in case.

TJBM likes Long Island Iced Teas.

PurpleClouds's avatar

Oh no.

TJBM has had an adverse reaction to a prescription med.

creative1's avatar

Only antibiotics, I am alergic to penicilin

TJBM is enjoying hot weather right now

Paul's avatar

False, anything but.
TJBM lives in a naturally hot place.

Bellatrix's avatar

I do. There are hotter places in Australia of course. My house has lots of windows I can open, air con and a huge fan in the loft to keep the air moving through the house.

TJBM doesn’t mind heat but isn’t fond of high humidity and heat.

bewailknot's avatar

True, or even high humidity and slight warmth – can’t seem to breathe
TJBM has asthma

creative1's avatar


TJBM has had poison ivy this summer

Bellatrix's avatar

No. I have never had poison ivy.

TJBM has had a manicure and ended up with nail polish that is much brighter/duller than they expected it to be and that is just not them. (Mine are currently shocking pink… not me at all!)

creative1's avatar

Yup and so I tend to go with the same most times since the polish I use matches my lipstick and looks great with my coloring

TJBM is watches the tour de france

blueiiznh's avatar

How could I not?

Tjbm is training for an tour.

Bellatrix's avatar

No. Cadel is in fourth place. I will leave training for tours to him.

TJBM has a strong and informed position on whether Lance Armstrong is a drug cheat or not and will share.

blueiiznh's avatar

Yes and I don’t snitch.

Tjbm is mellow yellow.

geeky_mama's avatar

I wish. What color is uptight?

TJBM is peachy-keen.

MollyMcGuire's avatar


TJBM has missed Molly. :)

Ela's avatar

You bet your britches!! Welcome back, Molly!!
Where in all the whole entire world have you been hiding?!

tjbm loves to play hide n seek

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM is enjoying the lovely weather

Ela's avatar

False. It’s going to be over 100 today… and tomorrow…. and the next day….
I swear I live in hell : (

tjbm swears they have died and gone to heaven

blueiiznh's avatar

Not yet.

Tjbm is freezing cold at the moment

creative1's avatar

True, just had to shut off my ac wishing I had someone here to snuggle up to

TJBM loves to snuggle

Bellatrix's avatar

I love to snuggle. One of my favourite things to do.

TJBM has a lovely throw they like to snuggle under on their sofa.

geeky_mama's avatar

Yes, and quilts for the same purpose, too.

TJBM has sun-tanned skin.

Bellatrix's avatar

No. I am very fair really. I avoid sun damage. Very conscious of skin cancer.

TJBM wears sun screen regularly.

creative1's avatar

Nope I try to get as much vitamin d the natural way as possible

TJBM uses the tan in a bottle stuff instead of a natural tan

MollyMcGuire's avatar

No, I’m happy with my fair cancer-free skin.

TJBM watches wrestling on TV.

blueiiznh's avatar


Tjbm has a penguin on their tele

bewailknot's avatar

no, I have an avatar (Avatar)
TJBM worked a 12 hour shift today

Bellatrix's avatar

So far I am at 7 hours. It is only 1.46 pm though. So, I could very likely hit the 12 hour mark (again).

TJBM does not work in one office but works in a variety of locations.

PurpleClouds's avatar

False. I don’t work now.

TJBM is retired.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Nope. Just got started working!

TJBM said the word “Pedal pushers” today.

Bellatrix's avatar

No. I can’t remember the last time those words passed over my lips.

TJBM is watching the 2012 Olympic Opening Ceremony.

MilkyWay's avatar

Watched it.
TJBM is feeling proud of their country right now ;)

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I’ll be better able to answer when I see what the voters do in November.

TJBM noticed that Molly has been gone for quite a while. ;)

Ela's avatar

Welcome Back @MollyMcGuire!! <ruffles her hair> we must have a wing-ding!

tjbm brought cake for the party

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