Social Question

wundayatta's avatar

Did you ever pull off a con?

Asked by wundayatta (58730points) June 5th, 2012

On purpose, or accidentally—did you fool someone so much that you couldn’t afford to let them find out they’d been fooled? What was it? How long did you carry it off for? Did you ever get found out? If so, what happened then?

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22 Answers

woodcutter's avatar

Tag for interest. Never conned anyone before so….corrupt me if you can.

ucme's avatar

Never been in prison & if I had there’s no way i’m masturbating some big fat hairy bastard, go get yourself another “bitch!”
Shit, I may have read this wrong ;¬}

Trillian's avatar

When I left my ex; the pill head. I got a new place in June, took my stuff over there a little bit at a time until I was ready to move all the big stuff. Then I rented a moving truck, had a male friend help me with the really heavy stuff and had everything out of the house by the time he got back that evening. It was August then. He never had a clue that I was going to leave him, and I plotted and snuk (sneaked?) for over two months. Though I can’t take all the credit for his oblivion, mainly due to the aforementioned pill issue.
Does that count as a con?
@ucme eeeewwww. Well done!

The_Idler's avatar

When I was in school, if it was a rainy lunch-break, I used to go the library and hack nearby houses’ WiFis and use fraudulent credit card details to scam internet drug-dealers.

When it was hot, I’d buy tons of drinks and then sell them at a 500% profit on the school fields.

An enterprising young man, I was.

Naturally, I jest.

Keep_on_running's avatar

Well, once I bought one of those pre-made cake mixes and unintentionally passed it off as my own. I wanted to correct them but it was too late.

filmfann's avatar

My favorite con story is one involving a former friend.

Larry was quite a womanizer, and he had quite the crush on Maggie, a girl at his work. Maggie was seeing someone from work, and we’ll call him Tom, since I don’t remember his name.
It drove Larry crazy that Tom was involved with Maggie. He was desperate to find a way to break them up. In a conversation with Tom’s friend, Larry was told that Tom was married. Larry was excited to know this, and broke his neck trying to get to Maggie to tell her.
When he did, it really upset Maggie. She was devastated.
Larry was ready to move in for the kill, when Maggie came to his office, and told Larry off.
Turns out, Tom wasn’t married. Tom’s friend told Larry this so Larry would look like an ass in front of Maggie, and ruin any future chances with her.

Ron_C's avatar

@filmfann that is just cruel all around.

Ron_C's avatar

I’ve never been in a con or practical jokes because there seems to be no upside to them. That being said, do you have a con that could be interesting and fun? I am corruptible.

Berserker's avatar

@ucme lol say wut?

wundayatta's avatar

@Symbeline “pull off” in English English equals “wank.” The kind of thing that you might be forced to do to a “con” were you in prison. Our @ucme is in rare form tonight.

Berserker's avatar

Oh. I get it now, lol. I also had to look up ’‘salad tossing’’ when ETpro made that thread about ass salad. Man I gotta get with the slangs.

bewailknot's avatar

I don’t really think of this as a con, but what @Keep_on_running said made me think of it. I was supposed to bring dessert to a club meeting, and decided to make a cake. After pulling the cake out of the oven (I swear I tested it for doneness, I swear) I set it on the counter and it fell – to about one inch thickness. I had a couple hours so I made a second cake, and the second one came out OK. I put them together as a layer cake, called it a fudge brownie cake, and pretended it was supposed to be that way. The cake was a big hit.

bewailknot's avatar

@wundayatta Thanks. I hope none of them see this.

Sunny2's avatar

It wasn’t intentional. People brought things to add to a menu featuring cracked crab. I purchased sushi, arranged it on my own platter and took it for an appetizer. The hostess, who knew I could have made it myself said to everyone at the table, “Sunny2 made the sushi.” Not wanting to make a big issue of it, I let it pass. I later told the hostess what I had done, but I wasn’t passing it off as made by me. Was that a con? Or a misinterpretation? Doesn’t matter. What’s done is done.

ucme's avatar

@Symbeline I thought “pull off” was understood as wank slang all over the globe, my bad.
@wundayatta Good knowledge base, wank thank you for the, err….compliment?

wundayatta's avatar

Mispent youth, @ucme. I spent a year in public school in England. I know far more about British culture than I should. Especially the wanky parts. No. I didn’t touch them (except my own). But I sure heard a lot about it.

ucme's avatar

You learn something new every day around these parts.

lifeflame's avatar

Along the food theme…
My boyfriend used to get up in the middle of the night and drink milk straight from the carton when he was thirsty. Once he said, “You know, I’m so sleepy, I don’t know if I actually taste the milk. For all I know, I could be drinking something else.”

So to test this theory, one evening while he was out, I emptied the milk carton into a jug, washed it out, and then filled in the carton with orange juice. Then I washed the orange juice box, and replaced it with the milk. That night, sure enough, as usual, he got up and ambled over to the kitchen to swig down some milk…

Earthgirl's avatar

@lifeflame But you have to tell us what the hell happened next!!! Did he notice the difference? If so, how did he react?

lifeflame's avatar

Well, he came back to bed as if nothing had happened… (I didn’t follow him to the kitchen, but i heard him pour, and drink. I didn’t hear any exclamations…)
So in the morning, I switched the cartons back, and we were having breakfast. I was dying to know if he’d noticed in the night, but I didn’t want to ask straight out.
So I said, “Mm, the milk smells a bit off. What do you think?”
The way he smiled when he took it… I think he knew, but if he did, he wasn’t giving it away…!!

Another food con we pulled…
My mother loves chocolates, but as my dad is a proponent of health food (he went from vegetarian to raw food), throughout our childhood she kept discouraging us from eating sweets. Bad for your teeth, etc, etc. When we were a little older, I opened the fridge to eat some figs or cranberries—something of that type, that comes in a bag with a resealable zip lock. To my surprise, instead of finding cranberries, I found it filled with chocolates…!

The chocolates were of a brand called Baci chocolates, and they came in a silver wrapping with a concealed message inside, with quotes like, “There is no instinct like that of a heart.” – Byron.
So what my brother and I did, was we unwrapped all the chocolates, and printed out own messages on the computer—same tiny font, with messages like, “Chocolate has been proven to be hazardous to your health.”—Dr S. Chow [my father’s name]; and stuff like that. So that when my mother next opened them, she got quite a surprise!

Earthgirl's avatar

@lifeflame That’s hilarious. You guys really have a sense of humor. But I still can’t believe you didn’t find out for sure if your boyfriend noticed the milk/orange juice switcheroo! You can live with just assuming from a cryptic smile??
Your chocolate story reminds me of a Halloween party when my sister (let me blame it on her, because I would never have had the nerve) decided to serve chocolate covered insects. All night long one of our guests kept raving about how good one of these chocolates were. He was totally ignorant that the chocolates had ants and grasshoppers and such inside. OMG was he mad when he found out that he’d been going back for second and third helpings of chocolate covered caterpillars!!! yeah, it was gross and mean, I blame it on my sister

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