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FluffyChicken's avatar

What was your good deed today?

Asked by FluffyChicken (5521points) June 5th, 2012 from iPhone

If you did something nice for someone today, what did you do? If some one did something nice for you today, what?

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18 Answers

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

My 9 year old son called me randomly and said that he got permission from his mom for us to hang out on a weeknight and he thought we should go to dinner. He offered to pay, but I told him I would pick it up.

gailcalled's avatar

I dropped some books and a get-well card off for my shut-in friend who has been feeling even less well than usual. She didn’t want company so I simply hung them on her front door in a bag as a surprise

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I didn’t kill anyone.

zenvelo's avatar

I twice let people go ahead of me in line.

Ponderer983's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate I was thinking the same thing!

GladysMensch's avatar

I voted to remove Scott Walker. Looks like I have to wait for the feds to arrest him instead.

deni's avatar

I don’t think I did anything great today, but yesterday it was really windy and my 2 friends and I were walking to a trailhead to hike up a mountain for the full moon viewing, and in the middle of the street, in a turning lane, was a huge tree branch. I urged my one friend to move it out of the road, and he did, and people all around started clapping. It was hilarious. Someone yelled “WHAT A GREAT SAMARITAN!” As they wizzed by on a bike. It was osm.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

I was allowed to take off the straightjacket and nothing happened!

rpm_pseud0name's avatar

Today I picked weeds from the garden with my mom. It wasn’t planned. I’ve always stayed out of her garden. But today we walked by a heavily weeded area & without discussion or preparation I got on my knees & pulled those bastards up by the roots. I didn’t notice or care that I was wearing my nice pants & a shirt that is irreplaceable & full of sentimental value (bought at a concert). I shook the hell out of the weeds; soil & mulch splattering everywhere from their guts. Crushed bugs thrown about while the spiders scattered from the scene. It was as if Quentin Tarantino was directing HGTV. It felt damn good.

Sunny2's avatar

Darn! Spent the day alone and didn’t do one. I’ll have to do two tomorrow.

Rarebear's avatar

Spent 6 hours today volunteering my time for citizen science projects broadcasting the Venus transit.

Aethelflaed's avatar

Volunteered for a rape crisis center.

ucme's avatar

I’m a parent, I do nice stuff all the time. For me it’s a way of life :¬)

zenvelo's avatar

From an old Al-Anon pamphlet:

Just for today, I will exercise my soul in three
ways: I will do somebody a good turn, and
not get found out. I will do at least two
things I don’t want to—just for exercise.
I will not show anyone that my feelings are
hurt; they may be hurt, but today I will not
show it

OpryLeigh's avatar

I tried to help my friend out of an awkward situation, I failed but at least I tried!

Blackberry's avatar

I received some really great notes from a friend that has already passed the class I’m taking now. They were the most neatly written, organized notes I’ve ever seen. It was in a note card booklet and I didn’t want to copy them because it would have taken forever.

Anyway, I gave them away to a guy that was having problems with the class, even though I really wanted them.

Berserker's avatar

If I have to think about it, that probably ain’t no good…

SpatzieLover's avatar

Ditto @GladysMensch. I predict he’ll go to jail when the Billionaires that bought his seat do time

Also, I took in a wild bunny. He’ll be with us for a week or two until he’s big enough to live free.

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