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wundayatta's avatar

Why did you take your job?

Asked by wundayatta (58730points) June 22nd, 2012

The advantages you saw to your current job.

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24 Answers

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Money. I hate my current job for many reasons but I was desperate and it’s temporary.

syz's avatar

For the challenge.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

My previous company was bought out by a nationwide corp. that then declared a bk so most employees were laid off. I was living paycheck to paycheck, supporting my mother’s mortgage and needed a job, asap. Once I got on, I couldn’t afford to stop. I am lucky, my job comes with insurance benefits so where my husband makes a lot more money, his company offers no bennies- I now work to cover the cost of us both having bennies.

harple's avatar

Autonomy, satisfaction (it’s so rewarding) and variety.

glenjamin's avatar

money, plus I was a laborer at the time and work wasn’t secure. Plus this was a “real” job and on my desired career track

reijinni's avatar

nobody else was biting.

Mariah's avatar

Well I don’t have a job right now, but when I’ve been hired for a campus tutoring job for next year. I’ll be tutoring differential equations in a group setting.

Embarrassingly enough, this is my first job (at age 20). I would have taken just about anything because my empty resume was starting to scare the crap out of me, but I’m so pleased that I got this job in particular. It’s something I think I will be good at and it’s intellectually stimulating.

LittleLemon's avatar

I went from a Tech Support position to administrative work for a University. I was lulled by the sweet song of tuition waivers and expensive health insurance.

thorninmud's avatar

I have a couple of jobs; this is about the one that pays the bills:

The mission: I had worked many years in the upscale food sector, and had grown weary of providing yet another luxury to people swimming in luxury. This job fixes disabled people up with technologies that can transform their lives. It felt like a better way to spend my time and energies.

The environment: A shop loaded with cool tools as my own personal playground. Relative autonomy. Solitude when I want it. Dedicated coworkers.

And I thought that as a state employee, I would enjoy relative job security, pension and other old-school benefits. But then came the Great Recession, and I now work for the shakiest state in the union. The budget vultures circle constantly overhead.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

dat experience.

Fly's avatar

It’s unpaid, so certainly not for the money; I did it for the experience and the connections.

tups's avatar

My job is to be me. I took it because no one ever gave me a choice. No money, unfortunately :(

SavoirFaire's avatar

I have two jobs at the moment, one of which is just for the summer. I took on my teaching job because it’s exactly what I’ve always wanted to do with my life. I could have gone through graduate school without teaching had I been willing to accept those grants and fellowships that remove teaching responsibilities, but that mean removing my favorite part of the experience.

My summer job is being done purely for the money, though at least it is relevant to my profession and gets me free access to all sorts of information for which I would ordinarily have to pay. I am allowed to take advantage of that access for as long as I am an employee, so I may keep doing this job in my spare time for a few years. The advantages make up for the tedium.

cookieman's avatar

This is good timing, as I just accepted a new job. So, why’d I say ‘yes’? In no particular order:

• The salary is such that, for the first time in sixteen years, I won’t have to work two jobs.

• It’s a job I love doing in a field I adore.

• It’s twenty hours-a-week less than my last FT job.

• They’re paying for graduate school, which I’ll start next year.

ucme's avatar

Aptitude, cash & because for.

flutherother's avatar

I took it because it is interesting and varied and I thought I would like doing it which I do.

Dutchess_III's avatar

For the first time since I graduated in 93 with a degree in education, I was actually offered a position IN education. We had sold the shop, and I was looking for work. I looked for two years, did a lot of substitute teaching. I saw an ad in the paper for a sub at a HS degree completion program, so I applied. It wasn’t very promising from a sub’s POV….I would only work either Monday or Wednesday night from 4:30 to 8, but I said I’d be available. I only worked there once. About three months later I was getting pretty desperate for work. I was on Fluther, actually, when the phone rang. The boss said, “Hi. Remember me?”
I said “Sure.”
She said, “You want a job”?
“Well, yeah!”
That’s it. One unexpected phone call changed my life. :) That was 2.5 years ago. I jumped through the hoops to get recertified to teach (8 hours of college credit…I took pre-Algebra and Astronomy.) I just finished that so starting July 1 I will be getting an extensive raise to equal a beginning teacher’s pay, AND I only have to work 4 days a week.
Life sucks, huh! :)

Earthgirl's avatar

The main lure to me was the extensive art department. My company designs all of its own packaging and does an extensive merchandise catalog. We also have our own photo studio, it’s pretty humble, but it’s nice to have photographer on call. We book the models and style the shoots. All of this was brand new to me.

I realized that I needed to learn Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator and I thought with the large art dept I would have a chance. It didn’t exactly work out that way at first. It’s been a long haul and it has taken me way too long to learn because I have had to do it mostly on my own time (and also on my own dime!) But I finally feel like I am gaining the skills I need to present my work well.

it certainly wasn’t for the pay or because it was a good commute because both of those aspects really suck!!

augustlan's avatar

Short answer: Because Andrew and Ben asked me to.

After being a stay at home mom for eons, I’d been looking for a job for over two years without much luck. In the meantime, I’d joined this interesting site called Fluther, eventually donating my time as a volunteer moderator for the site. When the founders offered me the community manager position here, it was a part-time job that paid a very small monthly stipend. I accepted it with the understanding that I’d have to leave if I found a ‘real’ job. Not long after, it became my real job… a full-time one, with full-time pay. I took it because I already absolutely loved doing it. A job I didn’t even know existed a few years ago has turned out to be my dream job. Who knew?

downtide's avatar

Ten years ago I was working a low-paid part time job and I needed more money so I started job-seeking for something better. Because I have a disability that puts some limitations on the kind of work I can do, I took advice from the local job-centre and they got me an interview in a local call-centre

I was warned that it was a telesales job and I was pretty sure I would be useless at selling, but I figured that I’d go along to the interview anyway just for the practise, as it had been several years since I’d done one. To my amazement, I aced the interview and was offered the job on the spot. I was told there would b a months training so I decided to give it a shot and accepted. Ten years later I’m still there, although I’m now in the administration department and no longer selling, although that turned out to be not as bad as I feared either.

Dutchess_III's avatar

^^^ When you work hard, and are willing to give iffy things a shot, life seems to just work out, doesn’t it @downtide.

downtide's avatar

@Dutchess_III indeed it does. I make it a goal to never close a door without at least looking to see what’s on the other side first.

AngryWhiteMale's avatar

I was laid off from my previous job due to budget cuts, and the job I’m at now just happened to be open. It’s not a job I wanted, or a job I even like, but I fit the qualifications enough that I knew I had a good chance at getting it (which I did). For now it pays the bills, and it comes with some benefits, so I’m not knocking it.

Seaofclouds's avatar

I took my job because it was the first one I was offered when I started applying and I was really interested in working for the company. They have a lot of great opportunities within the company and have a fantastic continuing education program.

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