General Question

marmoset's avatar

You're a small business or freelancer, and you use an email service for sending out your mailing-list emails. Which one?

Asked by marmoset (1341points) June 28th, 2012

I haven’t tried any of them, but: I like the way Mad Mimi presents itself; I’ve heard good things about Mailchimp; I’ve seen a lot of people using Constant Contact.

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3 Answers

funkdaddy's avatar

Mail Chimp is my favorite.

Easy to use, great interface on their website, additional tools if you need them, and generally just a good fit.

marinelife's avatar

I have used Constant Contact at a non=profit I worked with. It worked well. They give non-profits a discount.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I have three friends that use Mailchimp and love it.

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