Social Question

Jeruba's avatar

Want to bitch about three really trivial things?

Asked by Jeruba (55868points) September 27th, 2012

Or four if absolutely necessary.

Here are mine at the moment:

1. When I pass through a self-closing door in a public setting or workplace and hold it open for the person behind me, I expect that person to follow me and hold it in turn, not squeeze past me in the open doorway and leave me still holding it. Damn.

2. When someone writes “Sorry, I couldn’t resist,” I always wish they had. Especially when a terribly obvious joke or wisecrack or an especially awful pun is involved.

3. When a speaker takes questions at the end of a talk, there always seems to be someone who seizes the opportunity to ask a long, detailed question about a unique personal situation, holding the entire group hostage for the duration, instead of sticking to questions that could conceivably be of interest to someone besides themselves.

There. That’ll do it for the moment. How about you?

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61 Answers

Shippy's avatar

People who stand too close to me in queues and peer over my shoulder at the goods I bought and my purse. That drives me wild. I have had many queue fights and expect many more.

People who dam push in, whilst waiting at a public toilet. I will continue to get into scrapes in toilets until people learn their lesson!

Nosy people, people who say “How are you?” what they are really asking is “What exciting things have you done this week that I need to know about? Like a friend of mine who I am avoiding. My house is for sale, so its “How much?, I had a painter here, “How much did you pay him” or I bought some shoes “How much did you pay for them: Really! get some class!

Sigh Jeruba, why only three??

Kayak8's avatar

@Jeruba I second your #1, I may be guilty of your #2, and I agree with your #3. I would add that I work in public service (not an elected position) and often find people are able to take potshots at me (in my role) to which I am not able to respond and it gets old some days.

Jeruba's avatar

Go ahead, @Shippy, have another one.

Blondesjon's avatar

1. When a person is aggressively vocal about foreign folks in our country needing to “lurn thu fuckin langwage” when they have only a tenuous grasp upon it themselves.

2. When I am driving and wave/tip a finger at another driver and they respond with a head nod or by thrusting their chin my way.

3. When I’m arrested for being in another person’s home simply because “they don’t know who I am” or the “restraining order”.

Shippy's avatar

Much obliged!

People who think because they are awake you are awake, and phone you at 7.30am, or drill holes and hang paintings in their apartment (above me). This, on a Saturday morning no less. Then look puzzled when ask them not to, in my gown and morning hair.

Other people who take their entire family grocery shopping, in our already crowded malls, this includes, granny, grandpa the four kids, plus Timmy aged two who loves to protest and cry all the way through.

and still more people who:

Groups of females who meet for lunch and speak so loud I cannot digest my food or think straight. They laugh chat, shout across the room, and have awful voices to crown it all. Smacking you with their handbags slung over their shoulders on the way out, which are level with your head, because they are oblivious to the fact there are humans about since they are so engrossed in meeting up. Its just so exciting!!


augustlan's avatar

I get annoyed when I let people in (or out, as the case may be) in traffic, and they don’t acknowledge it at all. A little ‘thank you’ wave really improves my mood.

I’m not sure how trivial this is, but I’m poorer than I’ve been in a long time, and am realizing all over again how being poor actually costs more money in several instances. It sucks.

My computer isn’t cooperating with me. It’s thwarting me at every turn. Grr.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

1 Four way stops and stupid drivers. A tractor trailer is turning left onto the road I was on tonight. I was following an idiot. Right up to the stop sign they go, and then they sit there. of course the tractor trailer can’t turn. So we sit there for a while til it penetrates their pea brain.
2 Friggin bugs. (Not always trivial)
3 People with lousy hygiene in public places. I don’t care if you want to stink. Just don’t make me deal with it too.

filmfann's avatar

The clock in my office is 5 minutes fast. A coworker strolls in 5 minutes late, and correctly blames the clock for being perceived as late. However, at quitting time, he goes by the clock on the wall.

My company does everything they can to push us to work faster, but they rent old, used computers that have known faults, and take much too long to start and operate. Keep in mind I have to turn off and on my computer half a dozen times a day.

I have told my step-daughter not to call me at 8pm. I am watching a television show that comes on at that time every night. She ignores me, and calls anyway, promptly at 8.

Jeruba's avatar

@filmfann, this isn’t meant to be an advice-giving thread, but still—it sounds to me like you should tell your stepdaughter not to call you at 9:00.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@filmfann Not to be picky, but do you realize how many step-parents would love a step-kid that wanted to have a close relationship with them?
Edit. Or what Jeruba said.

jonsblond's avatar

I would like to bitch about one thing. Hashtags. I can’t watch one television show that I like without seeing a hashtag. The Weather Channel even has hashtags. I don’t tweet and I don’t like hastags being all over the television screen. Drives me crazy.

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to bitch about this one thing.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

I agree with @jonsblond. Hate hashtags.

Give me a few to think of some. I have hardly eaten today (busy), and my brain is mush.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

I even hate the word “hashtag”.

jonsblond's avatar

@Mama_Cakes we can call them hasstags. Or skip the “h” and call them asstags. (or not. that sounds dirty)

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

1. Idiotic drivers- I really wish I could just knock them off the road.

2. People who walk incredibly slow and in the middle of the aisle at the grocery store

3. The same “holding the door” issue that you mentioned.

4. People who refuse to train their dogs to shut the fuck up

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

! Nose hair. What’s the deal with that.
2 Ear hair. Ditto. Thanks Y chromosome.
3 Thinning hair. The worst joke ever.
And definately chocolate’s 2

filmfann's avatar

Okay, I have one more complaint.

I subscribe to the newspaper. It gets delivered in the morning, and I take it to work. I read it during my breaks, my lunch, when I am on hold, and when the computer takes time to load. I love reading the paper.
Recently, my newspaper prints part of an article, then says “go to our website for more of this article”.
Hey! I BOUGHT the damn paper! Can’t you give me the whole story?

mangeons's avatar

I can only think of one right now, though I’m sure I have a million things to complain about.

But the one I want to focus on right now is PEOPLE WHO RIDE THEIR BIKES IN THE STREET DOWNTOWN. Yes, I understand that you are technically supposed to ride in the street and not on the sidewalk. However, the lanes are impossibly narrow, there are cars parked on both sides, and there’s barely enough room for the two lanes of cars to drive on the road. As an inexperienced driver especially, I don’t appreciate having to try to go around bikers taking up the side of the lane when there isn’t room for them!! They’re not even riding in the lanes like normal traffic, just on the side where they expect you to just drive around them even though there is no room for them to be biking on the street! Ugh.

Mariah's avatar

I have such a first world problem right now. I’m all “ugh, this company is expecting me to travel an hour to their office by public transportation on a school day to have an interview.” Damn, now that I write that out I feel like a terrible person, but…’s just annoying to have to miss class and take a bus all over the state!

Kayak8's avatar

@augustlan Boy, I totally agree with the no gratitude drivers when you let them cut in!

I also get annoyed when the school district (to whom I give tax money but have not sent a single child) decided (without even talking to me) that my front yard would be a bus stop . . .

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@mangeons. Take your time with bikes. Come on out to the country. There was a bike rally on my road friday. It’s two lanes, but that’s it. I wasn’t passing any bikes near hill crests. Some woman behind me was freaking out, throwing up her hands. She got the bird. Give the bikers a break.:)

mangeons's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Well when it’s your first time driving in the extremely overcrowded downtown area and you’re super nervous and there are very slow bikes in your way that you have to go around, it’s extremely unnerving and annoying!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@mangeons Just go easy. I was insane when I first drove. Take your time. I know it’s annoying. But be careful. You can never take back hurting someone.

mangeons's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Haha trust me, I’m a very careful driver! I’m too scared driving downtown and on the highway to be insane. My dad often has to tell me to speed up so that I’m not going below the speed limit…

cookieman's avatar

1. Folks who ask my advice on a situation or concern, and then try to argue with me about it as if I offered it up unsolicited.

That’s all I have at the moment.

DigitalBlue's avatar

1. People that drive fast or recklessly. You get road rage because I’m going the speed limit in front of you? I get road rage because you go flying past me. Then, I feel really satisfied when I pull up next to you at the same red light.
2. This mysterious, bottomless pit of laundry. No matter how much I wash, it keeps piling up. I don’t understand, and it makes me very agitated.
3. It really bugs me that so many people are grossed out by other people. Their feet, their houses, their weight, their lifestyle, whatever. That’s probably not trivial, but it really does bother me more than most things and I don’t think it’s necessarily something that people really focus on as a big deal.

Mariah's avatar

@DigitalBlue Agreed, so hard, on 1 and 3!

woodcutter's avatar

To the person who wants to pull into the parking space I had (really close to the store) when I back out of it but they are so close I can’t even back out. There is another car right behind them so they can’t back up and we have gridlock….bite me.

I hate when the clerk is on the phone at the checkout and has the nerve to hold up that index finger as if to say “I just need to finish this call and then I will help you” I wish employers would confiscate all employee phones until close of business. People who are using the phone during work are screwing over their boss as well as their customers.

The Hallmark channel- self explanatory.

Coloma's avatar

People ( mostly men ) that spit in public

People that think blocking the gas pumps is an acceptable parking place ( this happens to me almost daily in my tourist community, lazy weenies. ) Baaaaah!

Litterers. THIS by far, pisses me off the most. On my river walk the other day I picked up a broken beer bottle, a beer can, a cheese wrapper and various other bits of trash. God help the poor fool that drops their trash on my beautiful river trails. Grrrr!

rojo's avatar

People at the traffic light that are on the phone and don’t notice when the light turns green; and why is there not an international symbol for “Head up Ass” so we would know not to get behind them?

Drive thru speaker people who always ask me if I would like an “Apple pie or soft drink with that”. NO! I gave you my order, that is what I want.

American Family Radio. What a bunch of Miscreants.

amujinx's avatar

The fact that there are so many complaints about driving shows that just maybe we should make getting licenses much tougher.

My driving complaint is people who go into the left lane on thruways and don’t pass. Making people have to weave in traffic because you are slowing down the lane that should be designated for passing hardly makes the road safer. More cops should ticket this.

People who need to take their whole family into a store with them, and spread them out over an entire aisle. I hate shopping, and want to be in and out as quickly as possible, so condense your legion of spawn together so I can get by.

People who attempt to sound intelligent on the internet by using the word “moot” but spelling it “mute”. Those words mean two different things, idiot. Learn the language before trying to sound smarter than the other person you are arguing with. I’m sure the people on here would catch this particular mistake, but no one on the other boards I peruse seems to notice this horrible mistake.

Coloma's avatar

Oh, how could I forget my ongoing battle of the reptiles and amphibians over here.
I just found the 27th dead and dehydrated lizard under my ottoman while helping the cat find her toy. I also just witnessed a tree frog hopping up the hood of my car and vanishing into the gap above the hood and below the windshield wipers. I will probably wreck my car tomorrow when the poor frog is clinging to my windshield going 75 mph. lolol

Bonus…no rattlesnakes for 3 weeks now and at least they don’t get in the house, so far. :-/

Shippy's avatar

@Jeruba Ugh! sorry, I read this morning another “one” I hope that meant another one whole set? (ha ha)

Blackberry's avatar

I wish people in the left lane would switch to the right lane, especially if the speed limit is 35, and they’re actually going 35 or less.

That’s really all I wanted to say. I’m pretty happy right now.

Seek's avatar

@Jeruba, I’m in love with this question.

1. Put. Down. Your. Goddamn. Motherf**king CELL PHONE YOU RAT BASTARD!
Sorry. I have an hour commute every morning and afternoon and find myself often at the mercy of idiots who are too busy fixing their Autocorrect to, say, not drive headlong into my (older, made of steel and will probably kill your face) vehicle.

2. Dear McDonalds – if your free coffee promotion this week is intended to persuade me to purchase your coffee next week, you might try to get the order correct. Something like, actually giving me black, two Splendas instead of half a gallon of nondairy creamer and sixteen sugars. Once is forgivable. Two days in a row is absurd.

3. Dear uptight helicopter parent at the library: Yes, I see him. Yes, he’s playing on the computer. By himself. Thirty feet away from me. No, I don’t think the librarian is going to molest him if I turn my back for ten seconds. If he starts leaping from the bookcases, you may then express concern. I’m sorry your child isn’t smart enough to entertain himself while you put the next Twilight book on reserve, but don’t take that out on my kid.

Pazza's avatar

I hate people who moan on fluther…..

“Sorry, I couldn’t resist,”~


the above was inspired by dinnertime boredom

ucme's avatar

Mitt Romney’s genitals, they’re incredibly small & smell of cheese.

josie's avatar

1. People strolling leisurely down the center of the traffic flow in the parking lot at the mall

2. People who do not take the grocery cart back to the store or the little corral, but instead leave it where it at best takes up a parking place and at worst rolls into and dings somebody’s vehicle

3. The cashier at the counter who gazes blankly into the distance at nothing and no one in particular and says “Can I help whoever is next?”

There are actually a few more, but too much bitching (and hearing it too) is toxic to the soul. Thanks for limiting it to only three. Gets it off my chest, but without doing damage.

picante's avatar

I got a million of ‘em, but I’ll exhibit self-restraint ‘cause y’all are lookin’:

1. Long, slow voicemail messages with the frenetic, turbo-charged delivery of the phone number at the end. Upon the fifth replay of the message, I think I’ve got it right – but I don’t. If you want me to call you back, please state your phone number in a slow, clear voice. Thank you.

2. When the sign says “Right lane ends; merge left,” I would expect that we need to move to the left. It is amazing to me how many people stay in the right lane, and I, the lone leftie, must now “merge” with them. Work with me, people!

3. The “movement” to charge upwards of $3.00 for a glass of iced tea. Not even fancy iced tea.

. . . and everything everyone else said above.

Trillian's avatar

1. When I hold the door for someone and they walk through without acknowledging me in any way or even, apparently, noticing that a door is being held.
2. When someone tries to edge their stuff onto the counter where I’m still making my transaction at the gas station. Really?
3. I get into the stall on the far end, leaving four open stalls. Someone, for WHATEVER fucking reason, chooses to sit right next to me rather than taking one further down.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Sheeps driving. You go to a bank. There are 3 drive through bays open, but everyone is stacked up behind just ONE bay. The line is backed up to the road. You have to wait 5 minutes for the line to move forward enough so that you can go around and go to one of the empty bays. At that point others go, “Hey! I didn’t think of that!” and they move out of line to the open bays. Sheeps.

I hate it when people hold the door open for me for no reason. I’m heading for the door closest to me, the one that pushes inward, and some well-meaning person coming out the other door, holds the other door open,the one that is fartherest from me, and just stands there, holding the door open for no reason. It throws me off my rhythm, it’s uncomfortable and it’s stupid. Then I feel guilty if I don’t go through that door. Stupid.

AND people who can’t go more than an hour without talking about food.

Dutchess_III's avatar

oops! I just read Trillian’s post! Sorry Trillian! But it’s still true. >_<

Jeruba's avatar

What an excellent venting session! Wow. I hope you all are feeling better now.

I want to add one, and that is people who persist in speaking at announcement volume (are they all trained for the stage or what?) when they’re in a public setting and the people they’re talking to are two feet away. In a restaurant, in a grocery checkout line, at a hair salon—do they have to shout? Damn. I especially don’t want to hear all the medical details when we’re stuck in a doctor’s waiting room together. As a friend of mine from New York used to say, “Don’t make everybody know your business.”

I didn’t plan it this way, but I ended up wanting to follow up with an antidote question. Come on over here and tell us what you do to soothe those sore spots when they flare up.

mangeons's avatar

@Jeruba I hate to say it, but I’m a huge offender of the one you just mentioned. The problem is, I’m naturally that loud, and 99% of the time I don’t even realize I’m being loud! I’ve been trying to work on it for ages, but so far I’ve been unsuccessful. I have no idea why I talk that loud naturally!

rojo's avatar

Sand in your swimsuit

Daylight Savings Time

People who think that I, for some reason, want to hear the music they have blaring from their car and not what is on my radio.

Trillian's avatar

@Dutchess_III your description does not match what I said, no lag time, no farther/closer dilemma, just timing courtesy. I’ve resolved, however, to drop the courtesy and allow the door to close from now on. (It’s been almost an hour now, go get me a sammich!)

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Trillian LOL!! I mean, if it’s OBVIOUS, like, they’re coming in right behind you, then sure, hold the door for a sec so it doesn’t slam in their face!

Here ya go :) When you add lettuce and tomato it gets rid of the calories in the french fries, see.

Trillian's avatar

@Dutchess_III Wow. You are my official go to for sammiches! Nope, it’s nothing but face slams from here on out for me!

JHUstudent's avatar

1) To go along with @josie, slow walkers or oblivious pedestrians. Hate them.

2) Slow computers have always stressed me out. I guess that’s a generational thing, I grew up EXPECTING computers/phones, etc to run quickly.

3) People who do not say “Please” and “Thank you”

Pazza's avatar

@ucme so….... I’m assuming there was a ‘scratch and sniff’ picture of Mitt in a magazine, and that you haven’t in fact ‘T-bagged’ him? lol.

(was that one of those obvious jokes that everyone hates?.....)

I hate when you buy a pasty from a pasty shop, like the meat an potato one I just ate, and you find that ¾ of said pasty is actually just flakey pastry…... and even when you get the meat an potato bit at the bottom, its actually just potato! (angry face!)

I hate the way people try to express their sentiment by typing things like ’(angry face!)’ at the end of a sentence.

An I hate when you see on facebook a status that starts ‘the way…......’ like, ‘the way people don’t say excuse me in a shop and just barge past’ or ‘the way people put a status starting ‘THE WAY’ on their fucking status on facebook’

An I hate the way people try and express sentiment by using ALL CAPITALS…....

An I really really REALLY FUCKING HATE WASPS!.........

dabbler's avatar

Speaker phones in open office area, when used by only one person on this end.
Dialing on speakerphone, waiting on speakerphone, “Hi!!...!” on speakerphone.
Shut up already, pick up the damn handset or get a headset.

Coloma's avatar

@rojo Oh my yes…I HATE being levitated my someones bass in the car next to me.
I guess I’m getting old but WTF, who the hell wants to be vibrated to death. lol
I still like my rock-n-roll in the car but not the insane hardcore bass of a lot of modern rap crap etc.

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AngryWhiteMale's avatar

Ah, this is going to be nice, venting to someone other than myself, even if I’m virtually venting.

1) doing the laundry and having a missing sock every other time. Honestly, where do missing socks vanish to??

2) bicyclists who think that, because they are not driving a gasoline-powered vehicle, they don’t have to follow traffic rules. (yes, you do: stopping at a red light is required; so is riding single file. Oh, and don’t make a right turn on a red, do a u-turn in the middle of the lane, then turn right to merrily continue on your way.)

3) Navigating phone menus each and every time I call “customer service” (an oxymoron in itself), then having to deal with someone obviously reading from a script.

Thank you. I feel better, virtually. ;-)

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

While I was buying out the baking aisle at our grocery store today, some random guy was walking past, looked at me, cocked his head to the side, and told me he wanted to bite the little mole next to my mouth. WTF? Why would you say that, weird random person, WHY? People like that make me really uncomfortable.

Jeruba's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate, maybe that’s the way things work in the type of movies he likes to watch?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Parents who don’t hold their little one’s hands when crossing a busy parking lot or street. Then scream at people WHO CAN’T SEE THE KID when they start backing up.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@Dutchess_III Haha, that’s not trivial!

Trillian's avatar

^^ My son used to make negative comments about Jennifer Ehle every time he saw her because of the mole on her top lip. He always said “Ewww, if you kiss her you’d be kissing that mole.” The fact that he really does not stand much of a chance at kissing her never seemed to make an impression on him, though I pointed it our several times.

flutherother's avatar

These three crop up with hellish regularity:

1 ) Litter discarded in public places, especially beauty spots. I can’t understand this disrespect for nature. It is so easy to take your rubbish away with you.

2) Advertisements on television. I watch TV because I want to see the programme. It irritates the hell out of me when at a critical moment some inane advert blasts out at double volume. I don’t know why we stand for it I really don’t.

3) The phone system of large companies where no call is ever answered by a human being. You are given a message saying ‘your call is important to us’ which is obviously a damned lie followed by press button one for this, two for that, etc etc. Simply infuriating. </rant>

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