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wundayatta's avatar

How did George McGovern affect your political life?

Asked by wundayatta (58730points) October 18th, 2012

The news is reporting that McGovern is non-responsive. I guess we are close to the end.

What do you remember about McGovern? Did he affect your political life?

For me, it was a badge of honor to be able to put this bumper sticker on my car: Don’t blame me. I’m from Massachusetts.

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6 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

He was a hero to me as I became of political age. I was a year too young to vote for him (but I would have) and I admired him through his tenure in the Senate. Sometimes he fought uphill and with little support, but almost everything he fought for and against have been found to be “What we should have done”.

Strauss's avatar

I campaigned and voted for George McGovern in 1972. When he lost, I became disillusioned and burned out with politics, so I moved my life in a different direction. His policies and political battles were inspiring to me.

elbanditoroso's avatar

In his own way, George McGovern’s current condition and Mitt Romney’s candidacy are very similar. They are both non-responsive. But McGovern’s going to be in a better place soon.

I was 14 when McGovern ran in 1968. It was his candidacy, combined with the idiotic VietNam war, that really turned me on to politics and issues more important than baseball and football. His candidacy, and the capacity to dream of a better world, were enlightening to me. It has shaped me into what I am today.

Never mind that Nixon beat him. The fact is, McGovern flipped a switch in me.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I was 9 years old in 1972 when McGovern ran against Nixon, and I became fascinated with politics. I wanted McGovern to win and was sorely disappointed at the very lopsided outcome of the race. For the longest time afterward, I thought about entering politics.

McGovern gave me hope.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@elbanditoroso – my error, I meant 1972. How could I forget Hubert Humphrey???

bookish1's avatar

Good question @wundayatta. I’ve really enjoyed reading everyone’s responses here. I know my mother campaigned for him.

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