Social Question

wundayatta's avatar

What affect does porn have on how some women think they should prepare themselves for and behave in bed? nsfw?

Asked by wundayatta (58730points) December 1st, 2012

There was a question about whether people shave their pubic area and I think a few people mentioned that porn had a big influence in causing some women to think they should be shaved. Are there other ways that porn influences women’s behavior, both in terms of how they look as well as in terms of how they think they should behave when having sex?

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10 Answers

Unbroken's avatar

Hmm.. Well this is not necessarily limited to porn. But extra skinny, very voluptuous.
Anyone familiar with the compulsion to have the bottom two of your ribs removed. I forgot the name of it.

deni's avatar

I think shaving is a big one. You should have no hair done there, a perfectly flat stomach, huge boobs, and definitely no tan lines. You should make sure to make it into the tanning salon so that your butt is just as tan as your legs. Also wear a lot of makeup when you have sex and it won’t run, don’t worry.

Unbroken's avatar

Oh I think it has increased males attraction and thus pressure for anal and threesomes and deep throating.
Younger males have no concept of the potential drama of asking younger girls into threesomes with their best friends.
Luckily most intelligent older males grow out of this.
I have noticed quite a few younger males who want to be dominated now. Seriously dding alone I got asked in various ways if I would like to be their dom. Maybe this is not knew and I am just getting older….

wundayatta's avatar

@rosehips That’s interesting. I hadn’t heard about younger guys wanting to be submissive.

dding? Drug dealing? Designated Driving? That’s what Urban Dictionary gave me.

Unbroken's avatar

Designated driving. But drug dealing would seemingly be more profitable.

filmfann's avatar

Yes, but get caught and face finding out if your cell mate wants your pubes shaved.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I think it does have an effect, sometimes negative and sometimes positive. I guess you have to talk to each woman and see. There are many people who say it makes sex worse for people of all genders, that it ruins intimacy or creates body image and performance issues. I think it can. I don’t think it does that for all people and I’m not anti-porn, in general. I am anti how mainstream porn portrays women or people of color or how it fetishizes what we in society deem as abnormal but I have the same problem with society. Porn is an extension of ourselves.

tedd's avatar

Porn, like just about all things that are fun, can be a problem if abused.

jca's avatar

I read a quote in a book once where the author was talking about women often feeling insecure about their bodies not living up to what we may think of as the ideal (the aforementioned big tits, skinny tanned shaved bodies, etc.) and the quote was something like “when a man is alone in a room with a naked woman, he is thinking of no other woman at that time.” Not sure if it’s true, but it’s good to keep in mind.

@rosehips: In the case of a woman, it’s a “domme” not a “dom.” A dom is the male version.

Unbroken's avatar

jca thanks for the insight and clarification.
I was thinking the domme thing could be related to spikes in estrogen level and women’s preference for beta men when choosing a mate it would be harder to say what the single contributer is.

I think on further thought the only real difference porn makes is level of intimacy and the difference between connection and action.

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