General Question

wundayatta's avatar

What foods have fructose and what foods have glucose?

Asked by wundayatta (58730points) January 3rd, 2013

A recent study found that eating fructose triggers overeating, but eating glucose satisfies the brain.

Makes me want to know what foods have glucose in them—for obvious reasons.

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6 Answers

ETpro's avatar

Vampirism should do. Blood’s full of glucose. Some flower nectar is high in glucose as well. But either source means your feeding method basically sucks. :-)

Mariah's avatar

The sugar in fruit is glucose. Can’t think of much else, honestly…

Oh, but anything listed as legal in this list definitely doesn’t contain fructose. (If it’s illegal, that doesn’t necessarily mean it does contain fructose).

JLeslie's avatar

Fruits have fructose. Some vegetables also I guess since high fructose corn syrup is from corn, but I assume it is processed somehow to make it high fructose rather than just fructose. Some foods have fructose and glucose. Obviously any packaged foods that have HFCS have fructose but I assume you mean whole foods that have the sugar naturally occuring. Pretty much all carbs like pastas and bread are glucose I would think? The body takes sugars and converts to glucose to use it. It stores sugar as glycogen, and then releases it into the bloodstream when needed. If glycogen storage is full and you eat more carbs then it stores as fat. Hitting “the wall” is depleting glycogen storage.

whitenoise's avatar

Read the wiki article on fructose. It has a food source table in it. :-)

JLeslie's avatar

@whitenoise Some very interesting info on that link.

mattbrowne's avatar

Most fruit contain a mixture of both. And keep in mind that for all fruit with sucrose in them half of it ends up as fructose because it’s a disaccharide.

In our bodies fructose ends up as glucose as well, so with a delay it satisfies the brain too. However, if there’s plenty of glucose in our bloodstream, the surplus is stored as glycogen in our muscles and liver. Once the store is full, glucose ends up as body fat.

What triggers overeating is a lack of fiber in our stomachs as well as the speed of our eating. The solution is a slow food attitude and a fiber-rich diet. It takes a while for the brain to realize that our stomach is full.

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