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bossob's avatar

What would you like to be reincarnated as?

Asked by bossob (5929points) January 8th, 2013

I want to be reincarnated as one of my wife’s stud dogs because:
1. They get the best health care.
2. They get great food.
3. They get to lay around on the couch all day.
4. My wife finds girls for them.
5. When it’s time to mate, if the bitch is a bitch about it, my wife is very good at A.I..

hubba hubba!

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19 Answers

mazingerz88's avatar

A Galapagos tortoise. They supposedly live long and I might actually enjoy the view. : )

rojo's avatar

a river guide. Preferaby one who does the Grand.

josie's avatar

Robert Baer or Batman

bookish1's avatar

A cat in a cat-loving household.

wildpotato's avatar

A human, preferably a male one. I enjoy self-consciousness, and while I’ve been having enormous fun and satisfaction being female, I’m curious about how it feels to have the complimentary parts. Plus it’d be cool to have like twice the upper body strength.

wundayatta's avatar


Or maybe Don Juan.

Pachy's avatar

I don’t believe in reincarnation, but if I’m reincarnated, and I do have a partially open mind about that, I’d like to come back as myself the first time I kissed thye girl who became my first, one and only school sweetheart.

Rarebear's avatar

Denebian slime devil.

Ela's avatar

A man or a bird (‘cept I don’t like worms so I don’t know how well that’d work out).

Haleth's avatar

A redwood tree.

Coloma's avatar

A pet that belongs to someone like me.

livelaughlove21's avatar

I’d kill to be my cat. What a life…

CheshireCatsWit's avatar

A wolf or an emperor penguin. Wolves and Penguins are very in-tune to their family and I’d love that.

Berserker's avatar

I was already there when the Earth wasn’t born…I’ve been an oak, I’ve been a river, a lake…I was the fires below the feet of Joan of Arc!! Worthless humans, die!

’‘cough’’ That would be pretty cool if I could come back as a blanket, and I’d be purchased by a hot guy! :D

poisonedantidote's avatar

A giant redwood.

ucme's avatar

Fred from Scooby-Doo, then i’d get to hump Daphne.

Berserker's avatar

Why doesn’t anyone like Thelma? :( I’d hump her.

ucme's avatar

In the movies the girl who plays Thelma is hawt, Sarah Michelle Gellar has tiny tits & is like a bag of bones. I like it when they switch voices, Thelma’s bod & Daphne’s cute little voice.

OpryLeigh's avatar

A mermaid.

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