General Question

dookie's avatar

Do postage-paid envelopes go into the metered or stamped mail drop boxes?

Asked by dookie (64points) June 10th, 2008

They’re not stamped, but I’m not sure they’re metered either. I’m concerned because I send my rent check in a postage-paid deposit envelope to my landlord’s credit union. I sent it on the 2nd and it still hasn’t been deposited, a week later. It normally doesn’t take this long.

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3 Answers

robmandu's avatar


Metered is usually done by weight per piece.

Likely, it wouldn’t make a bit of difference (as the post office can handle such mixups easily).

I highly recommend calling your landlord and proactively following up. In my experience, people you owe money to are much more likely to work with you if they don’t feel like they’re having to shake you down first.

jballou's avatar

Postage-paid is considered stamped. Metered is for mail that has been weighed and had its postage generated from a Post Office sanctioned device.

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