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rebbel's avatar

How do you deal with a financial gift? [Details inside].

Asked by rebbel (35553points) March 4th, 2013

Every now and then my parents gift me with some money.
Say I am to buy a new pair of jeans; my mother will give me 50 euro for that cause.
I (usually) put that 50 apart, and, when I go to buy one, I take that note of 50 with me to us it for the purchase.
I can’t use that 50 euro note to buy groceries.
Although I am aware that if I buy groceries from it, and later I withdraw 50 from my account to buy the jeans, the balance will be the same.
How do you do this?

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14 Answers

Jeruba's avatar

I used to do pretty much the same as you: put the actual physical cash aside and use it specifically for the intended purchase. My parents never gave me money like that, but my grandfather did. Later on, though, he’d just send me a check.

No one gives me cash any more, I’m afraid. But when I give it to someone myself for an occasion, I usually get hold of some crisp bills from the bank so they look and feel a little bit special.

augustlan's avatar

I generally just lumped it in with all my other money, using it (most often) to pay bills, unfortunately. I do the same as @Jeruba when giving cash, though. Nice crisp bills.

marinelife's avatar

I try to keep it separate too so it won’t get swallowed up in the expenses of life.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I try to give crisp clean bills and then stamp them with the stamp. I even register them. If the recipient want to play, they can or they can just spend them normally.

janbb's avatar

My husband and I were very different on this. I, like you, would say this money is set aside for this purpose and he felt that money was money. I am happier doing it my way. (Cue Frank Siantra.)

cookieman's avatar

I really like the idea of setting it aside for its intended purpose or for something special. I really do. Unfortunately, I often really need to pay bills at about the same time I receive such a cash gift – so that’s where it usually goes.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I set it aside. Those dollars are special. They were given with love, it makes them different.

livelaughlove21's avatar

I rarely carry cash, and I’m rarely given cash as a gift. That’d be nice. If I was given cash, though, it would probably go right into my bank account with the rest of my money and spent accordingly.

I really don’t see why that exact money would have to be used for a specific purchase. 50 euro is 50 euro, no matter the source.

Bellatrix's avatar

I keep it separate although I am rarely given money as a present these days. I know it really doesn’t make sense but it just feels like the right thing to do.

Pachy's avatar

When I was a kid, my dad and uncles slipped me money from time to time or mailed it to me after I left home. But like @Jeruba, I don’t get cash gifts anymore (big sigh). As an adult, when somebody gave me cash (as one of my very special friends used to do each birthday), I never felt right if I lumped it in with my own money. I do recall one time when my budget was so tight I had to use it to pay a bill.

LuckyGuy's avatar

My brother in law and I always had to give each other something for Christmas. It was painful. What to do get someone who has everything they need or can just go out and get it if they don’t? I came up with the perfect gift: Time and no stress. I give him a $20 bill and he gives me one. It’s perfect! We are both so happy we might even make it $50 this year.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I use it and get the item later out of my account. With no guilt.

Seek's avatar

As soon as that money hit my bank account, it would be gone, and the gift (intended to be a treat for me, and not fodder for daily expenses) would never fulfill its purpose.

My best friend gives me a small cash gift for my birthday every year, with a new change purse. This year was gold sequins. The money in that purse is for me, me alone, and must go to something that makes me smile. Last year I bought craft paints and glitter.

rebbel's avatar

Thank you for your answers!
Nice to see that we handle it differently, nice also to see that I am not alone in my handling.

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