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AnonymousWoman's avatar

Do you think Gmail is way too sensitive sometimes?

Asked by AnonymousWoman (6533points) March 11th, 2013

I recently tried to find people through my Gmail on my account. Here’s where the trouble starts. Gmail doesn’t let me log on. Then I get an email warning me of suspicious activity. I let it go. Whatever, right? I know it was me, so I don’t care. Then today, I get a warning about suspicious activity about the EXACT damn thing! And I say yes, it’s me. I recognize this activity. Even though it’s from Russia and I live in Canada. ‘Cause, well, I guess that’s where whatever they use logs you in from or something. So then it says I have 10 minutes to log into the account I want to use. Which seems fine and good… until I find out… is getting upgraded. Great! So now 10 minutes has either passed or is passing.. I am so frustrated! This isn’t the first time Gmail has done something like this to me, either… Gmail has MADE me change my password over stupid crap like this. UGH!!

Do you have any frustrating stories like this? Do you think Gmail is totally justified?

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5 Answers

tom_g's avatar

No. I even use Google Authenticator and 2-step authentication. My gmail/google account is too important for me to risk getting hacked, and I appreciate that Google puts so much effort into making it secure.

FYI – You might want to look at Lastpass if you are still typing in passwords.

Shippy's avatar

No its been OK for me.

gambitking's avatar

That’s the mark of good security. It’s great especially for those of us who use the whole Google package, from Chrome to Gmail to Drive. We can feel better about letting Google handle all our sensitive stuff without worrying too much.

It’s like the clerk at the store asking for your ID when you pay with your credit card. You’re thankful they do right?

gorillapaws's avatar

Once a hacker gets into your Gmail. They can often get access to most of your other accounts. You want Gmail to be as secure (or more) than a bank site because it can really fuck things up for you if you’re hacked.

I also use the 2-step authentication from Google. I highly suggest you (and everyone else with a Gmail account) activate it. Here’s a guide for the process it only takes a couple of minutes and it could really save your ass a lot of grief.

AnonymousWoman's avatar

I don’t have a cell phone, which is why I’ve stayed away from that. Which is another thing that annoys me about Gmail. It wasn’t the friendliest website for me for a bit because I don’t have one…

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