Social Question

rebbel's avatar

Do you also suffer from Location Specific Recurring Thoughts?

Asked by rebbel (35553points) March 20th, 2013

Surely I am not the only person in the world that has this happening to him?
I am in the shower, washing my hair (always exactly when I rinse the shampoo out), and there it pops up; the thought in this case, “How would ‘Jeanie’ be doing right now?”
I am washing the dishes, and there it comes; the thought in the dish wash case, “I wonder if I can find that radio documentary about that Dutch inventor that created a way that could hold dozens of movies on a dice sized device?” (Mind you, that docu aired in about the end of the nineties)

Do you also ‘suffer’ from this weird thing, the Location Specific Recurring Thoughts?
Where/when, and what?

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8 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I do that all the time. In my bed when I wake up in the morning, when I hit the office and sit down, and when I leave the office.

janbb's avatar

Every morning when I get out of bed I have the same thought, “I have to pee now.”

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@janbb Disregard that. I’m not going to say it.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

How did that get a GA?

Judi's avatar

No, not really like that. When there was a chance I might be alone for my birthday my sister wanted me to drive up to my hometown. I had to tell her that would make me sad because I would miss my mom. I can’t go back there without thinking of my mom but that’s not near as random as you are describing.

augustlan's avatar

Yep. It seems like whatever action I’m doing is the same action I had the first time I came across whatever it is that I’m thinking about. Say I’m opening a can of soda and something on TV catches my attention right at that moment, I’ll think about that thing every time I open a can of soda for at least the next several days. Almost like an ear worm. I’m glad it doesn’t seem to last forever. Ear worms are bad enough, I don’t need never-ending mind worms, too!

ucme's avatar

Whenever I take a dump I think of fluther, only joking…it’s good for morale y’know :-)

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