Social Question

AnonymousWoman's avatar

Are you the ugly person in your family?

Asked by AnonymousWoman (6533points) March 26th, 2013

If so, how does that make you feel?

Personally, I feel like I am and it really sucks. I’ve even been asked things like “Your sisters are so pretty. What happened to you?”

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29 Answers

ucme's avatar

There are no ugly people in my family, we’re all complete stunners, it’s in the genes you know ;-}
If a family member really did say that to you then rest assured, it’s they who are the ugly ones.

marinelife's avatar

I am not the most attractive person in my family.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@AnonymousWoman True beauty is what’s inside a person. If someone doesn’t have that then I wouldn’t feel any attraction to them. They could be a super model and I’ll just yawn. So there isn’t an ugly person as long as you have that. And whoever asked you that showed a real lack of class.

Berserker's avatar

“Your sisters are so pretty. What happened to you?” Whaat? Man, screw those people. I don’t know what you look like, but I’m sure you’re pretty.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I agree with @Adirondackwannabe, it’s all about inner beauty. Some of the prettiest people I’ve ever met, haven’t been physically beautiful, but they were gorgeoius to me, including past lovers.

That being said, if you feel ugly, you will reflect that. Maybe work on self-esteem and be nicely groomed, dress nicely and cleanly. Looks fade, class is forever!

rooeytoo's avatar

In this world, it is a definite advantage to be physically attractive. It seems to be valued above all else. But for the rest of us who are not likely to be asked to appear on the cover of a mag, we have to remember we are in the majority. And we are usually smarter, more inventive, more intuitive and more likely to win the Nobel Prize!

Anyone who would say that to you is rude and insensitive not to mention stupid as a rock. Ignore them and get on with your life.

TinyChi's avatar

I probably have the worst skin but that doesn’t make me ugly or anything.
It makes me feel ugly sometimes though.
It makes me feel kinda self-conscious when my family points it out and I’m bad at covering it up and taking medicine for it so there’s not much I can do about it.
But there’s more important things in life than being beautiful so I wouldn’t worry about it too much.

YARNLADY's avatar

I used to think I was the smart one and my sister was the pretty one. My Aunt once said to me she felt sorry for my sister since I got all the smarts and looks in our family.

It turned out not to matter.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@TinyChi Try not to let it get to you. My friend and my mom both have psoriasis, in remission, and I know a lot of people that had bad skin that eventually got better.

I’m not sure of your age, but birth control pills cleared my skin up immediately.

bob_'s avatar

You look hella fine.

DominicX's avatar

As if.

And if anyone said that to me, I’d clock them in the face. No questions asked.

Judi's avatar

I was growing up. Only someone older than maybe 45 would know what I’m talking about but my older sister looked like Peggy Lipton in the Mod Squad. She was the 4th and I was the 5th child. The next child older than her was 5 years older. Everyone doted over her. How smart and beautiful she was. I grew up with a lot of resentment and an “I’ll show them,” attitude.
What made it even worse is that she was really sweet and humble like freakin Snow White and I was just an ugly witch for resenting it.

Bellatrix's avatar

Some people have no manners and no consideration for others. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. To the person who said that, you may not be the prettiest sister. To others, you may very well be. Don’t let someone else dictate how you feel about your own external attractiveness. As has been said, beauty comes from the inside and you can show yours best by putting a big smile on your face and loving yourself.

Brian1946's avatar


And if anyone said that to me, I’d clock them in the face.

If anyone says that to me, I’ll follow your intended example. After I hit them with a minute hand to the jaw and an hour hand to the nose, I’ll ask, “Your siblings have such attractive, unclocked faces. What happened to yours?” ;-)

josie's avatar

Not even close

AshLeigh's avatar

I come from a family of beautiful people. I think my sisters are prettier than I am, but I don’t think I am ugly.
How much of being ugly is just an awkward age?

DigitalBlue's avatar

I always feel that way. All of the women in my family are really beautiful, and I often feel like I am the ugly duckling. Most people don’t consider me to be ugly, but I really feel like I got the shitty genes compared to the rest of the women in my family.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@DigitalBlue You are far from the ugly duckling. Remember my comment about your gene pool?

DigitalBlue's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe thanks, but you’ve never seen the other women in my family. Haha.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

No, you put up a picture of your sister with you and I said I really wanted to dip into that gene pool. And she was barely legal. I felt like such a perve. But you are both beautiful.

cookieman's avatar

Whoever said that to you needs a good beating. To quote Stephanie Tanner (and really, who doesn’t?), “How Rude!”

Coloma's avatar

Heh…the “ugly” people are the ones that would SAY that to you! Unbelievable!!!
True story.
My ex sister-law once actually said to me, when I had gained 40 lbs after having my daughter….
Sooo, do you plan on being fat for the rest of your life!” 0-o
I was stunned.

Well…. a few years later little Miss in perfect shape, Softball playing, Gladiator tryouts, gymnist, Polly Purebred, gained a boatload of weight and I was back to my adorable figure. Pffft!
Ugly is as ugly does.

Judi's avatar

So @Coloma, did you ask her if she planned on staying fat?

augustlan's avatar

Who the hell says things like that? Ugh.

I have three daughters who are very close in age. They share a strong family resemblance, but still look very different from each other (different body types, skin tones, hair colors, etc.) Different people think one or the other of them is the ‘prettiest’, and who that prettiest daughter is varies from person to person. It’s a cliche because it’s true: Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder. Don’t let anyone define your beauty other than you.

Coloma's avatar


Better than that, she asked ME ” how have you gotten in such great shape again?”
I just smiled to myself and swished my hips in my cute little short dress an extra bit as I walked away. lol

blueiiznh's avatar

I am one of 5 and have 45 cousins. There isn’t a monkey in our bunch. All good genes.

We also really don’t measure each other that way. It’s about WHO we are!

tinyfaery's avatar

That’s just mean.

I am the prettiest and the smartest. Though to be fair, the bar wasn’t set very high.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

I used to be the most handsome member of the family outwardly, by far.
I was also the ugliest inwardly, by far.

Now I’m the oldest ugliest outwardly, by far.
But I think the inward part has become a little easier to look at.

OpryLeigh's avatar

When we were teenagers my brother was definitely the better looking (and more popular, outgoing and sporty one) but as we have gotten older I no longer feel like the ugly sibling. I definitely look better now than when I was a teenager and my brother hasn’t changed much at all so I think we are even now!

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