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WestRiverrat's avatar

Does sea salt taste the same no matter where it was produced?

Asked by WestRiverrat (20122points) April 10th, 2013

Would salt taken from the Mediterranean Sea have the same taste and texture as salt taken from the North Sea if the methods of taking the salt were the same?

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5 Answers

Dutchess_III's avatar

I wouldn’t think so. Different oceans have different minerals.

YARNLADY's avatar

To a person who is talented in tasting, they would not. To me, they all taste alike.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I just know that sea salt doesn’t taste like table salt. It tastes kind of…dirty!

marinelife's avatar

I love sea salt. There are all sorts of varieties. They have different mineral additions that make them taste different.

This site contains a guide that describes the different types and the flavor differentials.

SmartAZ's avatar

The most important detail is kosher salt. Kosher means larger grain size, which causes less salt per teaspoon. So if a recipe calls for 1 tsp kosher salt and you use 1 tsp table salt, you will get twice as much by weight as you should.

As for sea salt, maybe you can taste the trace minerals, but I don’t think so. (disclaimer: I never tried any.) What you are talking about is just salt. It would be interesting to weigh a tsp of sea salt and a tsp of generic salt just for comparison.

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