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syz's avatar

Favorite bake sale recipes?

Asked by syz (35953points) April 23rd, 2013

We’re having a bake sale at work to benefit the local animal shelter, and I am NOT a baker (although I can follow a recipe just fine). Any yummy favorites that you would be willing to share a recipe for?

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12 Answers

thorninmud's avatar

These Butterscotch Brownies are super easy, and very good.

Kardamom's avatar

Last Halloween, I was lamenting to a friend that the kids of today are not allowed to have Halloween carnivals at their school, and when they do have their “Fall Festival,” (which is not on Halloween) even though they do have a bake sale, they are not like the wonderful bake sales of my youth. Why? Because the parents are not allowed to actually bake anything, the items must be store bought with sealed plastic covers and ingredients lists (usually full of preservatives and un-pronounceable ingredients). Unfortunately, this came about because of the higher incidence of peanut allergies. When I was a kid, I never knew anyone that had a peanut allergy. Now I know a few, and they’re very serious.

Anyway, back in the day, when we would have bake sales at our Halloween Carnival at school, I always remembered the fudge! And come to think of it, I haven’t had any fudge in years.

Here is a very easy and tasty recipe for Fudge

Kardamom's avatar

I forgot to say, Thank You so much for having a benefit for the animal shelter : )

YARNLADY's avatar

I don’t go along with the crowd. I always provide baggies of fruit salad for people who don’t eat sweets. They are usually sold out right away.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oatmeal no bakes, and brownies.

Bellatrix's avatar

Scones. You could sell pots of jam to go with them. I don’t know that I would serve them on the day with cream unless you can keep the cream in the fridge. You could sell the scones and jam though.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Yes! But only if you or someone else can be there during the sale.

I made a batch of Parmesan Onion Souffle and sold samples of it on a cracker for 25 cents each. If the customer liked it, they could buy the recipe on a card for $1.00. Like @Yarnlady, I wanted to offer something not of the norm. Like hers, this sold out.

Here’s the recipe. Parmesan Onion Souffle Note: I use one bag of frozen chopped onions (found in the frozen veg. section) instead of freshly chopped. It can be made in advance and just warmed up in the microwave before the event starts.

Good luck the the sale, and please let us know what you make and how it goes!

Kardamom's avatar

Going along with both @YARNLADY and @Pied_Pfeffer‘s suggestions, you could make some cold quiches and either sell them whole, or sell big slices.

Here’s a recipe for Broccoli and Mushroom Quiche

Dutchess_III's avatar

But you need foods that don’t need refrigeration. Quiches and stuff do. I assume.

Kardamom's avatar

@Dutchess_III I hadn’t thought of that, but maybe she could bring a cooler. That would probably work, same with @YARNLADY‘s fruit.

rooeytoo's avatar

Homemade Peanut Butter Tandycakes. Wow do I miss being able to walk into the store and buy a pack!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Mm. Peanut brittle.

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