Social Question

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Gentlemen. Are there any "Bronies" here?

Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies (30954points) June 9th, 2013

Supposedly, Bronies is a huge movement of men who, for some reason have become crazed fans of… wait for it…

The My Little Pony television cartoon.

Now, personally, I can talk Naruto Shippuden all day long. I’m up on the current manga and anime straight from subtitled Japanese releases. I’ve been a fan since the first episode ten years ago.

But I cannot understand why men have fallen craze to My Little Pony. Can someone explain this to me? Do we have any closet Bronies here on fluther?

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111 Answers

El_Cadejo's avatar

I’m in the same boat as you…. I mean I often “catch shit” from people when I tell them about how into cartoons I am but My Little Pony is just….

jonsblond's avatar

I thought for sure this was going to be an orphan. Who would admit to being a Bronie? No Flutherite that I know. ;)

El_Cadejo's avatar

I should add, I’ve been watching Power Puff Girls for the last week and I’m still like wtf my little pony!? really???

Berserker's avatar

I prefer the term pegasister.

Also fuck MLP, I hate those things. But I have to thank it, for making me realize that, after all, memes really aren’t that funny. Can we evolve now, Internet?

Also, Powerpuff Girls rules.

trailsillustrated's avatar

it’s a sex thing now does it make sense?

ucme's avatar

When I was a kid I remember smashing this girl’s lil pony with a hammer, she was an obnoxious tw@ & genuinely deserved it :D
I guess that makes me a pwny of the pony.

FutureMemory's avatar

Ok…if this is real, I feel a lot better about myself considering some of the silly shit I’m a fan of.

..just watched the entire YT vid..

I really have a hard time believing this is legit. I mean…come on. MLP is for like 5 year old’s, isn’t it?

augustlan's avatar

IIRC, @ragingloli is knowledgeable about this phenomena. I don’t know if he actually is a Bronie, though.

FutureMemory's avatar

Downloading the documentary…lol

FutureMemory's avatar

Alright, just checked Netflix and 65 episodes of the tv show are available for viewing. Anyone else want to take the plunge with me? Haha oh man…

ragingloli's avatar

I am not a brony. I am just interested in the porn.

bookish1's avatar

I just figured it was an affectation. Straight guys do all sorts of weird shit to work out their place on the masculinity spectrum.

ucme's avatar

@bookish1 So me trying on the wife’s dresses is me getting in touch with my masculine side?
I don’t shave my legs so I suppose it’s one theory :P

bookish1's avatar

@ucme: Perhaps… I bet it looks dead butch ;)

ucme's avatar

I do have fabulous legs darling, but yeah, the hairs may have to go :)

filmfann's avatar

My Little Pony is for pussies. I will stick with Strawberry Shortcake and Care Bears.

Seek's avatar

Thundercats, ho!

dxs's avatar

I just saw an ad for it on YouTube and the pony’s voice was so high-pitched it stung my ears.

Mariah's avatar

I went on a date with a guy who turned out to be a brony. It is real. And it is alive and well at geeky tech schools.

snowberry's avatar

I know a guy who insists that MLP has saved his life many times (he’s suicidal).

gondwanalon's avatar

Maybe it is a gay thing. I’ve heard that they are into Spongebob.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Spongebob has its moments of adult humor that I can appreciate, or at least it used to.

ucme's avatar

I still love Peanuts/Charlie Brown & own a pair of Snoopy slippers…they were a father’s day gift off the kids okay!

Katniss's avatar

Is this for real???? lol
I can’t imagine any man admitting to this.

The only person I know that is into MLP is my ex boyfriends daughter.

The only thing I remember about the cartoon is that one of them was named Pinky Pie. I found that to be….. A little bit dirty sounding. hahahaha

Berserker's avatar

For anyone who’s wondering if this is for real, or who is into the obsession, and want to know about the fandom’s history and growth and how it became a meme, this is the best I can offer without having to explain it myself. I never quite understood the phenomena myself, but a lot of video game fans seem to be into this, and as a video game fan, I keep running into ponies all the time.

Know your shitty memes. Go figure this started out on a place like 4chan. Japanese animation fans seem to be into this even more than gamers, perhaps @ragingloli can confirm this.
Also, I’d like to point out that some brave souls go against the phenomina. Diablo 3 has a secret pony level, where it’s just a bunch of ponies that you slaughter. But for all i know, that might just be part of what made this meme go mental. :/

Katniss's avatar

My son is a huge gamer.
Now I feel the need to go ask him about MLP. lol

Berserker's avatar

If he doesn’t know about it, be proud. :)

I’m also a horror movie fan. Just glad my sites and forums for horror have no been touched by this haha.

Katniss's avatar

@Symbeline I just asked him. He started cracking up. He’s not at all into it, but knew exactly what I was talking about. He doesn’t understand it at all.

I love horror movies too. I have since I was a child. I love the blood and guts as well as the psychological.

Berserker's avatar

I just asked him. He started cracking up. He’s not at all into it, but knew exactly what I was talking about. He doesn’t understand it at all.

If he’s a gamer, I figured, chances are, he knows about it. There’s just no escape.
Of course, to each his own. And that is my own just as well, to choose to hate ponies, and admire everyone who isn’t jumping that bandwagon. Your son is awesome. :)

I love horror movies too. I have since I was a child. I love the blood and guts as well as the psychological.
Haha, same here. I love everything about horror. The good, the bad, the ugly. It all rocks. :)

El_Cadejo's avatar

@Symbeline “I never quite understood the phenomena myself, but a lot of video game fans seem to be into this, and as a video game fan, I keep running into ponies all the time”

Egh I know. The flight sim I play, WarThunder(great game btw) changed all the planes into ponies on April Fool’s day. I found a different game to play that day…

Berserker's avatar

@uberbatman Ah, man. It’s one thing when fans act up, but in your case, the game designers? Ye gods.

Katniss's avatar

@Symbeline He is awesome :0) Thank you!

I’ve seen some pretty bad horror movies in my time.
As a matter of fact, Netflix has a plethora of them. I’ve watched almost every one of them too.
There was one with David Hyde Pierce in it that I missed. They removed it before I got a chance to watch it.

Maybe you know the answer to this..
Is there going to be a 28 Months Later?
I’ve been waiting and waiting and it never happened. lol

Berserker's avatar

So far, there are no immediate plans to produce it that I know of, but it was an idea for a long time. At first it got scrapped because of a bunch of legal issues that made it so we would probably not see this, ever. Then this new dude, Danny Boyle wants to make a third movie, but he’s a bit torn. Zombies have been over exposed in entertainment lately, his own words. He doesn’t know if he’s ever going to make it, especially not with The Walking Dead grabbing all the spotlight. He’s got an idea for the movie, but I’m unsure if he has a script or not. Holding out for now. There are people who would like him to let someone else step in and make the movie if he doesn’t really want to.
I can almost positively say though, some day we will get it. Maybe not soon, but I’m sure there will be a number three eventually.
Horror is like that lol. In the meanwhile though, World War Z is coming out soon. This looks like a kick ass zombie movie, so it might satisfy your urges for a while. I know I’m looking forward to it. :)

ucme's avatar

Danny Boyle directed “Days” & was a producer on “Weeks”...did a grand job on the London Olympic opening ceremony too.

Berserker's avatar

Wait, he did both? He also worked on Trainspotting? Well I’ll be damned. Now that I know this, I sort of don’t want an actual new guy to direct a potential third movie…:/

Michael_Huntington's avatar

Honestly, I hope the brony population reaches new heights so I can be one of the last manly men on Earth. While fedora wearing neckbeards and redditors are engrossed in their pony cartoons, I will be lifting weights and getting dates.

ucme's avatar

Yeah, Boyle also directed The Beach, Slumdog Millionaire & 127 Hours, the one about the dude who got his arm stuck in a boulder & had to hack it off with a pocket knife…that scene is fucking hardcore.

Seek's avatar

The book made me cry. I can’t believe that guy is climbing mountains again.

Berserker's avatar

@ucme Yeah I knew him from Slumdog, but that’s about it. Damn I always thought Irvine Welsh did Trainspotting. I mean I know he’s the author but I had it in mind that he also directed the movie. Eh, I failed. XD Robert Carlyle FTW

ucme's avatar

Yeah, good old Danny boy, he’s a versatile film maker alright, he was awesome on Top Gear too, very funny.
Carlyle is such an irritating little pussy in “Later”, lying to his kids about their mother…fucking tool :D

Berserker's avatar

Ever seen Angela’s Ashes? He plays yet another veritable asshole in that movie. But his performance is top notch, as is the entire movie.

Seek's avatar


Edit: Ignore me. I’m caught up on the conversation now.

Katniss's avatar

Angela’s Ashes was an amazing book.
I’m not even sure I was aware that it was made into a movie.

Katniss's avatar

I’m curious about everybody’s opinion on 28 Days vs 28 Weeks.
I loved both, but I think 28 Weeks is much scarier.
It seems that I’m in the minority on that one.

Seek's avatar

Days was better, but I’m a Romero fan at heart.

Days gets a pass, because the people aren’t dead. It’s a virus. So they’re allowed to be “hyper”.

ucme's avatar

Angela’s Ashes, is that the film where there’s this boy looking proper fucking angry?
I can picture the image on a poster at our local rental store, never seen the film though.
@Katniss 28 Days is more gritty/urban & shot on a relatively low budget, Weeks is very good as sequels go, better than I imagined it would be, but the first is way better in my opinion…which just so happens to be the correct one :)

Seek's avatar

Angela’s Ashes is, as far as I’m aware, the life story of my grandparents. Hell, the Flynns may have lived just down the lane from the McCourts.

Berserker's avatar

@Katniss It’s from a book? I’d definitely love to read it then. You should check out the movie, it’s great. Although, it’s pretty damn depressing. Lol. Pretty long movie, though.

As for the zombie movies, well I can’t quite decide. I like both. Days has a way better atmosphere and mood than Weeks, while the latter is faster and more brutal. Two things I like. Kinda reminds me of how Kill Bill has the first movie being all action, and the second just talking. Lol. But like @Seek_Kolinahr, my zombie hero is Romero, so I’ll say I like Days a little more than Weeks, since it kinda follows the Romero pattern a slight bit. It is a bit creepier, but horror movies haven’t scared me in years.

@Seek_Kolinahr Reminds me of a question I think I asked on here before, but that I’m too lazy to look up now. What exactly makes a zombie movie? Is it a zombie movie if the zombies aren’t actually reanimated corpses? By general consensus, it’s clear that yes, but I think it’s a debate I’ll never get bored of.

ucme's avatar

I love the way it’s gone from My Lil Pony to zombies, just as it should be…doosh!

Berserker's avatar

@ucme Fuckin rights. :)

dxs's avatar

@uberbatman Having grown up in the Spongebob era, I can say as a true aficionado that Spongebob went down the drain after the movie came out. They switched writers and became too mainstream. Only cliché humor now.

ucme's avatar

MLP vs Zombie, imagine the pink fluffy tailed bastards got bit & became an undead pony…actually don’t go there, it’s a disturbing image I just don’t wanna form in my head.

Berserker's avatar

That, and the meme probably already covers it. Unfortunately.

Seek's avatar

Well, in my incredibly biased opinion, it’s not a zombie movie if the reanimated dead are those ridiculous uber-athletes. I mean, they’re dead. Their body is rotting as they’re walking. They don’t get to be Olympic track stars just because there are weird radio waves from space that make their brains wake up.

One that kind of tickled me was Daybreakers. The vampires that, when they run out of blood, turn into something like Hyper Zombies. That was pretty sweet.

ucme's avatar

Nobody has ever given me a valid explanation as to why zombies don’t maul each other to shreds, is there some kind of zombie union that forbids hostility toward your comrades?
Or does the rotting flesh of your undead neighbour leave you without much appetite?
Oh & another thing, when zombies tear up & eat some poor fucker, leaving just twitching bones, that means all the other zombies are basically lucky bastards who just received a nasty bite, ran away screaming & then changed into fuck up land…i’m a little confused, but happy.

Seek's avatar

Sometimes they do eat each other. But they prefer live flesh. Attracted to the warmth. Which is why, during the Zombie Apocalypse, my hideout will be a supermarket refrigerated storage area.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@dxs I couldn’t agree with you more. I’m remembering the good ol days :P

Berserker's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr Agreed. As is my personal stance on the matter, first of all, a zombie cannot be defined as a zombie if, as a human, it hasn’t died for at least five minutes before becoming a zombie. The 28 guys are infected yes, but personally I don’t classify them as zombies. It has to be a reanimated corpse.

However I don’t discount a zombie to be able to run and be hyper. Not all zombies are rotten corpses. Many, if not most, are freshly turned, and the Romero approach does work to make a hyper zombie. Zombies don’t feel pain, don’t need to breathe or anything, so if their body is able, they’ll use it to the max in order to feed. So if they can run, they will. (in theory, and not as a rule, gotta respect the distinct line between shamblers and sprinters) Technically, a zombie with a broken leg can still run, if the way the injury is made still allows him to stand up and perform the action.

Although personally, I like the classic shambling zombie much more than the sprinter. And why do they always let out Viking war screams? O_o I realize it’s for fear and effect, and I guess it works, but eh…

Although if you want a kick ass zombie movie that goes back to the roots, check out The Dead. It’s an African low budget movie, but I swear you have NOT seen such awesome looking classic shambling zombies in a while. Kind of turns me off that their eyes are all white, but otherwise…they were awesomely made, and there’s a level of fear and atmosphere in this movie that is all but gone from the modern zombie flick. I suggest it to zombie fans everywhere. Plus, amputees were paid to make some of the limbless zombies. Quite fucking disturbing.

@ucme The way it’s explained in Romero zombies and quite a few others is that zombies run on pure, raw instinct and that is absolutely it. The zombie wants to eat the flesh of the living, this is what is registered in its brain, due to the virus/curse/whatever cause. I’m not entirely sure that zombies even register other zombies directly. They are barely aware of their own existence. They’re like programmed machines, as best as I can put it. Everything is an obstacle or a boundary to it, besides the living human. Sometimes they may eat other animals, has happened in a lot of movies, but if biology has anything to do with it, this is a last resort, suggesting that the meat on humans is directly registered by them as what they need. (also suggesting that any mammal is prone to becoming a zombie if bitten, never seen no zombie alligator)
Technically, zombies don’t need to eat, eating does not make them regenerate nor does it stop the rotting process in any way. Hell, say a zombie who has his guts blown apart and is now devoid of a stomach, he’ll still eat. Everything will just fall on the ground as he swallows it, but he’ll eat. A zombie is dead, so the brain of a zombie will never register another zombie as food, since its instinct demands the flesh of the living.
Zombies do have phases though. Hunting, eating and repose. During repose, some of their human side might slightly resurface, and they may interact with other things and objects sometimes. Usually by sniffing or tasting, or taking things or yanking on car doors and shit. The repose phase might indicate that eating does somehow satisfy them and that they are more aware than what I’m suggesting. I’m always up for learning more on zombies. Also, Bub

Of course, there are plenty of exceptions. In Resident Evil, you see a zombie munching out on a corpse. In Night of the Living Dead, a zombie eats a small rodent.

I realize all that isn’t much of a valid answer, but it is what is offered by zombie dudes like Romero or Brooks. As a general rule, that’s what zombies do; eat people. After that, people are free to try and think of reasons why, while working with the elements that define a flesh eating zombie.

ucme's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr & yes, you too @Symbeline Makes some kind of sense certainly, not that zombie/vampire films need to be questioned to death, I hate that, they are what they are & hugely enjoyable too. Just a curiosity of mine that needed to be itched.

dxs's avatar

@uberbatman Classic. It’s like WHOA GARY I didn’t see you there!
I heard that the writers also stopped using mind-altering drugs.

Berserker's avatar

@ucme It’s a reasonable question. I myself often wonder where this thing about zombies just eating brains comes from. Most zombie movies I see, the zombies eat all the human parts, not just brains.

Only138's avatar

@Symbeline I want to play Diablo 3 and slaughter ponies. Fuck those bastards….they will be horses some day. :) Sign me up!

Michael_Huntington's avatar

So I guess there aren’t any bronies here.

Berserker's avatar

@Only138 The Equestrian Executioner!

Only138's avatar

@Symbeline You got that shit right! :)

Katniss's avatar

It was written by Frank McCourt. He also wrote a sequel of sorts called Tis: A Memoir.
Not as good, but still worth a read.

Speaking of zombies, who remembers Return of the Living Dead? Horrible movie, yet it’s still one of my favorites. lol

Berserker's avatar

Yeah I remmeber it. isn’t that the one where they just ate brains? And with the toxic waste idea? Silly movie, but it was cool. :)

Michael_Huntington's avatar


Katniss's avatar

@Symbeline Yep! That’s the one.

@Michael_Huntington Hell yeah!! lol

I let my son watch it when he was about 6.
My poor child wouldn’t go into the basement for a year.
That slimy zombie thing really freaked him out.

Here’s a question for all my fellow zombie people.

Dawn of the Dead. The original? Or the remake with Ving Rhames?

augustlan's avatar

@Katniss I like both, but got a huge kick out of the remake. Fast zombies, while sacrilege to some, really get my heart pumping! Plus, there is no better opening sequence (paired with Johnny Cash’s song) ever. Awesome.

Only138's avatar

@Katniss I’m going for the old one. There is only one “Dawn of the Dead”....and its the old one. The remake is good….and I’ll give it credit. Just wish they had changed the name. :)

Katniss's avatar

@augustlan I totally agree!
I love the fast zombies. They’re so much creepier than the ones that just kind of stumble along.

@Only138 I can respect that. A lot of people feel the same way.
I guess I just prefer updated zombies. The exception being Night of the Living Dead. Nothing can touch the original. Although!! I’d love to see Rob Zombie take a stab at it. I love his movies and his take on Halloween was nothing short of amazing!

Only138's avatar

@Katniss I agree that Rob Zombie could do justice to a Zombie movie. I also really enjoyed his take on the Halloween Movies (mostly the first one though). And the Devil’s Rejects is one of my favorite movies ever! I say “fuck yeah”. Do it Rob! :)

El_Cadejo's avatar

Ehhh Devil’s Reject’s is up there in my list of favorite movies, but Rob Zombie has made some really terrible shit as well…

PS there is no fucking ice cream in your fucking future :P

Katniss's avatar

Do I stutter, bitch?

Captain Spaulding cracks me up.

@uberbatman would that really terrible shit include Halloween 2? lol
I’m inclined to agree with you there.

Only138's avatar

Halloween 2 had some really good brutality killings…..but the “ghost mama” shit was kinda dumb.

Seek's avatar

@Katniss don’t forget part 3: Teacher Man. Malachy wrote one too, called A Monk Swimming, and there’s also Frank’s “Angela and the Baby Jesus” children’s story, an Malachy had a couple of nonfiction books: A History of Ireland and The Claddagh Ring.

Berserker's avatar

@Halloween 2
Yeah, that movie had problems. Many disliked it, but I didn’t think it was THAT bad. Just not that good. Lol. Plus it had the coolest bathroom I’ve ever seen.

@Katniss Haha yeah, Devil’s Rejects quotes. Whole movie is a goldmine of awesome quotes.

Now I’m gonna come back here tonight, and you better have a damn good reason why you hate clowns…cuz’ if you don’t, I’m gonna kill you and your whole fuckin’ family!


kalafatic's avatar

You know personally, and I know that I may be getting in over my head here… I prefer ponies to zombies.

Never really been a fan of the Romero nonsense – I prefer good writing where ever it is found. The zombie genre is about as appealing to me as the kids television genre and having watched my share of both which I don’t think is true for most of the folks posting – there are a few writers that can transcend their genre. The Walking Dead is a fantastic series and while I don’t usually go in for all the staggering and drooling or the mindless violence, that show hooked me.
The same is true with My Little Ponies.
No I don’t truly self identify as a bronie – but haters – there is a lot to like about the show.

ucme's avatar

My kids used to adore the Teletubbies & you know what…I still have a place in my heart for Po, Tubby toast & Tubby custard, nom, nom!

Katniss's avatar

@Symbeline Oh yeah. I totally forgot Teacher Man!!

I honestly don’t remember a whole lot about Holloween 2, other than I was disappointed. lol

I’ve actually used this quote before.

Consider me fuckin’ Willy fuckin’ Wonka! This is my fucking chocolate factory! You got it? My factory!

Katniss's avatar

@ucme Did you buy in to that whole “teletubbies are gay” bs?

I’m just curious. My niece used to love that show. It was annoying, yes, but I couldn’t really see what everybody was making a fuss about. lol

ucme's avatar

@Katniss Well Tinky Winky did carry a handbag/purse around as if his life depended on it, so not gay no…just a touch camp :D

Berserker's avatar

@kalafatic Welcome to Fluther. :)
As far as ponies hate goes, it’s not so much the show that bothers me. Didn’t hook me. My girlier side is all reserved for Sailormoon so frankly I’m no better. But I’m sure the show is alright for what it is.
What I think is lame is the whole meme and obsessive fad that has occurred with the ponies. I mean to each his own, but I dislike that it gets into things that otherwise have nothing to do with ponies. When I go on a video game forum and everyone has ponies avatars and there are more threads about ponies than there are about video games it’s like…aren’t there fan sites for this? Some people don’t like zombies and that’s fine, and as much as they’ve had spotlight in the passed years, at least you won’t hear about them when you’re checking out an online article of National Geographic.
Although I have to admit, ponies love going viral seems ironically similar to a zombie outbreak. Lol. That said, I love how zombies infested this thread for a bit. :D

@Katniss Yeah, but Rob Zombie didn’t want to direct Halloween II. He admitted it himself. However, due to contracts spawned by the first Halloween, he had no choice, and was pretty much ordered to make it. In some interview he said, I didn’t want to make this movie, and it shows. It’s frighteningly similar to John Carpenter and the original Halloween II. (my favorite of them all) When he made the first movie, he wanted to leave it at that. But since it did so good, his contract, just like Rob, pretty much obligated him to do another if it was asked of him. He got angry, and made Halloween II much more violent and gory than the first. Then his contract was over and he left, although Halloween 3, the project he had in mind after the first Halloween, was slapped into the franchise. Most likely due to some funding issues and Moustapha Akkad or whoever owing him lol.
But I just thought it was weird. In the same franchise, the two guys who made the first movies, original and remake respectively, didn’t want to make a sequel, but they had to. Whole franchise is, frankly, a mess, but a mess I love to death. :)

Katniss's avatar

@ucme Tinky Winky carried a “satchel”. Like Alan in The Hangover.
“It’s not a purse, it’s called a satchel. Indiana Jones wears one.”

@Symbeline I love them too. Except for that awful one with the masks.
I was a kid when it came out and I waited through the whole damn movie for Michael Meyers to make an appearance and he never did! lol

So how do you guys feel about Jason Voorhees?

Berserker's avatar

Haha, Halloween III I thought was cool. But yeah, shouldn’t have been called Halloween, since it has fuck all to do with Myers. However I have a theory. In Halloween V and VI, it’s suggested that Myers is controlled from afar by modern day druids, who use a magical part of a Stonehenge like rock. In Halloween III, this rock is also the cause of the evil masks. So…at least it has some vague link. lol. That is, depending on what one may prefer; Myers just being a crazy bastard, or some tool for some dudes from afar. Each movie seems to specify its own thing, so it’s up to the viewer to decide what the truth is, I guess.
Oh and you should appreciate this…while Myers never shows up in the third movie…in the beginning, there’s some guy drinking in a bar, and on the bar’s TV, the original Halloween movie is playing. :D

And I love Jason Voorhees. I own the box set from part one to eight. Jason is a GREAT villain, I love him. I always watch em every now and then, usually during Summer, as it fits the theme. Jason X was kind of lame…but enjoyable in its own way. I love the classic Jason, but I thought it was kinda cool to have a robot Jason…except he was transformed by the nano technology like, three quarters into the movie, so you barely saw him in robot form. :/ Kick ass franchise, though. :)

jonsblond's avatar

now I have Silver Shamrock playing in my head. thanks @Symbeline :P

augustlan's avatar

The original Halloween is still my favorite horror movie of all time.

Also, get, get, out, out. Friday the 13th was so much fun to see in the theater!

jonsblond's avatar

haha. already watched it. I’m ready for October now!

Katniss's avatar

@jonsblond Thanks a lot! Now I do too!! lol

@Symbeline I didn’t love Jason X, but all of the other ones are great.
I was really disappointed in the remake. I thought it should have been much better than it was.
I’m probably in the minority here, but I loved Freddy vs Jason!
Speaking of Freddy, they should have stopped after the first Nightmare on Elm St. And they never ever should have attempted the remake. That was just beyond awful!! I felt like I totally wasted an hour and a half of my life.

How about the Texas Chainsaw Massacre? With all the sequels and remakes and everything, I don’t think I’ve seen one that I didn’t enjoy. As silly as some of them are, they’re still entertaining. I’m bummed though, I didn’t get a chance to see the 3D version at the theater.

Berserker's avatar

@Katniss I agree about the Jason remake. You know what makes Jason so charming in my eyes? He’s a destructive brute with a few feelings left, and no brain cells. He’s a lumbering bastard who just busts through doors and kills everything until it stops moving. But in the remake, they made him intelligent. He built a whole tunnel system under Camp Crystal Lake? What the Hell?? Jason doesn’t do that! He’s not clever, he just wants to kill everything. They changed the character way too much. I thought it was an entertaining movie, but they really killed the Jason essence.
It’s sort of weird, because Rob Zombie in the Halloween remake made Michael a complete lumbering twat. In the originals, Michael is cool, collected and cunning. Seems to me that Rob should have done Jason and Marcus should have done Halloween. They totally polar opposited their respective characters in accordance to what they originally were. :/
I appreciated the Jason remake for being an actual remake, even though essentially, it would be a remake of part two and not the first…but he’s a whole different person/monster.

And you’re not in a minority as far as Jason VS Freddy goes. I LOOOOVE that movie, it’s awesome. Does an epic job of including the proper mythos for both killers, and making them both work to make a cool story. Really captured the whole 80’s feel too, back when slashers were at their peak. I only wish I was a teenager back then so I could have properly enjoyed everything. I was kind of disappointed that there was no real victor at the end…but in my heart, Jason wins. :)

And AGAIN with the character personality switching with the Freddy remake…in the originals, he goofs off and is always being crass. While in the remake, they made him all dark and broody. Ruined a lot of the fun, frankly. is there a Candyman remake? I have to bitch about more stuff! XD

And I also love Texas Chainsaw, for sure. :) I was disappointed in the recent remake though…that was…a bad movie. Lol. Focused too much on story, not enough death. I mean I wouldn’t mind if the story had been going somewhere, but they could have told it in two minutes, and it would have rocked. Then we could have had some classic Texas Chainsaw shit going on for the rest of the movie. I mean you go watch Leatherface do what he does best; what do you want to see? Limbs flying, or some kinda soap opera? :(
Love all the earlier movies though, and I have to say, the first remake and its prequel really do the original justice when it comes to ambiance and imagery.

FutureMemory's avatar

What the hell happened to the Bronies discussion?? We need some moderation up in here, stat.

Berserker's avatar

Cmon, zombro…don’t be that way.

ucme's avatar

The ponies stampeded, fucked off & were replaced by a whole new better thing.

Berserker's avatar

The mods haven’t said anything, so they must approve of zombies. :D

Zombies be all like.

jonsblond's avatar

Bronies & zombies, bronies & zombies, bronies & zombies
Navy beans, navy beans, navy beans, navy beans
Bronies & zombies, bronies & zombies
Navy beans, navy beans

sorry. now I have the lunchlady song (with new lyrics, obviously) stuck in my head :P

Berserker's avatar

Bronies; more like jabronies, amirite?

Katniss's avatar

@Symbeline People tell me I’m whack when I say this, but what I liked about RZ’s retelling of Halloween is that he made me almost feel bad for MM. I know he was fucked up even as a child, but there was something about the story that made me feel so sad for him. lol So maybe I’m a crazy bitch. Haha

Judging by what you’ve said about the latest Chainsaw, I guess I shouldn’t feel so bad about missing it. If Leatherface isn’t running around with his chainsaw then I want nothing to do with it.

I WAS a teenager when all these fabulous movies were released. lol
Good times! Especially since they just don’t make horror the way they used to!

Also, I’m in total agreement about Jason winning the battle with Freddy. Did you expect anything less?

@FutureMemory I was just thinking yesterday about this topic being totally hijacked. lol
It’s ok though, slasher flicks are infinitely more entertaining than MLP. Don’t you think?

augustlan's avatar

In Social, unless the asker complains, we let the conversation wander.

@Katniss I felt some sympathy for Michael in the remake, too.

FutureMemory's avatar

in Social, unless the asker complains, we let the conversation wander.

I hope you of all people would know I was kidding? :(

augustlan's avatar

@FutureMemory I knew you knew, but there are some newer members in the thread. :)

Katniss's avatar

@augustlan Really?? Very cool! I’m glad I’m not the only one who felt that way. I wonder if that was RZ’s intention.

@FutureMemory I knew you were kidding. lol
Hunger Games fans are cool like that.

FutureMemory's avatar

Bronies; more like jabronies, amirite?

When I first saw the question I thought he was shortening jabronies.

Oh, I’ve watched about 30 minutes of the documentary. It’s…frightening. Still, at least one dude met his woman that way (there’s a scary scene where they’re singing the theme song together) so he’s doing better than I am, hah.

jonsblond's avatar

what? I thought you had plenty of Flutherites fighting for your attention @FutureMemory. nakey pics and all

Berserker's avatar

@FutureMemory Dude. I totally knew you were joking. I’m just trying to keep this thread as alive as I possibly can.

… :D

@Katniss Yeah, although I was whining about interchanged personalities with my favorite killers and their remakes, Rob’s Halloween zombie is awesome. I felt kind of bad too. I mean little Mikey had no idea what was going on. Then his mom kills herself, later in life his own sister stabs him when all he wanted was to tell her they were related…which reminds me of a funny scene from the sequel; Tell him Angel says FUCK YOU! Lol.
Not that you can blame her…but it was kind of emotionally poignant at times. The only thing I was slightly disappointed in is that Rob said that in this movie, he would explain how Myers went mad. But he didn’t say anything more than the original ever did. But it was great anyways and now I wanna watch it.

And yeah. The eighties were really special when it came to horror. Horror today is, of course, still great, but the 80’s feel is something I don’t think they will recapture, at least not entirely. But Jason VS Freddy did a damn fine job of it, I’ll say again.
Of course, changing cultures and stuff…in ten years from now, I’ll prolly bitch about how horror isn’t what it used to be. lol

augustlan's avatar

Have you guys seen Tuker and Dale vs Evil? It was a pretty good take on 80s-style horror.

FutureMemory's avatar

@jonsblond I have yet to meet in person any of the aforementioned flutherites. Unlikely I ever will, considering even lonely housewives and college students usually have better things to do in real life than travel 1000 miles to meet a random guy from a Q+A site. Still, if they want to send me nakey pics, I’ll let them.

FutureMemory's avatar

Please, to those PM’ng me about this, stop. What people do behind closed laptops is their own business, not yours. Just know there are a lot of strange and lonely people out there. Including me, haha.

ucme's avatar

I reckon he got one from a lady who likes to yarn & there’s nothing wrong with that…nothing at all.

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