Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

What are your thoughts about the delay announced yesterday regarding ObamaCare to not impose a penalty until 2015 on businesses that don't insure?

Asked by JLeslie (65488points) July 3rd, 2013

Here is an article.

I don’t like requiring businesses to do anything with healthcare insurance or coverage. I don’t like the marriage of employers and health care coverage in general.

What are the reasons for the delay? I am unclear about why this decision was made.

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9 Answers

rojo's avatar

Typical, business gets the breaks. And, only businesses with over 50 employees I believe.

Maybe this is the first step in a single-payer universal health care plan. Not sure how but I can hope can’t I?

Judi's avatar

I really don’t care that much about the delay. I don’t think it will have much of an impact. It’s just on the fine for non compliance.
The important thing is that insurance will be more portable and more affordable. Single payer would be better but this is better than the NO insurance so many Americans deal with.

Jaxk's avatar

It delays this until after the election. Any negative impact won’t show up until the election cycle has passed. Another political move.

gondwanalon's avatar

As usual @Jaxk is correct. Right on in this case.

bkcunningham's avatar

Yes, @Jaxk is correct. Obama’s actions gets us through the midterm elections without anyone facing any consequences of the divisive law.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Obama has been cowed by big business. He should have taken this to the wall, but he’s weak. The right thing to do would have been to wait and let the owner’s of Denny’s restaurants and the others who have come out and blatantly said that they would not cooperate by hiring only part-time staff (thereby exacerbating the homeless problem in the US), and then nail them with the maximum penalty in televised show trials. Fuck these guys. An fuck ‘em good.

bkcunningham's avatar

I’m thinking about your response, @Espiritus_Corvus, and I’d like to break it down so I can understand what you are trying to say. The owners of Denny’s have blatantly said they would not cooperate by hiring only part-time staff (thereby exacerbating the homeless problem in the US)...

But these companies like Denny’s are in the minority. Are you saying Obama is willing to cave to this very, very small minority and put people out of their homes and make them live on the streets?

Some 94 percent of big businesses are ready and willing to go with Obamacare. Multiple surveys have shown that approximately 94 percent of the nation’s large employers will either definitely or most likely provide workers’ health benefits under Obamacare, since they fear that not doing so will invite public backlash and could potentially drive away current and prospective employees to companies that treat their workers better.

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