General Question

simone54's avatar

Why are Sour Skittles in a different package than regular Skittles and why are there fewer.

Asked by simone54 (7642points) August 13th, 2013

Sour Skittles come in a different package than the all the other flavors. It’s seems to be a tougher, harder to open package. Why is this?

Also, you get a few less. Regular pack is 2.17 oz, these are only 1.80 oz.

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3 Answers

El_Cadejo's avatar

I always wondered the same about the packaging but never noticed the size difference, probably cause I’ve only bought sour skittles once cause they kinda well, suck. If I had to guess though sour skittle probably cost a fraction more to produce and are slightly larger than normal skittles so they can get away with super market shrink ray without most people taking notice to the difference.

tedibear's avatar

I can’t answer as to why the packaging is harder to open. As for getting less in the package, they may be trying to sell it as a “specialty” item. If you look at other candy, you may notice smaller amounts in things that are seasonal or special flavors.

hearkat's avatar

It’s possible that they need to use denser packaging to keep the ‘sour’ ingredient fresh, and they make up the difference in their cost for special packaging by including fewer candies in the package.

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