General Question

Coloma's avatar

Veggie gardeners.... can you help me prime my prize pepper?

Asked by Coloma (47193points) September 4th, 2013

I have THE most amazingly huge red bell pepper in my garden. I have harvested other reds, greens, and yellows so far, but this is the prize winner, just waiting for it’s moment in my oh so delicious red pasta sauce.
It is ¾ths ripe, but…the underside that is missing the sun exposure is still green.
Will it continue to turn if picked now, or…should I wait for a complete and even ripening?

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6 Answers

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Katniss's avatar

@Coloma I’m not much of a gardener, but my mom picks her veggies when they’re almost ripe and lets them finish ripening on the kitchen windowsill.
I’m thinking that if the sun hasn’t reached the bottom of you pepper yet, it probably won’t.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

It will change colors a bit after picking, but I think it’s prime flavor will be the day you pick it. It will be getting sweeter every second until it’s picked. And keep the green at the bottom. I love a little contrast in flavors for the extra rich sauce.

Coloma's avatar

Tomorrow is the big pepper picking day…sauce ingredients on standby! :-)

gailcalled's avatar

Sometimes, it pays to eat a freshly picked bell pepper just like you would an apple, raw and in hand.

Coloma's avatar

@gailcalled True! I am sure I will sample a slice, but have been hoading the other pepers for my special sauce. :.)

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