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serenityNOW's avatar

When you're at the office and have nothing left to do...(short details inside)

Asked by serenityNOW (3643points) October 24th, 2013

Do you just fart around? I’m out at 4, and all I want to do is poke around the Internet. Are you a go-getter and ask your boss for another project, or are you like me… crashing from this afternoon’s sugar rush and basically cruising the net for 2 hours to kill time?

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12 Answers

KNOWITALL's avatar

I’ve always got stuff to do, but my eyes can only handle so much of a particular program that I’m in almost all day. This site refreshes my eyes and mind so I can focus.

serenityNOW's avatar

I should note that I’ve busted my ass all day and was very productive this morning, but I have one more task that should take maybe half an hour, and then all bets are off.

Kardamom's avatar

I like to make sure that everything is cleaned up and put away, and organized for the next day’s work.

CWOTUS's avatar

I work on my tiddlywiki coding and internal information page that our field guys use all over the world.

Or I get more familiar with the features and workings of autohotkeys, and improve my own AutoHotKey.ahk file shortcuts, hotkey replacements, etc.

If I have a little extra time, then I’m working on MS Access development, since I’m the only one in my neighborhood that does much of anything that’s not strictly an Excel flat file, and I maintain several crucial databases.

If anyone sees that I have extra time, then I get asked from one to a slew of questions about Excel functions or problems (and sometimes I learn something from the question, or from trying to find an answer; those are good days).

Or I might just backup my hard drive and read a book, or catch up on one of my thousands of unread emails.

But I do like spending time here, too, or Facebook, or Yahoo, or Motley Fool or Charles Schwab…

YARNLADY's avatar

In my experience, employers prefer workers who manage to find some work to do at all times. When there is a layoff, the least productive workers are often the first to go.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@YARNLADY Less productive? Not me. I get so ahead on my work that I have this time, not slackin at all, promise.

Headhurts's avatar

In my job, there is sod all to do at anytime of day. It is very very quiet. They really don’t need two of us on the desk. I have been on my own this week, and there was still barely enough work for me. I started at 11 today and by 1, I had done all my jobs. So it was just answering the phone and booking people in until I finished at 7. To answer your question, I came on Fluther, visited eBay and played Solitaire. It was nice to leave tonight.

OpryLeigh's avatar

When I had an office job I would spend any down time I had just pissing about online. I wasn’t interested in the job other than to do what my job description dictated I must in order to justify my wages. The job I am doing now, I rarely get downtime but when I do I find something to do that will benefit the business as I have too much invested in it to just piss about.

Blondesjon's avatar

I run a machine shop. There is never “nothing left to do”.

downtide's avatar

There is never nothing left to do in my office but I do like to take 15 minutes at the end of the day to tidy up. I actually hate jobs that have slack periods with nothing to do.

tedibear's avatar

@YARNLADY – Unless it’s a union shop, then it’s by seniority. (Last I knew, that is.)

Depending on the day, I might Fluther or Facebook. But if I have a class, those are restricted to my lunch hour.

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