Social Question

MadMadMax's avatar

What is the one question you wish no one would ever ask you?

Asked by MadMadMax (3402points) November 8th, 2013

You hear this and you’re ready to scream but you know you’ll hear it again and again. For me it;s Why don’t you have any grandchildren? and What church do you belong to?

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38 Answers

glacial's avatar

You can have two:

When are you going to finish your degree?
What are you going to do next?

MadMadMax's avatar

Oh yeah, I dealt with those myself but it seems like a century ago now.

filmfann's avatar

Have you noticed you are putting on weight?

lx102303's avatar

What bothers me is when someone asks “Have you lost weight?” ! lol


MadMadMax's avatar

I would imagine that any weight questions would drive people up a wall!

My doctor is always asking if I could maybe get some snacks in between meals. I’m not skinny but he’s obsessed that I gain some weight. I am not a snacker so he’s going to have to deal with it.

lx102303's avatar

My doctor thinks that I should lose some weight !

JLeslie's avatar

Do you have children?

@MadMadMax So I guess we can assume you live in the bible belt. Of course assumptions can be wrong, but that’s my guess.

MadMadMax's avatar


Yes I have two married adult kids. And yes you guessed my locale! I really hate it when people ask me that question first thing. Grrrr No chance to get to know folks before they have you pegged and it’s all over. :(

livelaughlove21's avatar

After finding out I feel sick, am tired, or feel hot when no one else does…

Are you pregnant? No.

And in general…

Are you two ever going to have kids? Not if you keep asking.

After finding out I’m a psych major…

So you’re going to be a psychologist? No.
Are you going to psychoanayze me? No.
What can you do with that degree? Earn a low salary, of course.

Also, any question about my religious beliefs (or lack thereof) from someone I know won’t want to hear what I say, like my mother, grandmother, or mother-in-law.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

What do you do for a living?

@MadMadMax Why is this question in the Meta Section?

Neodarwinian's avatar

” If we evolved from apes why are there still apes. ”

BerlinRose's avatar

Q:“How was your school day?”

A:“counterquestion at the same niveau: why does ‘banana’ is called ‘banana’ and not ‘apple’?”

This one word “school” says everything…

flip86's avatar

I hate being asked anything before my morning coffee.

JLeslie's avatar

@MadMadMax I never felt they were pegging me, I felt they were trying to invite me into their church out of the goodness of their heart. I just always answered, “I don’t go to church,” or, “I am not religious.” After that they either moved on to other conversation or would invite me if I was ever interested blah blah.

@livelaughlove21 My relatives who are not American think asking someone where they work or what they do is not a nice thing to do. As I get older I think they are onto something. Also, I find it interesting your mom, MIL or grandmother asks questions about your beliefs, don’t they basically know what you believe? I guess they are afraid for your soul or something. I have never had a relative ask me about my beliefs. I have been part of religious discussions with them once in a very blue moon, but it was never like they were prodding me. Maybe if I had very different beliefs than them they would ask? I don’t know. I doubt it, unless they thought the beliefs affected other things in my life negatively.

Headhurts's avatar

Do you want to come out for a drink/party/meal?

ucme's avatar

“Are you on that Fluther thing then?”
#Flutherisawesome #noreallyitis #95% #justmessinwichya

livelaughlove21's avatar

@JLeslie It’s not so much that they directly ask me what I believe. They’ll try to have a conversation with me about a religious or borderline-religious topic and I’m expected to say something. If I say what I really think, they won’t like it, so I’d rather just move on. Inside, though, I really want to open my big fat mouth and say, “This is what I believe. Now leave me alone!”

I have similar feelings when my mother-in-law starts talking to us about how awful Obama is. Or about gun control. Or abortion. Ugh…

Seek's avatar

Everyone knows how annoying it is to be asked a billion questions when you are pregnant.

I was not expecting the same thing when I wasn’t.

Last year, I was really sick due to a diseased gallbladder. I’d been dealing with it off and on for three years, but it got bad late October-ish. I had to watch my fat intake like a hawk.

Of course, if you’re at someone’s house for a meal, you can’t exactly do that. So when, five minutes into eating, my stomach rebels and I have to go throw up…

I wanted to bludgeon every single person who asked me I was pregnant. No I’m not. YES I’M FUCKING SURE! And who drowns their grilled chicken in butter? Who are you, Paula Deen?

ucme's avatar

Ha, my wife’s quite tall, 5 10” & she has what the docs describe as a “long trunk”…no, not like an elephant, her abdomen. This meant that when she was pregnant with both our kids she didn’t have what you’d call a huge bump. She wanted to slap those who commented late on in her pregnancies “eeh, you’re not showing much are you?”

JLeslie's avatar

@livelaughlove21 Got it. I do that sort of stifling around my inlaws sometimes. I wish I did it more. I’m trying. It doesn’t come natural to me. Living in the south helped me learn to exercise more control. Funny how things work like that.

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

Would you prefer the beef tongue or the mountain oysters?

MadMadMax's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr I wanted to bludgeon every single person who asked me I was pregnant. No I’m not. YES I’M FUCKING SURE! And who drowns their grilled chicken in butter? Who are you, Paula Deen?

I’m a vegetarian and in summer everybody eats hot dogs and hamburgers, not much else on the menu of a bar-b-que. You either just fit in or draw a lot of attention to yourself.

Pregnant? That reminded me of how ticked off I was when I was married for about two years and started telling people I was pregnant. I was so excited and just about everybody I knew, including both our parents, asked us: “Are you going to get an abortion?”

No, we’re not f’n going to get an abortion, we worked to make this happen. Nobody was happy for us. But that was when abortion wasn’t an issue. Now almost all the exact same people would never admit they once supported the right to choose. It’s not politically correct.
I have no problem with choice but when someone is excitedly sharing the good news, it’s a bummer to be asked if you’re planning an abortion. I had my first at 22, admittedly young but not 16 for god sake.

MadMadMax's avatar

@Jonesn4burgers Would you prefer the beef tongue or the mountain oysters?

You made ne Google. Yuck.

A lot of people ate tongue when I was a kid. Not my family but I bet my father’s family ate tongue when he was a kid— it was really common in butcher shops in Brooklyn. My husbands mother served it too. That and liver and onions – smells wonderful, tastes like grit.

Times change, tastes change.

Never in my life heard of mountain oysters. That’s one part of the animal that probably just ended up in sausage and Kielbasa. European immigrants did not waste much but they loved their sausage.

Today Americans don’t want to know what’s in their sausage cause it ain’t even real meat in most cases let alone beef testicles. :P

stanleybmanly's avatar

“Have you been saved?”

MadMadMax's avatar

@stanleybmanly “Have you been saved?”

LOL Hi Stanely my friend. Yep that’s even worse than “What church do you belong to”—it gets down to business. Now you have to make a decision about how you want to proceed and if its something you hear daily, you may not respond as sweetly.

wildpotato's avatar

“Have you guys set a date for the wedding yet?”

I swear, I’m going to start replying, Nope, we’re planning on an eight-year engagement.

@livelaughlove21 Sorry I jumped on the “so you’re gonna be a psychologist” bandwagon, back in that one thread a while ago. My bad; that must’ve been annoying.

JLeslie's avatar

@wildpotato I ask that sometimes to engaged people. Now I know it might be annoying. Do you mind articulating why it bothers you? I’m guessing you don’t have the date yet.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Why don’t you have kids?

MadMadMax's avatar

Squeaky2 wrote: “Why don’t you have kids?”

Oh my god. YES, That is so unfair

wildpotato's avatar

@JLeslie You got it – no date yet.

jonsblond's avatar

What do you do for a living?

I know what many people think about stay-at-home parents. They think the parent must be bored or they are driven crazy by being home all day with their children. I’ve heard these comments from friends and family. That’s how I know. For some reason I’m not worthy, but a nanny or daycare is? People pay crazy amounts of money for others to care for their children. Why do they assume a stay-at-home parent must be bored and need something more fulfilling to do with their lives? ugh Seriously, if you can’t be happy taking care of your own family, don’t have children.

MadMadMax's avatar

@jonsblond Whenever anyone asked my father-in-law what he did for a living, he’s say “I a businessman; my wife and I run a rather large brothel.”

It shut them up. He hated that question because people would define him by it. Was he intelligent or a grunt. Did you schmooze with sophisticated people or eat his lunch from a lunch-box sitting in the sun outside a shop. If he said “retired” he wasn’t worth talking to.

So why not just shock them.

Seek's avatar

^ Stealing that answer.

MadMadMax's avatar

Nobody ever asked any further questions about his business, so it effectively shut the question down. If you have the guts to do it, it works but he’s in NYC.

Seek's avatar

I’m in Tampa, FL, which is kind of famous for its strip club – population ratio. Sadly, it probably wouldn’t raise more than one or two eyebrows, and someone would probably ask me for a card. Haha.

MadMadMax's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr If my husband dared that one we might get: “Bless your so-ul.” ” Would you mind awfully if I said a little prayer for you?”

Never ever say “sure” – thinking what the heck would that hurt? Let her feel good.


She gonna grab your necks right there and then, push you head down til they touch hers and ask Jesus to…..................whatever – it’s loud and it varies.

You’ll wish you were dead.

Seek's avatar

^ I used to be the person offering the prayer. Boy, don’t I know it. ^_^

MadMadMax's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr Nobody, not even the Catholics in my family ever ever did that to anyone back in New York EVER

My parents were Catholics and sent us to Catholic school but the only went to Church on holidays it seems to me. I was the one stuck in mass every single day except Saturdays and that was confession day.

Odd, my grandparents didn’t have a single religious artifact in their house, nothing.

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