Social Question

GloPro's avatar

What would you wish for?

Asked by GloPro (8404points) March 16th, 2014 from iPhone

Rub the lamp, folks! 3 wishes. No rules.

1. I wish I were fluent in every language ever spoken, including made up ones twins use, and baby babble.
2. I wish I were equal to the best athlete in any sport I attempted. And invincible to athletic injury (I’m coming for you, Tom Brady!).
3. I wish I could see an article of clothing on a woman and if I liked it, it would be in my closet in my size. Shoes and accessories (jewelry, belts, purses, etc.) count.

What about you? If you don’t have 3 wishes, that’s okay. Tell me what you wish for!

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29 Answers

NanoNano's avatar

Peace on Earth. Oh wait,Mulder wished for that on the X-Files and things turned out very very badly….


ragingloli's avatar

1. I would wish to become a Q.

GloPro's avatar

@ragingloli Like a James Bond Q?

ragingloli's avatar

no, the one from TNG.

GloPro's avatar

Ah, interesting choice! I can see you being an excellent member of the Continuum.

Mimishu1995's avatar

1. I wish I could be a genius!
2. I wish I had a time machine (to correct my past mistakes).
3. I wish I got the comic books I always want right now!

ZEPHYRA's avatar

To be wealthy enough to live a decent life not having to toil night and day to make a living. I don’t mean stinking filthy rich, simply able to live well.

Inspired_2write's avatar

I wish that everyone found their happiness in finding the Love of their life.
I wish that everyone discovers their passion in life to sustain a lifetime.
I wish that everyone learn to be compassionate and understanding enough to allow others to handle their own life the way that suits them, as long as they are not hurting themselves nor others in the process.

Cruiser's avatar

I wish I could juggle….
I wish I could play guitar as good as Steve Morse
I wish I could live to see another day.

Coloma's avatar

My old life back.

My beautiful country house, pets, bank accounts and the work I was born to do.

GloPro's avatar

@Coloma wish for your shoulder back, too!

Coloma's avatar

@GloPro Well shit, why not just wish to be 18 again, haha…then again, no thanks…I’ve earned these miles.

NanoNano's avatar

I definitely wouldn’t want to go back to being 18 again. But if I could retain my current experiences and knowledge, I wouldn’t mind going back to physically being say 25 or 30 years old. (Which, sadly, for me, is a good stretch back there folks).

Coloma's avatar

@NanoNano Agreed, my 50 something wisdom and my 18 yr. old bod…now THAT would be great. lol

longgone's avatar

I wish…

1. For me to find a way to be passionate about the career I choose.

2. For animal cruelty to be treated just as cruelty against humans would be.

3. For every kid to grow up loved and taken care of – I wonder to what extent that would change the world.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I wish…

a. my ex-wife would enjoy the same level of angst that she caused me.

b. that I could engage in all sorts of bad habits and not ruin my health or safety

c. that people would think for themselves instead of blaming things on others

GloPro's avatar

Some of you are so logical with your wishes! Such humanitarians :-)

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I wish I live to be 80 in great physical and mental shape.
I wish to be getting laid by an attractive babe on my 80th birthday (a gift from some buds. How’s going to screw an 80 year old for anything other than money)
I wish to cum and go at the same time. In the words of Richard Pryor, Do you want to die in pussy or get hit by a bus?

Brian1946's avatar

I wish I could heal people (including me) with just a touch, without incurring any harm.

One fringe benefit would be that my wife and I could potentially live for as long as we wanted to.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

1. I wish to leave a pretty corpse.

2. I wish the State would get the hell off my back.

3. I wish nobody finds that portrait of me hidden in the attic.

Winter_Pariah's avatar

1. That there were less of these assholes in the world (I really hope I get to bump into this asshat before I transfer)

2. Have all lasting damage done to my body repaired (Too many broken bones, TMJ, torn ligaments, brain damage from an explosive, etc. only 23 and already can tell when a storm is coming based off my bones and joints)

3. While maintaining the current status quo relationship-wise, undo all the wrong I’ve done to those dear to me.

asmonet's avatar

A substantial fortune to use on humanitarian projects, good causes and relieve the burden of poverty my family has lived under.

An increased and nondiminishing capacity to learn and absorb new concepts and information freely, efficiently and thoroughly.

Longevity and health for myself and any person I come into contact with. Doesn’t seem fair to just say my loved ones. I’ll spread it around a bit. But, if it was everyone our population dynamics on this planet would get fucked pretty quick.

I assume things like world peace, more wishes, etc. are off the table.

Brian1946's avatar


“That there were less of these assholes in the world….”

Which guy are you calling an asshole? The one ranting, or the one wearing an allegedly bogus uniform?

Winter_Pariah's avatar

I get the one ranting, I don’t entirely approve of the manner in which he did, but I get it. I strongly dislike those who pull the uniform shit to garner attention, in store discounts, etc. And it isn’t alleged. If you listen to some of his responses, and know anything about the military, you’ll know he’s bogus. Ex. right off the bat the “ranter” points out that you’re supposed to wear the appropriate headgear with the appropriate uniform when outside. In this case, it’d be a patrol cap. The clown says something about “wearing his sunglasses a minute ago.” So yeah, the asshole is the one wearing the uniform.

Brian1946's avatar


What would you do if you bumped into someone not wearing ”... the appropriate headgear with the appropriate uniform when outside.”?

Winter_Pariah's avatar

It sort of depends, with someone low in rank, I’d just go something along the lines of, “Dude, your cap.” If they claim not to have it then, “You probably should go get it before someone higher up the food chain decides to eat you for breakfast.” If they throw on shades, well, I’d be pissed, probably let everyone in the vicinity know that this ass is a poser and not to pay him any special attention. The poser in the video was claiming to be an E-8 or master/first sergeant (which is a fairly high enlisted rank). Sergeants in general are supposed to set the example and standard for lower ranks (i.e. Privates, Specialists, etc.) so such behavior by an E-8, well, there better be a damn good reason as to why he’s not wearing his cover. That’s just ridiculous.

Oh, and if they’re trying to wear it to benefit from discounts or to garner some other personal gain, I’m reporting them because not only is it disrespectful, it’s illegal.

And yes, I was in the Army.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

@GloPro James Bond Q = Quartermaster.

@Ragingloli would make a terrible Q.

He would basically be a tyrannical overlord sticking his powerdrunk tentacles in to every last aspect of every human’s life.

Don’t forget to pay your yearly air tax in his universe.

ragingloli's avatar

He would basically be a tyrannical overlord sticking his powerdrunk tentacles in to every last aspect of every human’s life.

Don’t forget to pay your yearly air tax in his universe.

Which means I would be a fantastic Q.

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