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Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Have you ever made a peach cobbler trifle and do you have any recipes or suggestions for making it?

Asked by Adirondackwannabe (36713points) May 8th, 2014

I just came across this and thought it might be something I’ll make for Mother’s Day dinner. It’s a sliced pound cake topped with peach cobbler topped with a cheesecake. It sounds like the heartstopper express, but heck, it’s only one meal. I didn’t know if any jellies have tried this and have any suggestions. Thoughts?

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23 Answers

janbb's avatar

Never made it but it sounds over the top and kind of too much tastewise. How about looking up a recipe for a regular trifle or peach cobbler and making just that. Since it is not peach season yet, I don’t see musing that in any case.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@janbb You don’t know my family and dessert. I’m trying to lighten it up some.

janbb's avatar

Oy vey! Well, then maybe you should go for it! But you could try a regular trifle which is pretty rich and over the top in itself.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Thanks, I’ve never had a trifle. Or tried making one, but I like a challenge. I’m doing some web searches.

janbb's avatar

It’s not very hard.

gailcalled's avatar

No. An embarrassment of riches. A good cobbler with fresh peaches is perfection itself.

Would I eat wild poached salmon on top of sliced prime ribs and decorated with turkey and cranberries?

janbb's avatar

Kind of like a turduckian.

jca's avatar

I’m thinking either a cobbler with peaches as described by @gailcalled or some pound cake with a peach sauce (made with fresh peaches and sugar and water) over it, or some pound cake with cut up peaches and whipped cream. 3 different desserts. To combine peach cobbler and cheesecake sounds a little too sweet and gross but that’s just me. I like sweets but not crazy-sweet.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I made it with light everything, and it was out of this world. I got so many compliments. I used light peaches on the pound cake, Neufchatel cheese, and light cool whip. It was deliciously rich, but still not too heavy. There wasn’t a drop left.

gailcalled's avatar

I’m almost afraid to ask what a light peach is.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

It was canned peaches in a very light syrup. Not anywhere near the heavy stuff.

gailcalled's avatar

Wait until high summer and try it with fresh peaches and real whipped cream. (Do not, I repeat, do not look up the ingredients in light Cool Whip.)

Did you make this for your mom? Did you cook other parts of the meal?

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I know not to look up the ingredients in cool whip. Yes, it was for my Mom. We also took over three pizzas and several chicken ranch salads from a place we really like. My mother didn’t have to lift a finger on her day..:)

gailcalled's avatar

Sounds like fun. She has several little grandsons, doesn’t she?

I remember one Mother’s day when my kids thawed frozen cod, covered it in mayo and lemon pepper and baked it. It was, as always, the thought that counted. They became much better cooks as they matured. In those days, I would have eaten anything that someone else prepared.

janbb's avatar

I had Ethiopian food for the first time this Mother’s Day.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@gailcalled She has a lot of grandkids. We had the three year old with us Sunday. He is a pisser. My sister forgot some plastic eggs for Easter, so we had another egg hunt. I put one about 6’ 6” high in a tree to see what he would do. He got a stick and had my sister pick him up so he could whack it out of the tree.

gailcalled's avatar

Take him apple picking next fall. You must have lots of orchards nearby.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Excellent idea. He lives in a family not in touch with their ag roots.

gailcalled's avatar

Then add picking strawberries this June. When my 10, 8, and 4-year old nephews come up from their home in a suburb just north of NYC., they love this stuff.

Are there local chickens around so that he can feel the warmth of a newly-laid geniune egg?

jca's avatar

So @Adirondackwannabe, please post the recipe.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Okay, it’s so simple you’ll laugh.
One pound cake
Two cans of light sliced peaches
One peach cheesecake mix
8 ounces of Neufchatel cheese
8 ounces of lite Cool Whip
Layer slices of the pound cake on the bottom of a baking dish. Square works better with this. Layer the peach slices tightly together over the pound cake. Drizzle a little of the liquid in the cans over the peaches. Not too much. Mix the cheesecake mix, cheese and cool whip together well. Top the peaches with the cheese cake mix and refrigerate overnight. Enjoy.

jca's avatar

Is “Peach Cheesecake mix” cheesecake mix with peaches in it? I never saw peach cheesecake mix.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Cheesecake mix is usually powdered sugar and the flavorings, in this case it had some dried peaches mixed into it.

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