General Question

wildflower's avatar

Best fabric for lining?

Asked by wildflower (11177points) July 5th, 2008

My latest craze is making bags out of old clothes (such a cool way to hang on to things you like but never wear!), but since my stitching isn’t the prettiest, I need to line the bags and just wondering what’s the best fabric for this? I’m not bothered about color, I can dye to suit. I’m thinking heavy satin, because it’s easy to measure, cut and sew, but am I on the right track or way off?

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11 Answers

emilyrose's avatar

satin sounds good but honestly i think you can use whatever you want as long as its not stretchy….cotton would also work…..

babygalll's avatar

Satin is nice. You can also go with cotton as it’s easy to clean.

playthebanjo's avatar

boxer shorts

babygalll's avatar

@playthebango: Clean ones I hope. hahaha

Seesul's avatar

Do you plan on being able to wash it? Are you sewing it by hand or using a machine? Both these matter when choosing a lining.

wildflower's avatar

@playthebanjo: kind offer, but no thanks.

@seesul: hand wash will do and I’m using a very simple machine (has all of one setting!)

Seesul's avatar

I’d recommend pre-shrunk cotton or a cotton blend if you intend to wash it. Be careful of the color and make sure it is color fast. You can test that when you pre-shrink it. I do this by including a white rag or cloth to the wash. If it comes out clean, you should be safe. Take this into account when dyeing as well, as some dyes are fugitive and tend to bleed (especially red, the least stable, followed by dark blue and black. A light lining would be better. Satin isn’t usually as washable. Have you ever flat felled a seam? t’s actually very easy and will help woven fabric hold up longer and is done with a basic straight stitch.

wildflower's avatar

Thanks seesul! That’s a really good website (I can see myself spending a bit if time on there the coming days!).
I guess some decent quality t-shirts might be the way to go (which I have plenty of)

Seesul's avatar

Make sure you get the proper needle type for whatever fabric you are using. I think they make combo needles now that are good on both woven and knit fabric, but they used to make ball point needles for knits, otherwise the fabric could get damaged. I haven’t bought needles in years because I inherited all of my mother’s and she always had a huge supply. When you sew on a knit, stretch the fabric ever so slightly as it goes through the pressure foot. That will give more stretch to the stitch when the knit is pulled.

What you are doing is a great idea for practice and creativity at the same time. You could also make some of them patchwork as well.

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