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tan253's avatar

Can you get a false positive for Blastocsytis?

Asked by tan253 (2958points) December 21st, 2014

I recently had a stool test done as my bowel habits have changed.
The occult fecal test came back negative, and 1 out of the 3 stool test said I have Blastocystis present.

The first stool test said I had it, the second and third said negative.

Can a stool test for this parasite be wrong?
Also my Dr has told me that I don’t need any treatment for it and it should go away on its own, however, everything I’ve read says it doesn’t!

Does anyone have any experience with this parasite/protozoan?

I’m currently getting my 3 year old tested as she is having bowel troubles also.

Love to hear your thoughts.
Thank you.

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2 Answers

Pandora's avatar

I think this explains it well.
According to the mayo clinic it can go away on its own. Science is not clear on whether this parasite is the only reason for symptoms since the intestines are often invaded by different parasites, or harmful bacteria, that can be present at the same time.
This is the first time I’ve heard of this parasite but a good doctor will not want to jump the gun and give you medication that may cause other side effects. Especially if they feel there is no proof that it is needed. I read the symptoms, and there are a ton of things that can cause those side effects. All IBS diseases can cause all those symptoms. Have you been checked for that? You may simply want to change your diet and see how that works.

tan253's avatar

I have tried changing my diet and sometimes it’s great and other times – after having a day of eating super healthy it’s gross again!

I’m at a loss to understand it – it’s not bad, just loose but I miss my proper poops – i liked going to the toilet and now I fear it!

I hear you, I guess i need to do all the elimination of other suspects before going down treatment route.

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