Social Question

crazyandbeautiful's avatar

Why Me? Why must the crazy ones bother me?

Asked by crazyandbeautiful (554points) October 23rd, 2015

I work with this person who is nice but does not know when they are not invited into conversations. I talk to people and she will eavesdrop on my conversations with people. We stop talking and she will stand there hoping we will talk to her. She will get offended and walk away, even look like crying at times.

I’m not being mean to her but..she’s a “repeat offender.” Tells the same story over and over without realizing she is doing it.

Now there’s many people I don’t talk to. I go 2xs a week to this job. I work from home. So I am not there. Any suggestions on how to make the situation better?

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13 Answers

chyna's avatar

She sounds like she would like to be included in your groups conversations. Is she ever included? Maybe you could try including her? It sounds like you all are kind of being mean girls and she is hurt by this.

crazyandbeautiful's avatar

We are not being mean to her. She is actually butting in. So we are having a nice conversation and she talks about things we’ve already heard. And we stand around looking at each other. Trying to get the conversation back on track. I mean we were talking tv yesterday and she’s still telling me about her damn iPhone she broke a month ago. I’m the Apple Store. I don’t know what she wants us to do. She broke her phone. Move on it’s a phone.

Yes she’s included. But like I said she’s a repeat offender. We are tired of I broke my iPhone and iPad story. And asking me why her friend does not call her. Look I’m not dear Abby . If she wants answers she needs to talk to those people I’ve told her that.

Plus I don’t associate with the women I hear they get a bad name. I keep to myself. Have lots of guy friends. So my social group is male coworkers not women. No I’m not gay. But if I was she would never be my choice for a partner.

wsxwh111's avatar

Make sure you didn’t irrespect her, and then move on. Not everything is your fault or responsibility. If she is really like what you said, then it’s not your fault or responsibility. It’s her place to either accept the fact that not everyone like her, or try to be a better person.

crazyandbeautiful's avatar

@wsxwh look that’s exactly what I’m trying to do. I know I am not the most likable person. But I am honest, try to be helpful to my friends ( if I do not know the answer) and always share what I know. I know I piss people off. Because just the other day another woman I work with got angry for no reason I was talk to to my friend about something and she said ” You like him.” I said not knowing she has a crush on him and is a little odd Yes I do. We were discussing music and laughing about a tv show. Wow these women I work with need lives.

On another note, he’s way too young for me. I have a boyfriend. So I would not be interested anyway.

wsxwh111's avatar

I’m not quite following what you mean..

cheebdragon's avatar

Sounds like you and the other office girls are being, for lack of a better word, bitches.
If you don’t want someone to hear your conversation, take that shit outside, it’s not her fault that she has ears, so unless she is hiding outside the closed door of your office with a cup to her ear, it’s not eavesdropping, it’s just overhearing.
What is so bad about the woman that you think it’s okay to be blatantly rude to a coworker who clearly just wants to contribute to the conversation. You admittedly confess to ignoring and alienating this girl to the point where she looks like she might cry, sounds pretty unprofessional, are you still in high school??

crazyandbeautiful's avatar

@cheebdragon reread my reply to @chyna . You will understand

cheebdragon's avatar

I read it already, it doesn’t change my answer or opinion of what you are doing.
You’re worried she might find out something and use it against you? THEN STOP TALKING ABOUT PERSONAL SHIT AT WORK, or are you concerned that she will find out that you’re a bad employee? I really don’t understand your paranoia, unless it’s just an excuse to justify the way you’ve been treating her? I wouldn’t worry about her getting you fired, your unprofessional behavior is more than enough to get you fired if that’s what she wanted to do. You’ve created a hostile work environment for everyone by alienating her.

It’s sad because chances are pretty good that she was either simply trying to befriend you, or she was subtlety trying to tell you that she can hear your conversation in hopes that your group would STFU and get back to work. Socialize after work, not in the office.

chyna's avatar

You are really just a bitch. It’s not her, it’s you.

crazyandbeautiful's avatar

@cheebdragon We were on our lunch break. And for you information I do talk to her. Not all the time but I do. I tried to help her with her damn iPhone problem. And you know what she said to me? I don’t know what to do. Look I explained to her to take it back where she got it. I don’t know where she did. Verizon, sprint, t mobile , at & t , etc. Oh and BTW we don’t talk to her because she spreads rumors. So unless she has something other then her damn phone to talk about we will include her.

Then she said what good is that going to do? Like Forrest Gump once said stupid is as does.

@chyna That may be your opinion. I have tried to help her. I get back nothing works or why should I bother ? From crazy herself

cheebdragon's avatar

I’m confused, First you say she’s nice, then she’s jealous, you don’t want to give her info to use against you, she likes to spread rumors….even though she apparently only likes to discuss her cell phone.
You’ve ignored her to the point of making her cry because you’ve heard things about her that you don’t want to associate with, but then you’ve tried to include her and have had so many conversations with her about her phone.
You keep contradicting yourself, but regardless of the truth, it doesn’t change the fact that no matter how annoying she may be, it doesn’t excuse your behavior towards her. She is still a coworker, even during lunch breaks and ignoring her is not only unprofessional but it’s also rude and completely childish.

crazyandbeautiful's avatar

Because half the time she herself probably does not know if she is coming or going. I have listened to her for a month babel about stuff. She is jealous…she got in my face last week and was mad I was talking to someone (again nothing to do with her) and got mad at me for no reason we were talking about something unrelated to her. She said why are you talking to him? I was like excuse me? She put herself in the conversation. I totally forgot what we were talking about. Thank god he called me. Look we try to be nice she gets me. If you ignore she gets angry, upset or acts like a 5 year old. I can’t help STUPID.

I do not have time for drama. Which is what she is creating. So unless she wants to be a 23yr old in a 5 yr old body fine. But I rather keep away from her. She is like a bad rash once you scratch it – it does not go away. Only gets worse. She is that rash. And irritating.

Tell me @cheebdragon how would you deal with this?

cheebdragon's avatar

How would I deal with the way you treat your coworker? I’d probably cut my losses and fire you.
You’ve said that you don’t like drama, but if you had been nice to her there wouldn’t have been any drama. People don’t talk shit about anyone that they genuinely like.

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