Social Question

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Is it me or is it true that more and more people are being diagnosed with brain tumors at a rather early age these days?

Asked by ZEPHYRA (21750points) January 9th, 2016

In the last 4 months I have heard of at least 6 cases. I have also read about so many young people, especially women who have been diagnosed with tumors. Is this really a problem that has increased or over the last years or are we just more informed than ever?

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3 Answers

ibstubro's avatar

Personally, I think people are being diagnosed with brain tumors at an early stage these days.

President Carter certainly wasn’t young when he was diagnosed (and, admittedly his health care isn’t standard), but he was cured in an amazingly short amount of time.

On the one hand you have the enormous cost of healthcare and the over use of medical testing, on the other hand you have people surviving formerly fatal diseases because of early diagnosis.

YARNLADY's avatar

Various studies have shown that the nuclear fallout from the bombs and tests of the late 1940’s is still affecting the entire world. (See Baby Tooth Survey).

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I don’t know about age, but it does seem like I hear of more people having brain tumors in recent years.

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