General Question

Nevada83's avatar

When you block certain people from seeing a photo, and you make that photo your profile picture, what will they see?

Asked by Nevada83 (986points) January 17th, 2016

I put a gay flag on my profile picture on Facebook, and my grandparents made me take it off. I blocked them from seeing it, so if I make it my profile picture again, will they see it, and if they don’, what will they see instead?

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3 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

Nothing. The Facebook outline of a head.

JLeslie's avatar

I think profile photos are visible to the public at large? Maybe that’s just cover photos, I’m not sure.

dappled_leaves's avatar

As I commented on your other question about this, your profile picture is always visible to the general public, whether or not it was a private photo before it became your profile pic. Your grandparents will be able to see your profile pic even if they are not your friends on Facebook, though you can make it harder for them to find you by making your account unsearchable.

My advice is to tell them to keep their bigoted noses out of your business. Your Facebook account is your own to do with what you like.

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