General Question

Nevada83's avatar

What could it mean when your PE coach smiles at you more than he smiles at anyone else?

Asked by Nevada83 (1003points) March 14th, 2016

It seems like he smiles at me more than he smiles at anyone else… and when I asked him to sign my schedule for next year, he did it happily, but when he signed other people’s schedules, he said things along the lines of, “Can’t you take a different class instead of taking PE again?”

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8 Answers

janbb's avatar

Are you trying to build this up into a romantic situation? This is the second question you’ve asked about this teacher. Please don’t for your sake and mostly for the sake of the teacher. If you have a crush on this teacher, keep it to yourself and your fantasy life. Don’t screw with him or her.

chyna's avatar

I would not read anything into this. Teachers usually are friendly to all of their students.
If you have a crush on him do not act on it. It will only cause trouble for both of you.

Jak's avatar

That you have a good imagination and make something out of nothing. Leave the poor dope alone. Don’t stand so close to me.

kritiper's avatar

Everybody loves a clown.

Seek's avatar

Maybe you have resting nice face. That tends to make people smile back at you. It doesn’t mean anything at all.

The human brain is hardwired to focus on patterns, and often finds patterns that don’t really exist. When that tendency is combined with the raging hormones of the average 14 year old girl, we get questions like this.

josie's avatar

You remind him of somebody else.

ibstubro's avatar

Maybe he feels sorry for you. Thinks you need a little more encouragement than the average students?

DrasticDreamer's avatar

Maybe he’s been doing his job for too long and hates most of the students because they’re brats with attitudes, and you might be a shining example of what he wishes all of you were like.

Or he’s a creepy pervert. It’s impossible to say. The only thing you need to do is turn him in if things get inappropriate – end of story.

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