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Nevada83's avatar

What would you have done if your brother told you to stop standing there like an idiot, when you were looking for a star in the sky?

Asked by Nevada83 (1000points) April 12th, 2016

My brother tends to do that from time to time… It annoys me…

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24 Answers

cookieman's avatar

A) Punch him in the nuts.

B) Be content in the knowledge that your curious mind will likely take you far in life while he will probably be pumping gas for a living.

Coloma's avatar

Hahaha, I’d tell him that I hoped he wasn’t planning on a career as a psychic.

zenvelo's avatar

Tell him to fuck off. That’s what I would say. Then say, “you are missing out on the wonder of the Universe, no wonder you are such a hate filled little shit.”

NerdyKeith's avatar

You say “No, you stop bothering me like an asshole”

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

You can think how you will have a nice career as a scientist , while he is flipping burgers. @cookieman Great minds think alike.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I’d probably agree with him.

JLeslie's avatar

Tell him to shut the hell up.

Or, try to being nice and tell him to come see the Big Dipper and Orion. Maybe take him on a field trip to the planetarium.

My local library has groups that meet and go sky watching. My university did it to. Maybe you can meet up with people who like to watch the stars.

CWOTUS's avatar

“Only one of us is standing here like an idiot. The other one is looking at the stars.”

Seek's avatar

Honestly, hon, if you’re not able to come up with a witty comeback on your own, you probably were standing out there like an idiot.

Of course, I’m the eldest sibling in my house, so I’m kind of a dick, too.

CWOTUS's avatar

Welcome to the club, @Seek! The FBD Club, I guess.

kritiper's avatar

I would have told him to ”(expletive deleted) off!”

ibstubro's avatar

Boys hate emotion.

Practice saying “I love you!” like you mean it when he’s not there, then spring that on him when he calls you an idiot.

If there are other people present, you can get even mushier to good effect.

YARNLADY's avatar

Oh, Hi bro. Please help me find star #xxx.

Adagio's avatar

My face might look rather like the first woman in this ad

rojo's avatar

Told him to go fuck himself and continued doing what I was doing.
(not a witty comeback as @Seek suggests but certainly what I would have said)

cazzie's avatar

I’m the LAST child of 9 siblings. I should write a book on how to ignore the dushebaggery of older siblings. There is a great deal of power in the eye roll and walking away. You can either get better at ignoring him, or sharpen your wit and learn how to insult him in a way it hurts and/or embarrasses him. I make no judgement. I’ve done a great deal of both.

ibstubro's avatar

I was the youngest, too, and can attest to the probability that you’ll lose any war of aggression, including curing and name calling.

GA @cazzie

JLeslie's avatar

I think it might also have something to do with him being a brother, and not just that he is older. I’m sure there are examples of older sisters being mean like that also, but much less often is my guess.

cazzie's avatar

My older sister would taunt me to such a state of tears I would throw up. This is the sister that is just a year older than me, my ‘closest’ sibling. When I was little, I would retaliate with hitting and kicking. Once, my mother told my sister, ‘why don’t you hit your sister back?’ she said, ‘I’m saving it all up and one day, I’m just going to kill her.’ I would be punished, regardless of what my sister said to provoke me. My mother broke a wooden spoon over by backside. She got more cunning as we got older. She had me convinced I could confide in her when I was in my 20’s. We’d both been through some bad relationships and shared some stuff. I told her some things. She promptly turned around and told my family the very private personal issues I told her in confidence and made fun of it all. I’ll never be anything but some laughable 1 dimensional creature to poke fun at for her.

ibstubro's avatar

@JLeslie, if you look up @Seek already admitted to being the older sister from the, ahh, West.

That’s sad, @cazzie. My sister was the middle child and her sport was torturing me. The only saving grace was that I was such a mild child much of the time, I just bored her. She had our older brother to keep up with.

Edit: My real saving grace was that the women in my family didn’t get along with their female offspring. My mom was not fond of my sister so I had the upper hand if I finally got enough to ‘tattle’.

JLeslie's avatar

@cazzie Well, she is a bitch. I wonder what my sister would say about me? I’m the oldest.

Seek's avatar

@ibstubro – In fairness, my younger brother gave as good as he got. My sister was too much younger to have any real fun with.

CWOTUS's avatar

@cazzie, your description of your relationship with your sister reminds me of this.

stanleybmanly's avatar

tell him it is always the idiot that hurls epithets upon encountering things he does not understand. And those epithets are usually directed at his intellectual opposite who does understand. Then toss him a dog biscuit or a chew toy.

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