General Question

Nevada83's avatar

Is it good to be on the computer regularly?

Asked by Nevada83 (1003points) May 19th, 2016

My grandparents say I shouldn’t be on the computer as much as I am.

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18 Answers

XOIIO's avatar

It isn’t good, but it isn’t outright bad, it depends on how much you are on it and in what way you mean “good” or “bad”

If you spend 23 hours a day not moving and shoveling food in your face, well yeah it’s going to have an effect.

Stinley's avatar

It’s really important to take regular breaks otherwise you are at risk of damaging your hands, arms, neck and shoulders due to repetitive strain injuries. Take it from me, these are not good. I have a little programme downloaded which prompts me to take rest breaks every hour just for 5 minutes. If you get pain, numbness and tingling like pins and needles in the hand, arms etc., you should see a doctor.

anniereborn's avatar

@Stinley I’d be interested in that program if you could tell me how to get it.

Nevada83's avatar

I would be also.

Stinley's avatar

It’s called Workrave Easy to install and set up.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

Interesting that no one has of yet mentioned the psychological ramifications of spending too much time in the Intertubes.

Depression being the first that comes to my mind.

Stinley's avatar

@SecondHandStoke interesting response. I haven’t heard of this theory so I looked it up. I’m a librarian so like doing a bit of research. There isn’t much good evidence at all linking high Internet use and depression. In fact the opposite may be in true that the social connections people make help combat loneliness and associated depression. I couldn’t find studies looking at users who don’t use social media as online gaming is now very socially connected. Do you know of any studies?

johnpowell's avatar

@Stinley :: I remember seeing such a study posted to Metafilter around a six months ago but it was quickly debunked. Internet use causes depression vs depressed people use the internet more.

ibstubro's avatar

Your grandparents are right.
Between the computer and your phone, you’re spending entirely too much time silent and alone.

Get a blank book or notebook and take down the answer to one of these questions from one of your elders each day.
It will give you some much needed personal social interaction.
It will come in handy at some point in the next school year.
It will be a record of all the things you want to know about your parents and grand parents after they’re gone.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, I come from a time when there were no computers. I can’t imagine missing out on all the outside stuff I’d have missed out on if we had computers.

YARNLADY's avatar

Before computers and TV (yes, I’m that old) I used to spend all my time reading. I even secretly read books with a flashlight under my covers at night. Very few people told me I spent too much time reading.

Stinley's avatar

@YARNLADY I read like that too. I do remember getting told off for reading and not doing my homework.

ucme's avatar

“Computer says nohhhhhhhh!”

Dutchess_III's avatar

I read too. I used to climb up on the roof and read.

In summer, when I came in all hot from playing softball in the neighborhood I’d curl up by the AC vent and read, and daydream of being inside an ice cube.

In winter, when I came in from playing in the snow and breaking through the ice, up to my knees in the creek, I’d curl up next to the heater vents, with a blanket around me and read.

ibstubro's avatar

In Spring I’d curl curl up around a mushroom and dream of being a sow bug.

SecondHandStoke's avatar


I’m not suggesting that extended Internet use is purely hazardous.

In fact, online social interaction can be very beneficial. But unless one is trolling for pure fantasy complete honesty is vital for a quality, productive experience.

The safety of anonymity combined with total trust can be incredibly powerful.

I met my wife online entirely by accident. We observed a strict policy of honesty. We have been married for 10 years now.

I don’t think I could be happier.

Stinley's avatar

@SecondHandStoke That’s a lovely story about you meeting your wife and does illustrate the good of the Internet. I think being connected is good by whichever method or media suits you. The physical hazards are well documented so the OP’s grandparents are right. I just don’t think that the evidence is there to support harmful psychological effects

AshlynM's avatar

Define regularly. As in 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? Yes, that’s a little excessive. A little computer time never hurt anyone but it’s hard to say how much time is too much. I would recommend only two to three hours on the computer every day or every other day.

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