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AstroChuck's avatar

What is your favorite movie that no one has heard of?

Asked by AstroChuck (37659points) August 1st, 2008

I know, another movie question. Anyway, I’m interested in finding good, obscure movies that aren’t very well known to the general population.
My favorite is The Loved One. What’s yours?

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82 Answers

trudacia's avatar

House of 1000 Corpses. Scary movies don’t scare me. This scared me!!

Completely different genre…I loved My Life Without Me.

tinyfaery's avatar

Gas Food Lodging
Ghost Dog
High Art (lesbian movie)

La_chica_gomela's avatar

The Man with the Golden Arm
Frank Sinatra plays a heroin addict. I used to watch it all the time when I was in preschool.

tinyfaery's avatar

@la chica Nice movie for a preschooler.

AstroChuck's avatar

Hey, I’ll bet it kept La chica off the horse!

trudacia's avatar

@tiny we dont all have the same childhood experiences. I’m guessing your was really nice….

tinyfaery's avatar

What’s with the comment. It was a joke, and not directed at you Sorry AC. This is your thread.

arnbev959's avatar

The Science of Sleep

or have people heard of that one?

rockstar's avatar

Equilibrium one of my all time favorites

La_chica_gomela's avatar

i’ve seen science of sleep, pete. i mean, no, no one has heard of it.

i thought it was funny, tiny, but then maybe i’ve just been drinking too much juice

Indy318's avatar

Stander (2003)- A true story of a homicide/robbery police captain who becomes a somewhat vigilantic bank robbery after he murder an innocent black man during a 1980s race riot in South Africa. It was a captavatiing, humorous, suspensful thriller. My personal fav part was when Andre Stander robbed a bank during his lunch break and investigate the same robbery when back on duty.

lrk's avatar

But I’m a Cheerleader: Satire of anti-gay conversion camps.

susanc's avatar

Topsy-Turvy. I know no one has ever heard of it. It’s fabulous.

jcs007's avatar

Clockwork Orange. That movie was twisted in so many ways.

MacBean's avatar

@lrk—That is one of my favorite movies EVER!
@jcs007—Are there many people who haven’t heard of A Clockwork Orange…?

To answer the question: Besieged. Everybody I know who’s seen it only watched it on my recommendation.

jcs007's avatar

@MacBean: I just assumed that since it’s such a violent, twisted movie that it was like one of those things society has kept on the down-low. Like porn.

joeysefika's avatar

Tommy – A Rock Opera
Not many people my age and even older have heard of it. Brilliant rock opera by ‘The Who’ about the Pinball Wizard

Trustinglife's avatar

Illusion. Perhaps Kirk Douglas’ last film, and boy, is he brilliant in it. This is an independent, spiritual film, and one of my favorites.

TheHaight's avatar

My Neighbor Totoro!!!!! All time favorite when I was a child.

tinyfaery's avatar

@haight I wasn’t a child, but I love that movie!!

TheHaight's avatar

I still love it! I just watched it the other day! :)

iwamoto's avatar

a recent one that not a lot of people i know saw…Shoot em up, it’s an action movie so over the top it’s cool, a bit like HardBoiled on steroids

cookieman's avatar

Runaway Train with John Voight, Eric Roberts, and Rebecca DeMorney.

augustlan's avatar

Carlito’s Way (or does everyone know that one?)
The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane (Jodie Foster as a seriously f’d up tween)

augustlan's avatar

@iwa…I LOVED Shoot ‘Em Up!

Harp's avatar

A couple of French films that didn’t get much play in the States:

Ponette Worth watching for the incredible “acting” of the child star. Amazing.

Monsieur Ibrahim Again, a prime example of the art of acting, this time by Omar Sharif in the title role

Kay's avatar

Tao of Steve (starring Donal Logue). Everyone that I recommend it to loves it and thinks it’s hilarious.

PupnTaco's avatar

Poo, I saw almost all of these. How about “King of Kong: a Fistful of Quarters” or “The Valley of Gwangi”?

marinelife's avatar

Kieslowski’s Three Colors trilogy Red, White and Blue. Blue is my favorite, but one should see them all.

Harp's avatar

I saw “Red” awhile back and loved it, and “Blue” is sitting by my TV, waiting for me

Allie's avatar

I liked Benny & Joon when I was a kid. (Damn, I had another one, but now I forgot it..)

El_Cadejo's avatar

Clash of the Titans. Its evidently being remade (they’re probably going to kill a classic)

Allie's avatar

We watched that (Clash of the Titans) in my astronomy class.

susanc's avatar

What’s Eating Gilbert Grape; beautiful-as-always Johnny Depp, transcendently strange
Juliette Lewis; the best thing that will ever be made by Leonardo di Caprio.

augustlan's avatar

I am Sam…Sean Penn at his best
At Close Range…Christopher Walkin and Sean Penn (early years)
The Pope of Greenwich Village…Mickey Rourke, when he was still human

Seesul's avatar

Without a doubt, Ollie Hopnoodles Haven of Bliss. It’s the sequel to A Christmas Story. Anyone who wants to see (or remember) what Summer vacations used to be, has to see this movie. The behind the chicken truck scene makes the entire movie worth it.

The Brother’s O’Toole is a close second. Molly be dammed.

AstroChuck's avatar

Is Dorothy Lyman in Ollie Hopnoodle’s Haven of Bliss? If so, I’ve seen it and recall that it was pretty good.

Seesul's avatar

Yep, you got it, Chuck. My roommate from college scours the used bookstores for me and finds anything Jean Shepherd that she can for me to read. I’m reading Wanda Hickey’s Night of Golden Memories now. The only problem is that I can’t read them on flights, because I can’t stop laughing. We accidentally saw A Christmas Story when it first came out. I still can hear my friend laughing at certain parts.

Edit: Hopnoodle’s

AstroChuck's avatar

About thirty or thirty five years ago I saw a Jean Shepherd made for television movie on PBS. Many of the scenes were redone in It Runs in the Family and of course featured Jean’s distinctive voice as narrator. I remember laughing my a** off. I wish I could remember the title. I’d love to find it on DVD. It was the fist time I discovered Jean Shepherd.

sdeutsch's avatar

Scavenger Hunt is one of my all-time favorite movies – we watched it so much when I was a kid, we wore out the VHS tape. It’s got a fabulous cast, a ridiculous plot, 5 ostriches, and a car chase set to the Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy music – what more could you want?

tupara's avatar

‘Emperor of the North’ – Lee Marvin as a hobo trying to ride a train and Ernest Borgnine as the sadistic guard determined to stop him.
‘The 5000 Fingers of Dr T’ – 1953 fantasy movie written by Dr Seuss about a boy named Bart and his evil piano teacher, Dr Terwilliger.

AstroChuck's avatar

I remember seeing The 5000 Fingers of Dr. T. on TV when I was a kid. Weird flick. Have any of you seen City of Lost Children? It’s in French and stars Ron Perlman. It’s a great strange little movie.

tinyfaery's avatar

@ac City of Lost Children = very bizarre, but fascinating.

AstroChuck's avatar

Visually cool, too.

GreatEscape's avatar

I wrote an email to my buddy with some suggestions on netflix and I found it! Enjoy:

1. Nightwatch (Russian)- A vampire movie that doesn’t take the easy road. Great story and plot line and mad special effects.

2. Shinobi (Japanese) – It’s like Xmen meets romeo and juliet meets crouching tiger hidden dragon. Cool character development and great fight scenes.

3. Oldboy (South Korean)- This movie is just soooo good. Starts with a guy getting locked up for 14 years in a weird retro hotel / prison. Then one day just gets released and he devotes his life to finding out why he was imprisoned – real nail biter.

4. City of God (Brazilian) – This is by far the best movie I have ever scene in my life! I love everything about and it is a must see if you haven’t yet.

5. Nine Queens (Mexican) – I love movies about con artists and this one takes the cake. It’s filled with well written yet off the wall plot twists that keep you guessing.

6. Hustle (UK) – This is actually a series in the UK but maybe the best series I ever scene. Again this revolves around con artists but the level of writing is awesome and it never gets dull or predictable.

7. Delicatessen (French) – I usually don’t like French cinema but this movie keeps the French feel without being cheesy or playing flat. They take some very serious elements and make them somewhat comical. Kind of a dark comedy.

8. City of Lost Children (French) – This is just a sci fi classic. The story is out there but there is so much going on I could care less. The best way I would describe this movie is its a sum of it’s parts. Which I think means the story has so much depth from 20 different elements it makes it good.

9. The Man Who Copied (Brazilian) – You have to give this one a chance. It appears to be the same old run of the movie for the first 45 minutes and then just goes nuts and completely changes genres. I think this is a very underrated film.

10 . Run Lola Run (Russian) – This is the most famous on the list but many people still haven’t scene it so I thought I’d add it. It’s about a girl who needs to come up with money to save her gangster boyfriend and the movie shows different things she can try (and what happens when she does). Huge amount of techno on the soundtrack as well.

AstroChuck's avatar

Since we’re discussing some relatively unknown foreign films, I’d like to add Good Bye Lenin! out of Germany. Great movie. Funny too.

MacBean's avatar

I almost picked Delicatessen as my original answer for this question. Post-apocalyptic comedy with cannibalism? Yes, please!

And Oldboy is TWISTED. I liked it. :D

AstroChuck's avatar

If you like black comedies about cannibalism then you might enjoy Eating Raoul.. Of course there is always Serial Mom too.

MacBean's avatar

Thanks for the recommendation; I’ve added Eating Raoul to my Netflix queue. (Serial Mom was already there because I love John Waters.) Fictional cannibalism cracks me up. I have no idea why…

marinelife's avatar

@AC I loved Eating Raoul! Hilarious. It was also so weirdly 50s in terms of set decoration. I felt like parts of it were filmed in my childhood living room.

breedmitch's avatar

The Fall. It’s in theaters right now! Go see this movie! at least watch the trailer.

El_Cadejo's avatar

If you want to bring forgiven movies into it, check out Sars War its a comedy from Thailand about a new strain of Sars that turns people into Zombies. One of the best comedies ive seen. I also reccommend watching Shaolin Soccer its like mighty ducks meets super heroes and its very funny.

iwamoto's avatar

oldboy had the best action sequence i have ever seen in terms of camera technique, the one where he gets out of the elevator, well, this one

i also really liked Dark City, how many of you’ve seen this one ?

wildflower's avatar

Barbara – but then, this may just be because I’m back home and feeling all Faroese at the moment….

ckinyc's avatar

betty blue
The night Zoo
Dark city

AstroChuck's avatar

Dark City is one of my favorite movies of alltime. But I don’t think of it as obscure. How can you miss when you have Alex Proyas directing Rufus Sewell? I like anything either are involved with.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

tiny! i saw city of lost children too!! i didn’t think aaanybody else had seen that!
it was soooooo weird! i watched right before i went to sleep, and (i’m sure you can imagine) i had the weirdest dreams ever!!

AstroChuck's avatar

Were they in French?

La_chica_gomela's avatar

hahahahaha. I saw the movie with subtitles.
Actually that makes me think of something (remember that question about what voice you hear when you read?) whenever I remember a movie in a language that I don’t understand (such as French) I remember all the lines in English, and I’ll actually quote them in English, like with a fake French accent, and I’ll remember what I read just as though they were said in English. Maybe I should ask a question about if other people know what I’m talking about…

AstroChuck's avatar

So what you are saying is that your dream was subtitled.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

hahahahahaahah! No! What I’m saying is, my dreams were all in English, just as if the movie had been in English. It’s like a just tune out the language I don’t know, and replace it with English.

Allie's avatar

There’s also one called The Gift, it’s a Japanese movie. The only time I ever saw it was on the plane from Japan to the US. I’ve looked for it, but haven’t seen it since.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

ooh, speaking of Japanese films, the original Shall We Dance? with Koji Yakusho (sooo good!)

Knotmyday's avatar

Ronin. Seems I’m always the only one recommending it. I watch it whenever I get a chance, never gets old.

susanc's avatar

Amazing, tense, touching (hmm, well then, upsetting) Romanian movie 2007 or so,
Four Months Three Weeks Two Days. Will make you work to draw breath.

GreatEscape's avatar

I noticed no one talking about Nightwatch – Give it a chance it’s one of the best “evil vs good” movies I’ve ever seen. It also many Matrix style special effects but the movie doesn’t rely on them like the matrix did.

English Trailer:

ckinyc's avatar

Night Watch is great. Day Watch is good also. Couldn’t wait for the last one to come out.

I put Dark City down because on one I mentioned it to seemed to know about it.

May I add:
In the Mood for Love
Happy Together
Yellow Earth
Bagdad Cafe

shrubbery's avatar

I don’t understand how but no one else I know seems to have heard of The Last of the Mohicans. Absolute classic that, love it to bits. I also enjoyed the French film Love Me If You Dare.

trudacia's avatar

Here are a couple of cheesey ones…. When I was a kid I loved “The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia” with Kristy McNichol and Dennis Quaid and “Honeysuckle Rose” with Willie Nelson.

susanc's avatar

Shrub you are right about the Last of the Mohicans, it’s brilliant, including the score.
You are in charge of alerting Tasmanians to its existence.

shrubbery's avatar

We’ve got the soundtrack on casette :D
And I will take on that responsibility willingly- I have shared it with some friends at a couple of movie nights we’ve had, there’s one coming up on Friday night, I’ll make sure it’s on the list :P

flameboi's avatar

Ronin is a great film!
I love Trainspotting (UK), peple, watch that film!
City of Men (Brazil), that is the follow up of City of God is great too, check it out :)
7 Days (Mexico), is so good!
Nine Queens (Uruguay/Argentina) is great, the Mexican remake is good, but, is a remake, nothing like the original.
Requiem for a dream, is awesome

Knotmyday's avatar

Sergeant York is also a favorite, and the source of an obscure Wayne’s World reference (first movie) that I was the only person in the theater laughing at.

also, Alvin C. York is in the Knot family Bible, maternal grandmother’s side

Trustinglife's avatar

Yes, these are all fine and dandy, but who among you can I trust for a good recommendation? How do you know who to trust?

Seesul's avatar

AC asked the question, He is THE MIGHTY ASTROCHUCK, he knows who to trust.
We all respect him so much, we wouldn’t dare mislead him.

AstroChuck's avatar

Well said. All must kowtow to me.

flameboi's avatar

Listen to astrchuck he is a genius! we were born the same day lol

newfietom's avatar

I saw it at a drive in with my older and younger brothers. THAT was a long time ago….

“Night of the Lepus” is about nuclear-poisone rabbits that get loose, become mutant giant rabbits and threaten a small town. B&W, A true classic!!!

kalafatic's avatar

Last Night at the Alamo
I loved it, but I can’t find this movie anywhere!
@GreatEscape Run Lola Run is a great movie, but it’s German not Russian.

SABOTEUR's avatar

Buster and Billie (1974)
Jan-Michael Vincent

(movie review)

SABOTEUR's avatar

*Ooops…forgot one:

A Face in the Crowd
Andy Griffith


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