Meta Question

wundayatta's avatar

What are some of the best discussions on Fluther?

Asked by wundayatta (58730points) August 10th, 2008

Please provide a link and a small description of why you think the discussion is good. I’m just looking for a kind of “best of Fluther” sort of thing, so I can see what it’s like here.

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21 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

Give us some of your interests, hobbies, profession, age etc. There is a huge range of interesting questions – something for all most.

wundayatta's avatar

I think the best discussions have interesting, detailed answers, and folks learn a lot from each other. There is more than one person who knows a lot about the topic.

I don’t care about the subject of the discussion. What I want to see is what the best give and take here is like. I also want to see what you think is good. It will help me understand the culture of the place, if I can see some examples of your best.

gailcalled's avatar

Tomorrow. Here is the fatal flaw of Fluther – getting out of the grasp of all those tentacles.

crunchaweezy's avatar

Really depends on what floats your boat (maybe tattooed butt discussions lol)

wundayatta's avatar

OK, I guess I blew it on the question. What are some of your favorite discussions here?

crunchaweezy's avatar

Most recently, it would have to be the boycott discussions.

wundayatta's avatar

Thanks crunch. I take it you enjoy inflammatory debates?

shilolo's avatar

Here is a recent discussion of earthquakes and the best place to “hide”. If you feel like sitting down and reading long answers, here is a discussion on the (lack of) merits of alternative medicine.

augustlan's avatar

I asked this question, and it was a lively, but not angry debate. I don’t take any credit for the great debate, though.

crunchaweezy's avatar

That’s ironic.

augustlan's avatar

@crunch: I asked the question, others were responsible for the answers/debate.

crunchaweezy's avatar


That was directed at daloon, not you. ;)

augustlan's avatar

@crunch: Thanks. I’m sleepy and apparantly(sp?) a little grouchy ;)

jlm11f's avatar

here are the “must read” Qs on Fluther (to get a sense of the classic Qs asked on fluther, which are often referred to in other threads)
cake Q
when the fluther community got together and wrote a story
and here’s one of my favorite questions here, the CIA Q

Hope you enjoy reading them!

shrubbery's avatar

This one has been going for a while and I found it quite interesting.
I enjoyed reading this one as we are studying the problem of evil in school at the moment. This one is good too. And this one brought on some lively debate. This one was fun. This one is nice. This one is mouth-watering. This one is inspiring. This one makes your brain hurt in a good way.
Um, yeah, there are lots :P Just have a browse around, use the links on the right hand side of the page and emerse yourself in the sea of Fluther.

augustlan's avatar

@PnL: That CIA link was my first laugh today…thanks!

wundayatta's avatar

Yeah, did moderators actually delete everything, or did everyone submit an answer like that?

jlm11f's avatar

@daloon – some tried to submit an answer like that, but it’s mainly the CIA…oops i mean the mods deleting it. People still write on that thread all the time, and it gets deleted :)

wundayatta's avatar

Cool. So I can say anything I want there, knowing it’ll get deleted?

Sounds kind of like when you write a wish on a piece of paper, and burn it in the sacred fire.

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