General Question

Rickisgirl's avatar

How do I remove "bookmarks" from my MacBook?

Asked by Rickisgirl (285points) August 12th, 2008

I added a bunch of bookmarks on my new MacBook for a trip I was taking, and now that I’m back from the trip I want to remove them, and can’t figure out how! Please help. Thanks!

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18 Answers

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Rickisgirl's avatar

Very helpful. Thanks.

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cak's avatar

I have no idea…just saw your name and wanted to say hi!

sndfreQ's avatar

In Safari, click on the icon that looks like a book opening (far left in the bookmarks bar); the browser window changes to a list where you can click on individual links then hit the Delete key; for a group of bookmarks, hold down shift to select multiple bookmarks).

cak's avatar

RG, how do you like it, so far? I’m switching, I’ve had it with my laptop and all things PC…

sndfreQ's avatar

cak: if you do a search under “switch to mac” you may be able to find some info here that will be useful. Also Apple has a page on their site that explains switching over from the “dark side.” (or crossing over to, however you look at it). Think it’s

Rickisgirl's avatar

WTH? Cak had something removed???

sndfreQ's avatar

@RG: Sorry; I hit the wrong button on my iPhone (darn that multitouch!)

I’m a mod btw

It’s restored-thanks for pointing that out.

cak's avatar

@sndfreQ – thanks! I will. Considering that I’ll say that my PC is almost as annoying as my cancer…the love is gone!

Rickisgirl's avatar

sndfreQ, thanks for your help! Now, can I put the ones that are left into alphabetical order?

Rickisgirl's avatar

Cak, I’m new to Mac, or should I say, I’ve returned to Mac, and thus far I LOVE IT! But, it’s a learning curve, and I’ve not had time to go to the free class at the Apple store. I will, though, as soon as things settle down, as I can tell that I am not doing this beautiful piece of industrial art justice!

sndfreQ's avatar

Feel free to PM me if you have any mac-related questions if you don’t find sufficient info on the boards here :)

sndfreQ's avatar

Don’t know of any way to alphabetize off hand, but I’ll do some research and get back to you.

cak's avatar

I love that they offer the free class…somehow, I just know I won’t be cleared for that…doctors! Sheesh.

My PC has Vista, which I do think is the worst OS, ever! My daughter is claiming this one, but hasn’t had to deal with it, yet. She’ll probably try to use it for batting practice.

Rickisgirl's avatar

I just got a new PC at work, and we paid extra to get XP, as I am so not computer savvy (no, really?) that I couldn’t deal with Vista!

bookmarks's avatar

Hi RG, I don’t have any ideas on how to help you. I just wanted to say hello, and post on one of your questions! So, hello!

robert007's avatar

how do I delete the some of the old bookmark on my macbook?

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