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jadaaa64's avatar

I usually have a flat stomach.. but now im all bloated? 17 female?

Asked by jadaaa64 (8points) March 1st, 2018

I’ve always been an average weight girl but with a flat stomach. I’ve never been to a gym and I don’t really diet. When I’m near my period I do bloat and eat a lot more which is normal but then I go back to my normal self after a week or so. I have a very fast metabolism too. However, im nowhere near my period and I know this is going to be tmi but I bloat an awful lot, my lower stomach fills with gas to the point it hurts and I haven’t been going to the toilet as much? I’ve gained one kg which I know isn’t a lot, (I’m 5’3 and usually weight 54/55kg) but now I’m like 56/57. I’m just concerned because even when I look in the mirror first thing in the morning, you can’t see my flat stomach. I just feel insecure. I know its only one or two kg but it affects me to the point i compare what to eat with other girls in my year. I cry at night and stress over it so much. I do overthink everything so I left it thinking it was a phase but I’ve been like this for almost a month or so. Whats wrong with me! I’m not pregnant and I haven’t changed or eaten more in my diet?I drink a lot more water now surely that should help! I just can’t sh*t as often and it’s getting me paranoid. Ive tried eating foods/nuts/berries etc to make me go to the toilet but no! nothing is changing !!! Someone please help and be nice! xx Thank you

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6 Answers

Zaku's avatar

Are you constipated ?


Some causes of constipation include:

* Changes to what you eat or your activities
* Not enough water or fiber in your diet
* Eating a lot of dairy products
* Not being active
* Resisting the urge to poop
* Stress
* Overuse of laxatives
* Some medications (especially strong pain drugs such as narcotics, antidepressants, and iron pills)
* Antacid medicines that have calcium or aluminum
* Eating disorders
* Irritable bowel syndrome
* Pregnancy
* Problems with the nerves and muscles in your digestive system
* Colon cancer
* Neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis
* Underactive thyroid (called hypothyroidism)

My guess is that you may be stressing yourself into being constipated, and then stressing out about all of it may be creating a vicious circle.

Adding more physical activity stimulates your digestive system and can get your intestines and bowels moving, even if it’s just going walking.

I would like to kindly suggest that you (like so many young people, especially girls) have an extreme amount of concern and stress around body image and weight and that this is causing you a lot of stress and suffering that is both not necessary and is causing problems which will only get worse unless and until you let go of them. I hope there are people you can go to for help about that so you can relax and enjoy your life more.

janbb's avatar

This sounds like something worth seeing your doctor about.

seawulf575's avatar

I would talk to a doctor. Before I did, I would keep a quick diary of what I eat and when, or see if there is something that is happening in my life that might correlate to the attacks of gas and bloat. Might be something as simple as a lactose intolerance that you are just starting to have or notice, but it also might be something much more. The more information you can give the doctor, the easier it will be for him/her to help you.

AshlynM's avatar

Only way to know for certain is to see a doctor. Could be many reasons.

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