General Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Why was my neck twitching?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (24552points) April 30th, 2018

Dr. Office is closed. Nurse is unavailable. It gets worse when I lay down. I took a shower and it didn’t help. I’m not going to emergency department. edit it seems to be gone. What the was that? It has happened before.

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3 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

Some thoughts:

Are you hydrated?

Did you have too much salt today?

How about caffeine?

Feeling stressed or anxious?

It is bothersome, but it is almost always benign.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Yes. I had some bacon. Lots of pop. Am worried about my apartment monthy inspection. I’m feeling better. It some times sick after I take my pill at 6:20 for 2 hours.

Zaku's avatar

Have you been spending a lot of time sitting staring at screens (computer, TV, devices)? My first thought would be a neck muscle is tired of you holding your head in habitual positions for too long.

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