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tan253's avatar

How to stay eating healthy for IBS?

Asked by tan253 (2958points) May 7th, 2018

Hi All, I’ve had the worst flare, it’s lasted months and I can’t seem to fix it.
I struggle with foods, I don’t know what I“m allergic too and it’s my understanding there is no true allergy test you can do. The Dr has told me the skin prick test isn’t a true allergy test and doesn’t necessarily mean you’re allergic to it if you’re sensitive to it on your skin. My issue is is that I am terrible with food. I eat healthy but then I get super bored and want to try new things but what I’ve found is that the only things I can eat without upsetting my stomach are fish and sweet potato and I can’t live on that. Salad is fine sometimes, but I also want to put on weight and maintain it as I lose weight super fast, I’m 5’6 and weigh 53kg which is 116pounds, I’d like to just be a bit heavier but if I eat heavier foods, boom – I’m in agony for a month. I can eat bread but not pasta, I can’t follow the food map as it’s not right for me and I’m really lost! To top it all off my daughter has a terrible gut as well and she’s only 6 so I’m struggling for the both of us – any advice out there from someone whose been here with foods? What do I do? I’ve seen a nutristionalist and to be honest the 3 I’ve seen I learnt nothing from and they didn’t seem that knowledgeable especially with IBS… so going to the public, the flutherists… any thoughts, I’ve given up coffee, garlic, onion, most gluten, tea (boo) cheese, I“m pretty much on a miserable diet of smoothies, soups ( though they give me a sore tummy) and paleo food but I“m bored out of my wits and I still have a bad tummy. Getting a gastroscopy on the 28th May, I literally had to sleep sitting up last night as my stomach was so bad after I ate a healthy meal of beef scooped into lettuce with carrots and cabbage and some lemon juice! agh!

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12 Answers

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Have you addressed your gut bug situation to see if that is in balance?

MrGrimm888's avatar

Well. The cabbage would make me have bubble gut too.

As mentioned above, you could look into seeing if you might do better with added probiotcs. I usually eat a 4 pack of Activia yogurt, over a few days every now and then, and that seems to get me back to normal. Give it a try…

tan253's avatar

How do you check gut/bug balance? I seem to handle cabbage, I can’t handle fat, cooked oils – red meat fat etc – Dr suggested I go vegan, but I can’t handle nuts either.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Well. I would ask my physician about probiotcs, and see if that works. I don’t measure my levels, I just have stomach issues for a few days, and go by the yogurt. After a couple days, my stomach seems to return to normal…

tan253's avatar

Yep I have been avoiding diary so that’s yoghurt, I will add it back and I’ve bought IBS probiotic today. I’m so over this. I really want to get my gut right, it’s been odd for 30 years! I’m 40!

MrGrimm888's avatar

Good luck.

JLeslie's avatar

Has the change in diet helped at all? If not, why bother? At least be able to enjoy some food.

Does it act up within about 20 minutes after eating? Or, does it seem totally random?

Have you tried keeping a food diary?

I think IBS is a diagnosis that means, “we can’t figure out what’s wrong so you must have IBS.”

I was really thinking it might dairy bringing on your symptoms,, but from what you wrote I guess it probably isn’t.

tan253's avatar

It seems random to me – I might adtually be the quantity of food I eat, as I crave carbs when I’m trying to be healthy and then I’ll gorge on burgers and fries and then the next day bam! It’s always the next day for me – I wake up with cramping and pain, I had a colongraphy but it found nothing – so ibs. I think nuts might be a trigger too. I really just want a nice healthy gut. I need a reset but don’t know how to do it!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Sounds like fatty burger and fries, maybe a gall bladder issue; you have difficulty digesting fats.

Just a guess, I’m not a doctor nor work in the medical field

MrGrimm888's avatar

Fatty foods, can affect the pancreas, and liver, and kidneys, and honestly everything.

It’s doctor time. Be honest about your diet, and heed his/her’s advice.

JLeslie's avatar

Cramping down in your lower abdomen on the sides? Or, up high behind your breast, or just below your breast?

LadyMarissa's avatar

I’ve been blessed to never having to deal with IBS. I did work for a guy who suffered greatly. He couldn’t determine what his triggers were; so, I gave him a journal & he started by dating the top of the page & then he wrote down everything that he ate all day long. He also tracked when he had a flare up. It took a while; but, he finally discovered that it wasn’t just one food triggering his problem but a certain combination of foods. I noticed with him that he’d do good sll week but he’d blow it every weekend & was sick every Monday.

Although it might be a little inconvenient, try the journal & see if yours doesn’t point to a specific pattern.

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