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tan253's avatar

What is the safest way to remove Tonsil Stones?

Asked by tan253 (2958points) May 29th, 2018

Hi Flutherist!
I have tonsil stones, they are annoying, I’ve had them forever.
When I get a cold and I have post nasal drip (sorry) it seems my tonsils just turn into a breeding ground.
I have lumpy, not swollen tonsils filled with them at the moment, I tried to get them out the other day and stabbed my tonsil so hard that it bleed and I caused bruising, the Dr told me to leave them alone and they will go away, but they don’t! I want them out.
For those that have them, what do you do?
My tonsils are crypts, lots of small little crypts and I seem to find new crypts all the time, I asked the Dr about getting my tonsils out but at 42 she said don’t do it and she knows of someone that died getting them out for tonsil stones, so it’s safe to say I’ll never get them taken out after that comment. Can they cause sepsis?
Surely having rotting bacteria in your mouth cant’ be a good thing.
How do you get out those ones that are UNDER the skin?
I’ve tried cotton buds etc, I’m wondering if I should go and ask for antibiotics to at least get rid of the bacteria from the stones, knowing it won’t actually remove the stone itself. CAn you tell I’m desperate and needing help… HELP!

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14 Answers

tan253's avatar

Just found the answer to sepsis question: Tonsil stones don’t cause infection.
That was on a medical site.. that makes me feel better, now how do I get rid of them. My breath smells.. I“m single… I need to smell nice inside my mouth.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I had them when I was a child & my dentist had me gargle with warm salt water. They came & went for years then finally never came back. I think I was 21 before they disappeared. You can read more about it on WebMD

tan253's avatar

Thanks! I’ve had them forever, they keep coming back though!

LadyMarissa's avatar

i guess that I’ll never know if it was the warm salt water that cured them or if I did just finally out grow them. I just remember that they were miserable!!! And yes, they will cause an earache.

awaisali's avatar

Basic Normal Solutions for Tonsil Stones. Bodily fluid, germs, and minerals can hold up and solidify in your tonsils, framing tonsil stones. You can hack up the stones, attempt a salt water rinse, or utilize a water flosses to release them. They can likewise be selected with a dental pick or evacuated with a cotton swab.

snowberry's avatar

“Water floss” is a water pick. Set it set at the lowest pressure.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Have you considered getting a second, and possibly third, opinion about the surgery? It sounds as if you have recurring and chronic tonsillitis with complications, the very reason why tonsillectomies are performed.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I dunno, there are commercial products Don’t know if that big kit works but I infrequently get them and just use one of these

I feel like allergies exacerbate the problem. Dealing with that seems to help too.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Was shopping for something on Amazon & ran into this & it’s not that expensive…
Tonsil Stone Remover

tan253's avatar

I wont get my tonsils taken out for tonsil stones, even my ENT said he wouldn’t do it in an adult, so I need to find something that works, but yes I am getting recurrent tonsil stones, to be honest I don’t think they ever actually go away!

LadyMarissa's avatar

@tan253 Mine went away 48 years ago for no apparent reason. They were there one day & gone the next & still haven’t returned.

tan253's avatar

Oh I will hold onto this message @LadyMarissa…this will be my guiding light! Right now I’m just getting over a cold and i can see the tonsil stones layered all over my tonsils like a piece of mosaic art. I can pop some out but after bruising my tonsils I’ve stopped, but my neck hurts and it hurts when I swallow… so I’m pretty over them!

tan253's avatar

I also just bought that kit on amazon too!

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