General Question

simone54's avatar

What is a frizzer?

Asked by simone54 (7642points) August 17th, 2008

I don’t know where I heard it but I can’t stop thinking about it…

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27 Answers

eambos's avatar

You heard it on an earlier question today. Some idiot couldn’t spell for their life.

El_Cadejo's avatar

“One who makes unreciprocated affectionate advances on another while coming off rather creepy in the process. ”

eambos's avatar

@Marina WTF?

El_Cadejo's avatar

WTF is right…... but oddly enough… its kinda catchy

marinelife's avatar

@Eambos and uberbatman I know. I found it odd, but catchy. It sort of fit the word.

Indy318's avatar

For real though, what was he/she talking about? Somehow I felt like the stupid one when trying to read that question. I can’t seem to decipher that person’s code talk even after reading it a dozen times.

augustlan's avatar

Here it is…I can’t believe I missed out on the fun!

cak's avatar

@Indy – I’m guessing freezer. She seemed to be referencing the little girl in Central Florida that is missing, her name is Kaylee (I think that’s how it’s spelled. It’s a weird story and the mother is being released from jail.

However, Frizzer…what a word! It reminds me of those awful hair crimpers from the 80’s! They left your hair frizzy! I think we should really adopt this word! ;)

augustlan's avatar

I’m all for it!

marinelife's avatar

@Indy318 I wondered if she was talking about the case in Florida of the missing child Caylee Anthony. My clues: jail she’ll run.

augustlan's avatar

Missing boy around her area was found in a freezer, under a pool, after 3 years?

marinelife's avatar

Ooops, did not see cak’s answer. How about a frizzer on Fluther being an impenetrable question like this one? Apt, don’t you think?

augustlan's avatar

I like Marina’s definition.

cyndyh's avatar

Yes, I like that idea, too. But I think we can distinguish between formal frizzers (having to do with hair and chaos) and Fluther frizzers (the kind of question one can only truly ask when completely incapable of pronouncing the phrase).

SuperMouse's avatar

I love Marina’s idea! What about having the impenetrable question being called a “firzz” and the asker being called the “frizzer.” Example: That question about searching for the bicycle lock on the the pool was quite a frizz! I hope that frizzer posts another one of those soon!”

Darwin's avatar

I’m beginning to wonder if the Cake in the Frizzer award isn’t just another Frizzer itself.

Cartman's avatar

Frizzel the menizzel…

cyndyh's avatar

I’m waiting for @Cartman to work cake or pancakes into the frizzel menizzel shizzle.

bagelface's avatar

am want cake in frizzer

cyndyh's avatar

@Cartman: I see you there doing it. :^>

Cartman's avatar

@cyndyh nedd ta taw the batter to cake in my frizzzer. Pancakz are wazzitzallabout! Whoa!

Good enough?

cyndyh's avatar

Works for me.

SuperMouse's avatar

Shall we submit Frizzer for the next publication of Webster’s?

Judi's avatar

OK, I’m getting lured into the treasure hunt. This is one question that has Cak, (less the “E”) and frizzer, all in the same thread. Probably a long shot, but I’ll try. There’s not that many of you here. :-)

cyndyh's avatar

@Judi: You can do it, keep looking. :^>

Bill_Lumbergh's avatar

Will this get me a “Cake in the Fizzer” award? Let’s cross my fingers!

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