General Question

andrew's avatar

Why do divers hop right into the shower immediately after they dive (this question is a duplicate)?

Asked by andrew (16553points) August 21st, 2008

Do you finish your inverted two-and-a-half and say “icky icky chlorine skin ick ick ick!”? Does it have to do with keeping your muscles warm?

Edit: Feel free to ridicule the founder for not searching. Silly founder.

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34 Answers

andrew's avatar

Oh man. I should have searched first. Ug. I hate myself.

Harp's avatar

Go take a shower, it’ll wash that icky feeling off.

andrew's avatar

Well, it’s more about keeping my brain muscle warm, apparently.

shrubbery's avatar


jlm11f's avatar

tsk tsk tsk andrew. i am tempted to flag this Q as a duplicate :P haha j/k

Harp's avatar

—“Andrew found himself in an excruciating moral dilemma- with a few deft administrative keystrokes, the question could blink into oblivion. It was late at night; how many people could have seen? Harp, shrubbery and PnL could easily be silenced with massive bribes of lurve. Dark feelings welled up in him that he had never known before…”

Harp's avatar

—“He would have to act quickly- others were finding out…”

Harp's avatar

—“Andrew watched his monitor nervously. He could see via his moderator’s interface that Harp was preparing a PM to everyone in his fluther. ‘Is this the end of everything I’ve worked for?’, he groaned. An inner voice that sounded uncannily like the Emperor in Star Wars hissed ‘Do it Andrew, time is of the essence!’”

jlm11f's avatar

harp, what makes you think me and shrubbery will be so easily bribed with lurve? we have integrity! ha. i want to know which suck up GQ-ed this question.

sferik's avatar

@andrew, do you find it at all ironic that you were foiled by your own siblings?

Harp's avatar

—“Andrew had always suspected that sferik harbored deeper ambitions. He had always seemed content to remain in the background while Andrew and Ben took the acolades, but had he just been biding his time, waiting for a single moment of vulnerability? And PnL, with her transparent attempt to up the ante- Andrew began to feel alone, so very alone…”

jlm11f's avatar

though he doesn’t feel alone enough to be asleep…which is what he is…sleeping…while us insomniacs keep the thread going

Harp's avatar

But won’t it be a nice surprise when he wakes up?

jlm11f's avatar

hmmmm, true.

andrew's avatar

Sleep? Ha. Please.

jlm11f's avatar

oooh look at that. the question is back, so we can make fun of andrew a little more!

Harp's avatar

__”‘To sleep, perchance to dream. Aye, there’s the rub’. Sleep had always come so easily to Andrew, but that was before the Question….”

shrubbery's avatar

once again, sorry I can’t help it; hahahahahaha

Harp's avatar

—“Tic… toc…tic…toc…The sound of his dear grandmother’s old clock now sounded like a doomsday countdown. Soon Flutherers on the East coast would be logging in to check for new questions…”

jrpowell's avatar

But really, should this be considered a dupe? The original one was posted 6 days ago. And the Olympics are on right now and maybe the announcers have shed some light on the subject during that time. I’m not going to go back and answer a year old question because I learn new info about it. I am lazy and I doubt the person that asked it will even notice. That is what Wikipedia is for.

I don’t really care as long as the question isn’t still on the front page.

But this is funny.

Harp's avatar

—” As the sun crested the looming ridge above her hideaway in the Berkshires, Gail was nudged from her slumber by the maniacal barking of that mongrel from up the road. With a huff, she picked up Milo from the foot of the bed, opened the front door and lobbed him out into the yard. “Get him, boy”. That was all the encouragement Milo needed. As he loped off in the direction of the barking, Gail thought “Ah well, might as well check Fluther”...

shrubbery's avatar

jp is a suck up :P

breedmitch's avatar

(yawns) Good morning! Time to check Fluth… Hey! Wait, wasn’t this question asked like six days ago?

Harp's avatar

Now breed, be gentle- andrew’s had a rough night

jrpowell's avatar

Did you see what happened to his nipples? Yikes.

Skyrail's avatar

Haha. This is brilliant. Haha.

Oh gawsh JP. D:

I have no useful input. lol.

jlm11f's avatar

to answer the Q, this exact Q was asked 6 days ago here

wilhel1812's avatar

Why don’t you just remove your question?

marinelife's avatar

Andrew decides to show the members of the collective that even a founder can be human. This demonstration, he thinks, will cause Flutherers to have compassion for one another and not be harsh to newbies.

Using all of his considerable acting chops, he pretends to ask a duplicate question, and then modestly decries his own action.

Buoyed up with lurve and gentle teasing, he prepares to use this example to show to Flutherers in the future who do not have compassion for those who Fail to Search” the folly of their ways.

What a noble sacrifice!

shrubbery's avatar

Marina is a suck up too :P


wilhel1812's avatar

Lurve hunter!
JK lol

talljasperman's avatar

It is to wash the chlorine off.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well! HE didn’t get modded, did he!

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