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Dutchess_lll's avatar

Why do some people slurp and slop when they eat?

Asked by Dutchess_lll (8748points) December 13th, 2018

Does it enhance the flavor of the food they are eating?

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28 Answers

kritiper's avatar

Some people are uncouth barbarians. (I have a friend who eats with his mouth open when women are not around.) However, in some countries, it is customary to slurp your food, as when eating Japanese noodles/ramen.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Well, when you eat certian foods a certain way (sucking in ramen noodles or spaghetti noodles) you just can’t help it. But that doesn’t explain other times.

kritiper's avatar

It’s difficult to explain uncouth barbarians.

anniereborn's avatar

Ask those people who do the weird stuff with wine.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

What weird stuff with wine @anniereborn? The sniffling and stuff?

ucme's avatar

It’s called, being an american.

rojo's avatar

I blame their parents.

BackinBlack's avatar

Yes I also blame how the parents teach table manners!!

I know someone in the coffee industry and I went to a tasting once with him. Everyone sucked down their coffee and slapped their tongues around very loudly to the point it made me laugh out loud. They said it helps taste all the subtle flavors and notes in the coffees. However, when enjoying a cup outside a tasting they do not do that.

Demosthenes's avatar

Because they’re under the age of 5?

At least, I hope they are…

Dutchess_III's avatar

I know of two people who do this. They chew with their mouth open and slurp. They’re adults. One of them has kids. She always tells them, with her mouth full, to not talk with food in their mouths and to chew with their mouths closed, but she doesn’t.

canidmajor's avatar

Well, obviously they should all be flogged.

cookieman's avatar

Floppy lips?

dabbler's avatar


Unofficial_Member's avatar

Wow. A lot of rude comments here. Just so you know, people. In some Asian culture like Japanese and Korean, Slurping is actually appreciated since it shows the cooks that you like their food so much.

Dutchess_III's avatar

This is here in America, where it’s considered disgusting manners. I guess they just don’t realize that they’re doing it.

notnotnotnot's avatar

^ “America”

You misspelled “manners-obsessed white midwest America”.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Nothing wrong with being polite.

notnotnotnot's avatar

^ Except when “being polite” is culturally-narrow in a culturally-diverse country and world.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I am referring to Americans, not people visiting America from another culture. That is a completely different subject.

canidmajor's avatar

@Dutchess_III, America _is a “culturally diverse country”.

People do this. Maybe they are not aware that they do this, or maybe they do this because they grew up in a household where people did this, or maybe they have breathing issues, or maybe or maybe or maybe. Too many reasons to enumerate. It is not necessarily impolite, it just is.

notnotnotnot's avatar

@Dutchess_III: “I am referring to Americans, not people visiting America from another culture. That is a completely different subject.”

Are Japanese-Americans not Americans?

And what is it about your fixed notion of manners that seems to override everyone’s enjoyment of food and own cultural traditions? And what about the fact that slurping food/beverages can enhance the flavor?

What if someone walked into a convenience store in their pajamas and slippers to buy candy and soda with food stamps, and started slurping food?

Dutchess_III's avatar

My goodness, the contortions some of you go through to turn a question into something it isn’t just so you can have something to bitch about.

Ok, In a culture, where it is considered really gross and bad manners to make a lot of noise when you’re eating, and to chew with your mouth open, and to talk with food in your mouth, and if a person is raised in this culture, why do some people they do it anyway? Do they not realize they’re doing it?
I was eating lunch in a break room at a school a few years back. One of the teachers, a guy, was eating that way. Man, he just sucked and slurped and it was gross! He didn’t catch the glances of disgust he was being given by the other teachers. Literally everyone left the table and went somewhere else because it was THAT gross.

canidmajor's avatar

Well, lots of people believe that breast feeding in public is gross, too.
And that people who are not “conventially attractive” shouldn’t wear the same clothes that others do.
And that people should not wear their shoes indoors.

Amazing how all these things don’t harm anyone.

notnotnotnot's avatar

@Dutchess_III: “I was eating lunch in a break room at a school a few years back. One of the teachers, a guy, was eating that way. Man, he just sucked and slurped and it was gross! He didn’t catch the glances of disgust he was being given by the other teachers. Literally everyone left the table and went somewhere else because it was THAT gross.”

I glad you survived, and hope you’re ok.

answerbag's avatar

“Their tongue” is thin.
“Their teeth”... Are something
“Their lips” are small.
And… The motor skills…
Yep. We caught the culprits!
These criminals!

Dutchess_III's avatar

It was good for my diet any way @notnotnotnot, because I completely lost my appetite, along with everyone else. We all skipped lunch and left.

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