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Dutchess_lll's avatar

Why is it that the loudest people have the filthiest mouths?

Asked by Dutchess_lll (8748points) July 3rd, 2019

I’m stuck at a campsite alone. We set up last Thursday (today is the following Wednesday) and it’s July 3rd.
I’m alone because Rick got called away yesterday on a family emergency.
This has really been an awesome spot until tonight. The partiers have moved in and that’s not surprising but ... why is it the loudest, the screamers also have the filthiest mouths? And they always leave the most trashed camp sites? What is the connection?

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21 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Alcohol induced stupidity? Or they are extroverted.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

I can get drunk without screaming profanities.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Dutchess_lll Drunk men in a group then. Trying to impress the lady’s

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Oh. Well. Total turn off for me.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Dutchess_lll Some damaged chicks with daddy issues find that a bad boy is attractive.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Oh. Well. Ew.

kritiper's avatar

You’ll have to talk much louder! I can’t hear you over this screaming (expletives deleted) engine!

Yellowdog's avatar

egad. Keep yourself safe, @Dutchess_lll Loud, filthy mouthed idiots in a camping area and you there (anyone by themselves)— you really WOULD be safer with them bears we were discussing a week ago.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

God. Was I that ignorant in my party days?

Dutchess_lll's avatar

No it’s cool guys. Thank you for your concern but this campsite is more like an apartment complex. Plus they don’t know Rick is gone. Plus I haven’t drawn insane amounts of attention like I did when I looked like Farrah Fawcett. I sense I’m safe now.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Back off the sauce and gather your wits. Do you have a plan for tomorrow? How far away are the grandkids? Can you horn in on the kids? Make em cook for you?

Dutchess_lll's avatar

No. As far as I know I get to sit here, by myself, and listen to drunk people scream.

I just wondered why profanity and screaming seem to go hand in hand.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Aren’t you within striking distance of one of your kids before the cooking starts tomorrow? You need to let the youngsters spoil you til time to watch the fireworks with the grandkids!

ragingloli's avatar

I am not loud at all.

seawulf575's avatar

Lack of proper education in etiquette? Lack of humility? Lack of common courtesy? Basically…lack of.

JLeslie's avatar

The same reason gamblers are more likely to be smokers, and it is difficult to find a smoke free casino. It just goes together for a lot of people.

Someone who uses a lot of profanity, and who is overly loud in a public setting, doesn’t care who is around, doesn’t care who they bother, and doesn’t care if they come across as rude or crass. Or, they like to be the center of attention, and use their voice and what they say to get attention. In some families, and among some friends, it becomes almost competitive to get attention when everyone is together.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Because screaming “consarn it!” just doesn’t have the same impact as “goddamnit!”.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

The cussing is just a part of their sentence construction.
“Did yo see that fuckin dog jump in the fuckin water???? It was fuckin AWESOME!!”

kritiper's avatar

No amount of exclamation points can emphasize implied meaning more than extremely explicit and numerous expletives.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

I don’t think those people even know they’re using the words.

Kropotkin's avatar

You don’t have a statistically significant sample size to make a valid inference in this case.

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