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mazingerz88's avatar

What are your favorite songs from a particular decade?

Asked by mazingerz88 (28951points) August 11th, 2019 from iPhone

Please name at least one song or instrumental piece from each decade or more if you have them. I have songs I like from the 60s, 70s, 90s and most are from the 80s. Can’t think of any song from 2000–2019 that I like.

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16 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

I am not in the habit of cataloguing the music I listen to by decade.
Anyway, here is one from the 80s

Patty_Melt's avatar

The fifties had lots of those silly songs K Tel kept putting together on albums.
I liked Does Your Chewing Gum Lose Its Flavor, How To Catch An African Skeeter Alive, and Do Wacka Do.
Chantilly Lace was whimsical, but not silly. I like that one too.

Sixties. My gosh, I was experiencing love of all sorts of songs. I listened to a lot of jazz when I was pretty young. I loved Louis Armstrong.
A lot of artists went through changes during the sixties. I liked a little bit of most everything, but so many lost me after they’d get stained.
I didn’t go with the crowd on the Beatles. I didn’t appreciate their music until the eighties.
Santana I loved from day one, and still do. He’s like hot, sweaty sex without the wet spot after.
Others I stayed with are CCR, Aerosmith, Molly Hatchet, Def Leopard, Heart, Queen, John Denver.
Some artists I have been on again off again about include the Stones, ZZTop, Eagles, AC/DC, Weird Al Yankovic, Pat Benatar, Elton John.
Since I have a teen daughter, I have heard probably everything One Direction did. I like a few of their songs. I also like Cher Lloyd. I would say that is the extent of what I can tolerate fro the twenty first century. I never got into the Jonas brothers.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I was born in 73, so I grew up on John Prine, Cher, etc.. really loved Donnie and Marie, Simon and Garfunkel. Scarborough Fair.

80’s Probably Michael Jacksons Thriller or Beat it.

90’s Nirvana, Extreme, Metallica, Prince. Lets go with Pirple Rain.

2000 Janes Addiction, Lenny Kravitz. Gets a little fuzzy due to alcohol.

JLeslie's avatar

I hope I have the eras right. There are so many more songs than this.

California Dreaming
Bus Stop
Sounds of Silence
Scarborough Fair

ABBA – Voulez Vous
ABBA – Chiquitita
Hotel California
A ton of Barbra Streisand, Bee Gees, and Donna Summer.
You Make Me Feel Mighty Real by Sylvester, but also the remake by the Communards.
Cher – Gypsies, Tramps, and Theives
Turn the Beat Around

Communards – Don’t Leave me this way.
Bronski Beat – Small Town Boy
Pet Sop Boys – It’s a Sin and many others.
I liked a lot of Depeche Mode too, can’t remember the song names.
Bad Company and some Zeppelin.
Loved a lot of Prince too.

Sash – Encore une Fois (one of my favorite club songs)
Snap – Rhythm is a Dancer
AB Logic –
Basically a ton of club music.
Ricky Martin – Maria (fast version)
Shakira – Ojos Así

JLo – On The Floor
Link in Park – Numb
3 Doors Down – Kriptonite

Marc Anthony – Vivir Mi Vida
Avicii – Hey Brother
Santana – Into The Night
I also like a lot of the dance stuff like Lady Gaga, I always like club/runway music.

mazingerz88's avatar

Thanks jellies! And links too, NICE!

Lately, I find myself spending a lot of time listening and/or watching music on YouTube. True enough, an article came up this past week that YouTube is the number one go to spot these days for music listeners. I’m making more albums there now. So thanks again for the posts. I enjoy discovering new songs all the time and more excitingly so———-seeing that you posted the same songs I like!

@anniereborn I’m checking out those songs today 1910–150s. But In My Life, Dancing Queen, Wild World and Summer Breeze———-we can I’m sure karaoke the hell out of those songs without the need for looking at lyrics.

@ragingloli Shocked. Delightfully. Rare that I crossed paths with an Astley admirer. Love five of his songs (the obvious pop favorites) plus his rendition of When I Fall in Love. Still makes me sad I can’t do those simple dance steps. :(

@Patty_Melt Will look for those 50s songs on YouTube thanks! Agree with your description of Santana!

@KNOWITALL Didn’t pay attention to Nirvana songs until several years ago and they were great! For some reason my favorite Prince songs are Delirious and Scandalous (from Batman) :)

@JLeslie Bus Stop! Wet day she’s there I say please share my umbrella (ain’t that song terrific?) And what the heck, Communards! One of the reasons why a gay fellow student from college became one of my closest friends for life was because I enjoyed listening to Never Can Say Goodbye and could sing along with a decent enough falsetto voice way back then———-yet I was hetero so I have to say “girl” instead of “boy.” Lol

People Are People, Everything Counts by Depeche, yes? Will definitely check out your other ones form the 2000s and 2010s, thanks!

mazingerz88's avatar

Bryan Ferry anyone? link

JLeslie's avatar

Definitely gay night club music—my favorite for dancing. Some big cities you can get it in straight clubs.

Some links I should have provided above, I added some additional ones. Enjoy.


Small Town Boy

Don’t Leave Me This Way

You Make Me Feel Might Real

Hey Brother

RuPaul Party Train

Vivir La Vida

Santana Into The Night


jca2's avatar

@JLeslie: Depeche Mode -“New Dress” “Flies on the Windscreen,” “Master and Servant” to name a few.

JLeslie's avatar

@jca2 Great list.

anniereborn's avatar

@mazingerz88 Those aren’t videos with lyrics. You have confused me.
Also….how did I forget Simon and Garfunkel!!!

anniereborn's avatar

@ragingloli DANGIT! Rickrolled!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I like one from the 80s. Symphony #41, the Jupiter Symphony, was a huge hit in 1788.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Bryan Ferry has a good sound, and back in the day too, but I had to laugh during your link. He looks like a high school teacher with a secret life singing.

I wrestled with my dumb spell check but it keeps changing my spelling of Def Leppard.
I typed it about fifty times. I think I finally got it convinced.

RabidWolf's avatar

From the ‘90s:
This one has a lot of meaning for me.

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